Candelaria Nature Preserve

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Araw Ng Candelaria 2008 admin November 15, 2011 Maliwanag administration kicked off the 5-day celebration of Araw Ng Candelaria 2008 with this year’s theme HALINA SA CANDELARIA, BAYANG MASAYA. A Thanksgiving Mass was held to bless the affair ensued with the Opening Parade with all sectors of society in their Filipiniana outfit, truly the people of Candelaria evoked the Filipino culture at its finest. The Agri-Trade Fair soon followed right next to the parade then the launching of Gulayan at Niyogan tagged as “Sa tamang PROCESO, MALIWANAG ang asenso!

“, together with Talakayang Agrikultura – a program to encourage Candelariahins to wellness and healthy living simultaneously aired live broadcast over DZEC 1062. The first day was concluded with a night of music and dances dubbed as Gabi Ng Candelariahin. One of the highlights of the commemoration is the instigation of the so-called Candelaria Health and Education Foundation (CHEF), a non-government non-profit organization that will uphold the public education and better health services.

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The distinguished kababayans to lead this worthy cause are Dr. Renato M. Reyes, Mr. Sotero B. de Luna, Mr. Danilo Garcia, Mrs. Zenaida Reyroso, Mrs. Ma. Gracia Nadres-Licup, Senate Secretary Emma Lirio-Reyes and Atty. Renato de Luna together with the other Board of Trustees Mr. Daniel de Gala, Mr. Panfilo Castro, Jr. , Dr. Eric R. Punzalan, Dr. Ziegfredo A. Nacorda, Dr. Alfredo Cornejo and two(2) District Supervisors Thelma O. Magnayon & Noranda delos Santos .

Coconut Tree Planting was another program revived in testimony to the recognition accorded to Candelaria, Quezon as the Desiccated Coconut Capital of the World. A mascot to represent Candelaria and the coconut industry in general was likewise born and was named by the Coconut Millers Association thru a name-giving contest participated by the Candelariahins, a whopping P30,000 pot money for its name COCO MAGNIFICO. Another celebrated episode is the Ground-breaking Ceremony of the Candelaria By-pass Road Project by his ever dedicated Congressman of the 2nd District Proceso J.

Alcala and the Flower Offering at the actual site of the signing of the decree founding Candelaria as an independent pueblo from its matrix towns Sariaya and Tiaong. Other events feature the original culture and tradition of Candelaria namely Street Dancing & Dance Showdown, the Search for 2008 Mr. & Ms. Candelaria, the Choral Competition participated by different schools and the Gabi Ng Kulturang Pilipino. Not to mention the presentation of the Coconut Product Innovators/Processors Awards for Handicrafts & Novelties that is given to a kababayan Mr.

Benildo A. Belen of Brgy. Mayabobo. A successful Dental Mission and Teachers’ Symposium also contributed to this year’s affair. Two(2) noteworthy Seal of Excellence Awards and two(2) Certificates of Recognition, given by the Civil Service Commission have also been received by Engineering, Treasury and Local Civil Registry departments for rendering an exceptional service to the public via their PASADA (Public Service Delivery Audit) program. The Oath-taking Ceremony of the Federation of Parents-Teachers Community Association (FPTCA), the recognition of SPO4 Rafael A.

Aguilar as an Awardee of Tunay Na Lalaki ng Quezon 2008 and the Awarding Ceremony for Mga Natatanging Samahan at Institusyon sa Candelaria were among the main parts marked on 5 August 2008 before the Gabi ng Kulturang Pilipino. The tireless mayor Ferdinand ‘Bong’ R. Maliwanag though has unsurpassingly given his commitment to fully support his administration’s goal for the betterment of Candelaria and its people, undoubtedly and significantly SERBISYONG MALIWANAG 5. Mt. Banahaw Pilgrims believe that Jesus Christ once walked on this extinct volcano.

As such, it has become of the most famous destinations during Holy Week. The mountain is considered by many as a “Holy mountain” and is popular amongpilgrims along with mountain climbers. Banahaw is a national park and a protected area in the Philippines since 1941, and is now called Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal Protected Landscape covering 10,901 hectares (26,940 acres) of land. [5][6] Banahaw is a traditional pilgrimage site for locals, believed by many as a “Holy mountain”, a spiritually-charged location.

