Imagine someone physically abusing your pet. What would you do? Who could do such a cruel act and what are their motives? Imagine if you were the animal suffering and living in tight cages and being brutally pushed around and not being able to walk. Animals are abused and neglected daily and it’s common in both urban and rural areas. The difference in violent crimes against humans and those of animals, are they are not reported. The most common reported animal abuse are dogs, cats, and horses. According to the Humane Society of the United States, approximately 70 million pet dogs and 74.1 million pet cats in the U.S. where 20 men and women are assaulted per minute. Animals are targeted by those who abuse their children or spouse or who have been abused themselves. These animals are sadly abused daily and suffer more and more every day.
The most common dog abuse today is “dogfighting.” It is one of the most horrendous forms of animal abuse. These dogs spend most of their lives in isolation secluded from the world and away from the public’s eye. They are also heavily chained. They are encouraged to be aggressive and given drugs and steroids to increase their muscle mass. According to the ASPCA,dogs who are used in these fights usually suffer from injuries such as lacerations to punctured wounds, broken bones and blood loss. Despite the fact dog fighting is a felony in all 50 States, it continues to occur in every part of the United States. A few signs to look out for are multiple scars, their lips and ears are at times ripped off.
Another form of animal cruelty is “animal hoarding”. Cats fall into this category of abuse. Some people have cats to help keep rodents away and they are great companions. Not everyone treats their cats in a loving way. According to the International Cat Care these cats are living in homes with more than one animal species living in it. These owners fail to take care and provide enough water food or veterinary care. These cats live in hot, clustered unhygienic homes and may cause these cats to get dental disease, fleas ringworms, and even cat flu.
Horse abuse is also another big issue today. Also known as “horse slaughter.” According to the Humane Society of the United States, these horses are shipped to Canada and Mexico to faculties or slaughter houses in overcrowded trucks for long periods of time. They often travel without food, water, rest, and some are severely injured during transport. It is another terrifying experience that these animals go through such pain every day. They have their heads pounded with crowbars to being stabbed numerous times in the head. In the United States horses are raised to be treated and respected as a companion animal. Sadly, some of these horses suffer every day and are forcefully injected with drugs to enhance their meat products.
Animal abuse is a devastating topic. If you see any signs of an animal being abused,please report it immediately to a law enforcement or an organization. These innocent animals have no voice. They cannot call authority that is why we are their voices, we are their protectors. They were not created to suffer in the hands of horrible people but to bring love in our homes. There is a saying “see something, say something.” We can all help these animals from being abused. Just imagine if it was your pet in that situation, wouldn’t you help?