1. This case implies that the frequent acquisition and disposition of tourism brands poses problems for information systems. The information systems could be a type of pre-internet, e-commerce, web 2. 0 and enterprise 2. 0 which are inter-organizational information systems. The information technologies that the THL use include SharePoint, Microsoft Office SharpPoint Sevices, Microsoft Report Server, OLAP and data mining. The technologies create an excessive software maintenance activity and lost.
Web 2. 0 helps THL a lot by advertising their revenue models through different channels. 2. Information Systems gives THL a competitive advantage because without information systems, THL would have to worry about their maintenance expenses and myriad tasks. With IS THL could focus on management attention, development, and personnel training on a single set of technologies. As well as Web 2. 0 technologies help people to be able to access through different industries around their interest and be able to research and learn more about it. . a) Kiwiexperience. com has a great developed user interface. Everything is simplified and easy to access; users would like comfort. The downside of the website is some of the information provided, for first time users it’s hard to understand the detail and the info of the website. b) These map instructions do not seem to be adequate because it doesn’t provide enough information; icon legend is undeveloped and the map itself doesn’t provide any zoom options to view the specific locations a tourist might be interested in visiting. ) The social networking is well developed on the website. It’s easily readable and easy to access. Kiwiexperience. com uses facebook, twitter, youtube and backpacking community for their users to be able to socialize, view, learn and experience their programs virtually. It’s very helpful for extensive advertising. d) Kiwiexperience. com is an example of a mashup because it combines two or more websites into a single user experience. Google’s maps is the most common example of a mashup.
They allow users to make custom modifications. 4. a) The purpose of CRM is to manage customer touches. Social networking and related technologies that facilitate the cooperative work of people in organizations are characteristics of customer touches and could be helpful to promote the business. b) According to SLATES, Kiwiexperience. com uses search and links components. Search component could be more customized to help user have more success finding the content they’re looking for. c)
Kiwiexperience. com could use signals and extension component. d) Signals component pushes enterprise content to users based on subscription and alerts. Extensions component could offer enterprise content via tag processing which could promote and help the business. e) Customers have as much control as companies. Traditional CRM is based on lifetime value and customers who seek to generate the most business usually get the most attention and have the most impact on the organization.