The mountain and its environs are considered sacred by local residents; the water from its sacred springs are deemed “holy water” for allegedly having beneficial qualities, issuing forth from locations called “puestos” or “holy sites”. These sites are unique natural features composed not only of springs, but also caves, streams and boulders; with names with biblical allusions, and shrines erected in, on or around them. These locations were allegedly revealed to a man named Agripino Lontoc by the “Santas Voces” or the “Holy Voices”, which also gave the names to these places way back during the Spanish Colonial Era.

Another one of this mountain is the adjacent Mount Banahaw de Lucban. [7] 6. Philippines’ Flores de Mayo and Sta Cruzan This is the event of the year where gorgeous ladies parade the street to showcase the beauty of a Filipina. It’s a month long festival that takes place in almost every part of the Philippines. Flores de Mayo and Sta Cruzan are often mistaken as the same – Actually, Flores de Mayo is the festival and Sta Cruzan is the main event. Sta Cruzan or Flores de Mayo which came from the Spanish term “Flores de Mayo” which means flowers of May.

Here’s the definition of terms to guide us: * Flores-de-Mayo – The Queen of Filipino Festivals a month-long festival in honor of the Virgin Mary. * Sta Cruzan – The parade on the last day of the festival in honor of Reyna Helena. * Sagala – people in the parade who represents a character. Brief history Constantine, the emperor of Rome some hundreds of years ago, had a dream in which he was asked to go to the battle field to fight in the name of the Holy Cross. He conquered his enemy and that victory led to his conversion into a Christian.

He became the first Christian emperor in history. His mother  Reyna Elena, was inspired by all these experiences and in the year 326 A. D. , she  went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to seek the Holy Cross,  the wooden cross on which Christ was supposed to have been nailed. She successfully found the Holy Cross, complete with its inscription `INRI` on its top. The religious procession is a re-enactment of the finding of the Holy Cross by Reyna Helena. Order of the procession The participants of this pageant would follow this typical arrangement: 1.

Matusalem (Methuselah)- bearded and bent with age, he is depicted as riding a cart and looking preoccupied with toasting some grains of sand in a pan over a fire. This is a reminder that everything in this world is passing and will end up like the dust which he is toasting. 2. Reyna Banderada (Queen with a banner)- a young lady dressed in a long red gown carrying a yellow triangular flag. She represents the arrival of Christianity. 3. Aetas – represents the animist Filipinos who have settled the islands prior to Christianization by the Spanish. 4.

Reyna Mora (Queen Moor) – represents the Filipinos who converted to Islam, which arrived in the Philippines two centuries before Christianity. 5. Reyna Fe (Queen Faith) – symbolises Faith, the first of the theological virtues. She carries a cross. 6. Reyna Esperanza (Queen Hope) – symbolises Hope, the second theological virtue. She carries an anchor. 7. Reyna Caridad (Queen Charity)- symbolises Charity, the third theological virtue. She carries a red-coloured heart. 8. Reyna Abogada (Queen Lawyer) – the defender of the poor and the oppressed, she wears a black graduation cap, gown (toga), and carries a large book.

She may also be a representation of Mary, Help (Advocate) of Christians. 9. Reyna Sentenciada (Queen Convicted) – has her hands bound by a rope, she stands for theEarly Christians, especially the virgins, who were martyred for the faith. She is accompanied by two Roman soldiers. 10. Reyna Justicia (Queen Justice) – a personification of Mary as the “Mirror of Justice”, one of her titles in the Litany of Loreto. Her attributes are a weighing scale and a sword. 11. Reyna Judith (Queen Judith) – represents the biblical widow Judith of Bethulia who saved her city from the Assyrians by slaying the cruel Holofernes.

She carries the head of her victim in one hand and a sword in the other. She is also known as Infanta Judith. 12. Reyna ng Saba (Queen of Sheba) – represents the Queen of Sheba, who visited King Solomon and was overwhelmed by his wisdom, power, and riches. She carries a jewelry box. 13. Reyna Ester – the Jewish queen of Persia who spared her people from death at the hands of Haman through her timely intervention with King Xerxes. She carries a scepter. 14. Cleopatra- the queen of Egypt. She is escorted by a man representing Mark Anthony. 15. Samaritana/ Sta. Photina (The Female Samaritan/ St.

