Animal Farm Essay Topics & Ideas
Use our essay topics suggestions to impress your reader!
British writer and publicist George Orwell is primarily famous for his anti-utopian novel 1984. But even before the creation of his magnum opus, he wrote an allegorical story-parable “Animal Farm”, which was first published on August 17, 1945. It was a reaction to the events that took place in the then Soviet Union, because the author was able to notice that the construction of socialism in it slipped into the abyss of brutal totalitarianism. This is what he sought to draw the attention of readers.
The events of the story take place on the farm “Manor Farm”. the animals rebelled against the owner of the farm, Mr. Jones, who brutally exploited them. After the victory, they formulated the principles of Animalism, which were reduced to a simple Seven Guidelines, with which all animals were acquainted. Over time, the Seven Instructions were reduced to one slogan: “Four legs – good, two legs – bad.” the owners of the neighboring farms were hostile to the events that took place in the “Manor Farm”, and from time to time tried to capture it and put the animals in place. However, they did not succeed. Animals who dreamed of freedom and equality, bravely defended the conquered farm.
How to Choose Essay Topic on Animal Farm?
The best way to choose an essay topic is by doing some research. Look at the chapter that you are reading in class and see if there is any part of it that interests you more than others. If so, think about why that part is interesting to you, and then try to come up with some ideas for a possible essay topic based on what you’ve learned from that section of the book.
If you don’t find anything particularly interesting in any of the chapters so far, then consider asking your teacher if there are any topics that they would like students to write about in their essays or presentations. If they give you a topic, then this will make it much easier for you to come up with ideas because they will already have given them some suggestions!
Another option is to look online for websites where people discuss Animal Farm or other novels by George Orwell (such as 1984). There are many forums dedicated specifically to discussing these books, which can give us lots of information about what other people think about certain characters or events within them.
Tips on How to Write Animal Farm Essay
If you’ve been assigned Animal Farm for homework, you can use these tips to write your essay about this great book:
- Read the book several times and underline important parts.
- Write down your notes in paragraph form.
- Make sure to include specific examples from the book to support your ideas and analysis of them; also make sure they are relevant!
- You must have an introduction and conclusion paragraph in addition to at least three body paragraphs (these can be broken up into smaller paragraphs if necessary). Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence and supporting evidence/analysis (you’ll want at least 4-5 sentences per body paragraph).
- Proofread carefully before turning in your essay so you don’t miss anything!
✒️ Argumentative Animal Farm Essay Topics

The CIA used Animal Farm as a propaganda tool.
- Democracy in George Orwell’s Animal Farm
- Political Ideas Toward from Novel of George Orwell in Animal Farm and Anti-Utopian
- How does Animal Farm symbolize human civilization in general?
- How does power corrupt the pigs?
- Animal Farm: Themes, Symbols, Allegory
- Mr. Frederick in Animal Farm
- Who does Pilkington represent in Animal Farm?
- Power and control in Animal Farm
- Animal Farm – Knowledge Is Power
- What are the Main Points of Disagreement In Animal Farm
- Napoleon’s Rise In Animal Farm
- Power and Manipulation In Animal Farm by George Orwell
- Propaganda for Animal Farm and Russian Revolution
- Propaganda Used In Animal Farm
- Animal Farm Alternative Ending
- The Most Important Moral of “Animal Farm”
- An Observation on Animal Farm
- Animal Farm – Propaganda
- Freedom In Animal Farm
- The Seven Commandments In Animal Farm
- Timeline of Events Showing Napoleon’s Rise to Power In George Orwell’s Animal Farm
- Animal Farm Character Analysis: Boxer the Horse
- Key Incidents In Animal Farm
- Mollie In George Orwell’s Animal Farm
- Animal Farm: How Power Can Corrupt
- Animal Farm: Power, Deception, And Equality
- Animal Farm: Power Corrupts
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- Equality and inequality in Animal Farm
- Compare And Contrast Old Major And Napoleon In Animal Farm
- Animal Farm: Comparison to Communism
- The Innocence And Gullibility of the Animals In Animal Farm
- To Kill A Mockingbird And Animal Farm
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