Pachysandra Group: A Creative and Visionary Business

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He is an optimistic and visionary businessman, and he is the founder of Pachysandra Group, which is operating in various lines of activities including real estate, cement manufacturing, paper ND allied products, steel products, LAP Gas, Shopping Complex, local and international trading. Pachysandra Group is a famous name in Bangladesh. According to the present Bangladesh trading situation, it is the second-largest Bangladesh company by turnover. Aimed Kafka Osborn was born in Salami’s of old Dacha City area.

He has completed his graduation from the University of Dacha. His sector of study was Business Studies. His student life was great and he was really a great student in his faculty. Mr.. Osborn is very successful in his business career. In the year of 1978, Mr.. Osborn first started business enterprise by the field of service sector along with his commercial trading in the domestic front. In his first business he was great and this was the starting of his successful business life.

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The journey of the Group was started with the establishment of its mother company in the fashion of East West Property Development (Pet) Ltd. After a few days the group gets popular and then it known as “Pachysandra Housing’. Since its inception and until now, it is maintaining the quality of its service as well as the trust of its target group. Aim shows the destination to a person and for Mr.. Osborn it is also true. His aim and his dream made him a successful person in his business life.

Undistorted aim, absolute integrity, patience and untiring efforts are the secrets of Mr.. Soybean’s unobstructed success. Despite many adversities and ups and downs, he has become the father of a giant in group of enterprises comprised of nearly 3 dozens of moderate to heavy ventures steel & engineering, paper, tissue, cement, LAP Gas, sanitary napkin, multi-paper, dredging, shipping, food and beverage, gallivanted iron pipe, etc. He never gets tensed about any ups and downs and he always believes that there is a sun behind every night.

IT mainly helps him to build his group and also to take it in this place. Under his able leadership over the years, Pachysandra Group has successfully implemented a well-designed corporate management structure with clearly defined responsibilities and delegation of authority. Now by his effort the group has come to this place as the biggest business group in a country like Bangladesh. Why Mr.. Osborn inspires me: Everyone inspires to see a successful businessman . Also inspires to see Aimed Kafka Soybean .

He is a man who reaches in the top position in such a critical situation in Bangladesh -He has the criteria which inspires someone who wants to be a businessman The businessman should posse’s qualities like will power and determination to succeed. He should take advice from everybody but act according to his own decision . Mr.. Osborn is such type of person . 1 really like him because he takes advice but maintain him own advice. A business person should aware of the changes taking place in the conditions of business of business . Mr.. Osborn is always aware of this .

That’s why he is become such a great businessman. A businessman should posses the quality of leadership . The success of business depends upon loyalty and cooperation of employees. The cooperation of employees depends on enthusiasm and interest about the work they are doing.. Mr.. Osborn is a great leader . He leads a very big company named Absurdness Group . Absurdness Group is a successful corporation in Bangladesh because Mr.. Osborn leads this group. Another notable quality of the businessman is business morality, which means honest dealings.

Honesty, straight forwardness fair dealings dependability and moral character are also important qualities for success in business . That’s why I like him. If anyone wants be a successful businessman like Mr.. Osborn, he needs to posses some good qualities like leadership . Prediction, creativity as well as flexibility. Diversity in business and entrepreneurship helped the Pachysandra Group to become the leader. The group now directly employing a workforce of more than fifty thousand and indirectly covered livelihood of more than half a million of people.

Each year, the group contributes a significant amount in the national exchequer through payment of vat, duties and other form of taxes. For many years, the country regarded this Group as one of the highest tax payers of it Social activities. Mr.. Osborn endorsed different development tasks for the group under the coverage of corporate social responsibility . His social responsibilities often transcend borders. He is also actively associated with various socio cultural and humanitarian activities for the development of the society as well as of the common people.

Pachysandra Group established two welfare foundations, which have been working tirelessly for the betterment of the poor and underprivileged folks of this country. These two foundations have been living up to Pachysandra’s promise of “For the people, for the country’ Today business has become so complex and competitive that it is full of danger to start a business without knowing its problems . But Mr.. Osborn did not care this . He starts his corporation like Absurdness. Education is not needed to start a business . T is through training and education that the businessman can properly understand the problems of his business and find solutions for them. Modern business is subject to fast changes. It requires a businessman to appreciate time. He must always think in terms of time. Businessman must have consistent mind so as to be able to exercise firmness in his dealing with others. A businessman has to deal with many persons everyday and to take important decisions. It is necessary that the businessman must use proper skill and tact to make best use of the business opportunities. Mr.. Osborn has the innovation power to create such types of business .

He is the founder of Absurdness Group Such types of business innovation power is needed to b a successful businessman. A businessman should be a cheerful. Good health of the businessman creates good impression about him. Creativity is needed for a businessman . He creates Absurdness Group and shows his capability. Prediction is needed for a businessman . He predicts his idea and maintain Absurdness group. I like Mr.. Osborn for his Innovation power, creativity, flexibility and honesty . He inspires me all the time to be a businessman . For this reason,l want to be a good businessman.

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Pachysandra Group: A Creative and Visionary Business. (2018, May 13). Retrieved from

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