Photina) – the woman with whom Christ spoke to at Jacob’s well. She carries a jug on her shoulder. 16. Santa Veronica – the woman who wiped the face of Jesus; bears a veil with three imprintsof the face of Jesus. 17. Tres Marias (The Three Marys)- each Mary holds an attribute associated with her: a. Santa Maria Magdalena (St. Mary Magdalene) – a bottle of perfume; b. The Virgin Mary – a handkerchief; c. Mary, the mother of James, wife of Cleophas- a bottle of oil. 18. Marian – each figure in this group alludes to a title of the Virgin Mary or to a figure associated with her. a.

“A-V-E–M-A-R-I-A” – eight “angels”: girls all wearing long white dresses and wings- each holding a letter from the word “AVE MARIA. ” b. Divina Pastora (Divine Shepherdess) – a shepherd’s staff. c. Reyna de los Angeles(Queen of Angels)- bouquet of white flowers, escorted by angels. d. Luklukan ng Karunungan (Seat of Wisdom)- a Bible. e. Susi ng Langit (Key of Heaven)- two keys, one gold and the other silver. f. Reyna de las Estrellas (Queen of the Stars) – a wand with a star. g. Rosa Mystica (Mystical Rose)- a bouquet of roses. h. Puso ni Maria/ Corazon de Maria (Heart of Mary)- a pink heart. i.

Santo Rosario (Holy Rosary)- she carries a big rosary. j. Reyna Luna (Queen of the Moon)- she represents the moon, as the throne of the Virgin Mary. k. Reyna Candelaria (Queen of Candles)- she carries a long lit candle. l. Reyna de la Paz (Queen of Peace) – a dove. m. Reyna de los Profetas (Queen of the Prophets)- an hourglass. n. Reyna del Cielo (Queen of Heaven)- a flower; accompanied by two little “angels”. o. Reyna de las Virgenes (Queen of the Virgins) – a rosary (or a lily); also escorted by two little “angels”. p. Reyna de las Flores (Queen of the Flowers) – The queen of Flores de Mayo.

She carries a bouquet of flowers. 18. Reyna Elena (Queen Helena) – the last member of the procession, she represents Helena of Constantinople who found the True Cross; this is alluded to by her attribute, a small cross or crucifix that she carries in her arms. This considerably prestigious role is usually awarded to the most beautiful girl participating in the pageant. In some communities, the identity of the woman who will portray the Reyna Elena is kept a secret until the day of the procession. In the Santacruzan, there are three Reyna Elenas. a.

Constantino – the escort of Reyna Elena III; traditionally a young boy representing theEmperor Constantine. 19. Reyna Emperatriz- (Queen Empress)- she is the mother of Reyna Elena. She wears a long red or white gown woth a cape and carries a scepter. The procession is accompanied by the steady beat of the rondalla, playing and singing theHail Mary (“Dios Te Salve”). The devotees walking with the procession hold lighted candles in their hands and sing the prayer as they go along. Reference courtesy of Wikipedia. com and Philippines. hvu. nl 7. Pancit Habhab – a popular stir fry noodles mixed with vegetables and meat .

It is placed in banana leaves and eaten without using a spoon or fork. ————————————————- *Candle Festival The town fiesta is celebrated on the 5th of February to honor the patron saint San Pedro Bautista. Since 2005, Monsignor Carlos (Charles) Pedro A. Herrera, the parish priest, started his devotion to Nuestra Senora de Candelaria and honored her with a Candle Festival every February 2. The celebration was concluded with a procession through the streets of the town featuring the street dancing by the youth of the community in honor of the Blessed Virgin.

A parade of floats representing each of the 25 barangays was, also, featured during the festivities. A project in honor of the Blessed Mother Mary that will renovate the patio of the San Pedro Bautista Parish Church had been developed on Aprill 22, 2012. The renovated patio will convert the current parking lot into a multi-purpose open amphitheater for use of the people of Candelaria. It will provide a venue for children and toddlers playground, jogging/walking path, a rosary garden, a via Dolorosa, and a stage for performances complete with controlled theater lighting.

The playground will be lit with lighting standards. The fundraising for the project will be accomplished through a 1000 Points of Light campaign where each point of light will be represented by a Candelarian or friends of Candelaria contributing Php5000 or more. Inauguration is scheduled for February 2, 2013, CANDLE FESTIVAL celebration. Ground breaking is targeted for August 4, 2012, ARAW NG CANDELARIA. The community project is expecting every Candelarians around the world to step up and bring their “POINT OF LIGHT”. The SPBPC parish council for economic affairs is taking the lead with Dr.

Al Cornejo at the helm. 8. Wedding Traditions & Folklore Many of today’s popular wedding ceremony and reception traditions can be traced to ancient Egyptian and European customs. These were often based on symbolism, superstition, folklore, religion, and even the belief that evil spirits could bring disease and death to newlyweds and crops, which was very important in many farm-based early cultures. Although the exact origin and usefulness of many of these early wedding traditions are not always clear, popular acceptance has allowed them to flourish.

Besides, many of these wedding traditions are just plain fun! According to various sources, some of the early marriages were literally carried out by the Groom and his “Bridesmen” (or “Bridesknights”) who would kidnap a woman (the origin of “carrying a Bride over the threshold”) from another tribe! The Groom and his fellow conspirators would then fight off the female’s family of tribesmen with swords held in their right hand while the Groom would hold the captured Bride in his left hand, which is the origin of why a Bride stands on the left side of the Groom at a wedding.

After a successful capture, another politically correct practice was for the Groom to hide his new Bride for one month for mating purposes. It is said that the word “honeymoon” was created to describe this one month cycle of the moon when they would drink mead, which was a honey sweetened alcoholic brew that effects both sobriety and the acidity of the womb, thus increasing fertility. Beginning around 1000 A. D. , marriages were often nothing more than trading chips used in bartering land, social status, political alliances, or money (no checks or credit cards were accepted) between families!

The word, “Wedding” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “wedd” that meant a man would marry a woman and pay the Bride’s father. Bouquet Wedding bouquets were originally made of such strong herbs as thyme and garlic, which were meant to frighten away evil spirits, and to cover the stench emitting from people who had not bathed recently! Bouquet Toss In ancient times, it was believed that a Bride was especially lucky on her wedding day. Guests would sometimes tear at her dress for a souvenir piece of good luck to take home.

The Bride’s tossing of her bouquet grew from her desire to offer a good luck souvenir, and prevent guests from bothering her (and her dress! ) during her reception. Bridesmaids Early Brides and Bridesmaids wore similar dresses in order to confuse evil spirits. Bridal Shower Back in the days when weddings were arranged by family members, it is said that a poor Dutchman fell in love with a girl whose father refused her a dowry. Their friends showered her with enough gifts to help them start a household. According to another story, the first “Bridal Shower” occurred at the end of the 19th century.

At a party, the Bride’s friends placed small gifts inside a parasol and opened it over the Bride’s head. When she opened the parasol, she was “showered” with presents! Bridal Veil When marriages were arranged by family members, the newlyweds very rarely were allowed to see one another. Family members exchanging a dowry were afraid that if the Groom didn’t like the appearance of the Bride’s face, he might refuse to marry her. This is why the Father of the Bride “gave the Bride away” to the Groom at the actual wedding ceremony.

Only after lifting her veil just prior to the ceremony did the Groom see the Bride’s face for the first time! Early Greek and Roman Brides wore red or yellow veils to represent fire, and to ward off demons. Carrying The Bride Over The Threshold When a Groom used to steal his Bride from her tribe, he was forced to carry her kicking and screaming. This act of thievery has evolved into a more romantic gesture,  welcoming the Bride into her new home. Garter Brides originally tossed a garter, rather than a bouquet, at a wedding reception. In the 14th century, this custom changed after Brides became

tired of fighting off drunken men who tried to remove the garter themselves! According to one legend, the garter toss in England evolved from an earlier tradition of “flinging the stocking”. On their wedding night, guests would follow the Bride and Groom to their bedroom, wait until they undressed, steal their stockings, and then “fling” them at the couple! The first person to hit the Bride or Groom on the head would supposedly be the next person to marry. Money Dance According to one custom, when arranged marriages were common, the Groom collected a dowry only after his marriage was consummated.

The money dance insured that the couple would have some money before they left their wedding reception. According to another wedding tradition, the people of the village gave gifts of pottery, livestock, and garden plants to the newlyweds because the Bride and Groom had no money to acquire these items until they had children, after which a dowry was exchanged. Penny In Shoe This is a European tradition to bring the Bride good luck, fortune, and protection against want. After the Wedding Day, the lucky penny can be turned into a piece of jewelry as a pendant, charm for a bracelet, or ring setting.

Ring Finger Prior to the 5th century, the ring finger was actually the index finger. Later, it was believed that the third finger contained the “vein of love” that led directly to the heart. Shoes On Vehicle Ancient Romans used to transfer to the Groom his authority over his Bride when her Father gave the Groom her shoes. In later years, guests threw their own shoes at the newlyweds to signify this transfer of authority. Today, this tradition is kept alive by simply tying old shoes to the back of the newlywed’s vehicle before they leave their wedding reception celebration.

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue This superstition of the Bride wearing something that fits each of these four categories originated in Europe to ward off evil spirits. Something Old: This tradition symbolized the sense of continuity while making the transition from a single person to that of a married couple. Something New: This tradition symbolized that marriage represented a transition to adulthood. Something Borrowed: This tradition symbolized the popular belief that by borrowing something from a happily married couple, good fortune would follow the newlyweds.

Something Blue: In ancient Israel, blue was the border color of the Bride’s dress, symbolizing purity, constancy and fidelity. Stag Parties This is the male equivalent of the Bridal Shower. Roman empire soldiers would feast with the Groom the night before his wedding to say goodbye to his irresponsible days of bachelorhood, and to renew their vows of allegiance to their friendships. Tossing Rice By believing that newlyweds brought good luck, guests used to shower them with nuts and grains to insure a bountiful harvest, and many children to work the land. During years of a poor harvest, rice was tossed instead.

This tradition continues today with rice or birdseed (where permitted), or bubbles to wish the Bride and Groom much happiness. Incidentally, it is not true that birds eating rice thrown after a wedding ceremony will cause their stomachs to enlarge and eventually explode. This myth may have simply evolved from church and synagogue employees weary from cleaning up after every wedding ceremony! Tuxedo Until the 20th century, the Groom simply wore his “Sunday best” on his wedding day. It is said that President Teddy Roosevelt popularized the modern tuxedo. Tying The Knot

This comes from the days of the Roman empire when the Bride wore a girdle that was tied in knots. The Groom untied the knots prior to the consummation of their marriage. Wedding Cake Also during the days of the Roman empire, wedding cakes were baked of wheat or barley. At the reception, they were traditionally broken over the head of the new Bride by the Groom as a symbol of her fertility. Guests would then scramble for pieces of the cake, and take them home for good luck. It later became a tradition to place many small cakes on top of each other as high as possible.

The newlyweds would then try to exchange a kiss over the top of the tower of cakes without knocking them down. During the reign of King Charles II of England, the baker added icing, and the modern style of wedding cake was born. It is unclear when the tradition of the newlyweds smashing wedding cake into each other’s face first began, and uncertain if such marriages are consummated later that day or evening! Wedding Ring According to some historians, the first recorded marriage rings date back to the days when early man tied plaited circlets around the Bride’s wrists and ankles to keep her spirit from running away.

Approximately 3,000 BC, Egyptians originated the phrase “without beginning, without end” in describing the significance of the wedding ring. These rings were made of woven hemp which constantly wore out and needed replacement. Although Romans originally used iron, gold is now used as a symbol of all that is pure. Diamonds were first used by Italians, who believed that it was created from the flames of love. In some European cultures, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. In other cultures, an engagement ring is worn on the left hand, and the wedding ring is worn on the right hand.

Wedding Toast It is said that this tradition first began in France, where bread would be placed in the bottom of two drinking glasses for the newlyweds. They would then drink as fast as they could to be the first person to get to the toast. According to legend, the winner would rule their household! White Wedding Dress This was made popular in the 1840’s by Queen Victoria, who chose this instead of the traditional royal “silver” wedding dress. Prior to this, Brides simply wore their best dress on their wedding day. 10.

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