Clifford Chances International Expansion Case Analysis

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When Clifford Chance ‘s direction decided to spread out to the international legal market, its vision was to go an international house that offers jurisprudence services to as many parts of the universe as possible. In the past old ages, it has strived to accomplish this through many ways. However, it seems that its vision is far from being realized because it is non the “ one house ” that it aimed to going. One of its ends that were in line with its vision was to hold its international offices have local attorneies organizing about three quarters of its attorneies. However, this was non achieved by the twelvemonth 1993 because 80 per centum of its attorneies were Britons ( Dee et al, 1994 ) .

Causes of the job

Clifford Chance ‘s failure to accomplish its ends was to the full or partly due to unwilled patterns that the house ‘s direction committed. The analysis of the causes of its major disagreement between its set end in its enlisting of local attorneies and the existent figure of those recruited aids determine the alternate ways that can be used to assist the organisation in the realisation of its ends and work out the jobs.

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The instance survey demonstrates how a house may be working against its ends and aims without the cognition of its direction. This is because the demand to run in the international legal market with many offices all over the universe was faced by several challenges that were caused by the direction ‘s determinations and actions. These challenges were a major cause of its failure to accomplish its end of local attorneies organizing bulk of the attorney ‘s population in its offices.

In regard to the grounds behind the failure to recognize the vision of the house, it is clear that the direction did non set into consideration, the employee attorneies and their associated behaviours. For case, the house faced a job of enrolling. Most of the attorneies that it sought to enroll were afraid of working in the house offices that were located far from the central office. This can be explained utilizing eventuality organisational theories that spell out that the best organisational public presentation is achieved when worlds are best suited to the environment. In regard to this, less altered workers, in this instance local attorneies, would be less willing to work as attorneies with a new, international house. This made the company non turn every bit fast as it had planned in foreign states and provinces because no attorney would be willing to work in an office that he ne’er knew where the central offices were located.

Second, the directors, and more particularly the Chief executive officer of Clifford Chance, Howe, had a perceptual experience that all would be all right on landing in the international market. Precisely, the house ‘s direction believed that it would be easy to incorporate place attorneies with the jurisprudence system in other provinces and states. To the surprise of the Clifford Chance ‘s direction, the civilizations in many states were different from those in the female parent province ( Dee et al, 1994 ) . In this regard, the attorneies who were familiar with common jurisprudence were non in a place to pattern civil jurisprudence. In kernel, it was difficult to incorporate its jurisprudence civilization from the female parent state in an international context, a job that barred its international growing ( David & A ; Hugh, 2006 ) . This made it hard for local attorneies to be incorporated in the common jurisprudence when they were trained in civil jurisprudence.

There was a perceptual experience that the house would non unseat other constituted houses in local markets. This perceptual experience, as it was reflected in Joost Van der Does de Willebois ‘ words that, a newcomer house can non win the legal market in a foreign state, was a major factor that slowed the growing of the house in a figure of international markets like Holland ( Dee et al, 1994 ) . In connexion to these believes, local workers would non desire to be associated with a newcomer jurisprudence house when they were cognizant that other houses would be stronger than the bing 1s ( Rodney, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to human behavioural theories, human existences take clip to accommodate and experience better when working for familiar organisations ( Rodney, 2006 ) . This theory helps explains the ground that Clifford Chance had non attained the figure of local attorneies it had aimed in the international market.

Furthermore, the house ‘s direction perceived and believed that its coactions with fiscal establishments was adequate strength that would be used to turn and spread out in the international market. This forced the house to put in some topographic points that were non cost effectual to them to use the sensed strength, a factor that led to a deficiency of fiscal sustainability of some offices ( Dee et al, 1994 ) . In add-on, this meant that the house would merely turn in countries that the fiscal establishments expanded to. In other words, this meant that the enlargement of the house ‘s operations would be depended on that of the attached fiscal establishments and non the handiness of local attorneies, which would be in line with the house ‘s ends.

In add-on, the formal organisational construction in Clifford was a major barrier in winning attorneies to work for Clifford Chance. The fact that every attorney was considered as a junior so long as he or she was non a Briton would do many attorneies less willing to work with Clifford. Harmonizing to Max Weber ‘s beaurocratic theory, the junior ‘s close supervising by the seniors would demotivate the juniors who would turn down from working for the house ( Peter, 2004 ) .

Solution to the job

The attempt of Clifford Chance ‘s direction to work out the above jobs and issues is no uncertainty a manner of guaranting that the house gets back to the path towards the realisation of the international market related ends. This is because if a bulk of the attorneies working in its international offices are Britons, so this means that the international population will see this as an organisation that offers legal services to the English population. This would intend that its offices will be located abroad but it will non be operational in the international market. Therefore, this calls for solid ways in turn toing the above job. The best manner is to turn to the root causes of the job, a fact that would guarantee that the job is dealt with in the most appropriate manner. The appropriate long term and short-run solutions may be explained as under.

Long-run solutions

First, the Clifford Chance ‘s direction should guarantee orientation and version of the local attorneies to the organisational policies and civilization ( David & A ; Hugh, 2006 ) . This may be done through guaranting that local attorneies are trained in the common legal system in London. A plan may be set to assist local jurisprudence pupils learn this legal system and enroll them subsequently in their offices in their states or provinces.

Second, the direction should encompass a multicultural position in turn toing its legal pattern. This is because any house that plans to take part in international operations should see that different provinces and states use different civilizations ( David & A ; Hugh, 2006 ) . This can be done through enlisting and preparation of attorneies who are versed in a assortment of civilizations that the mark states are familiar with.

Organizational alteration would be critical in Clifford Chance. This may be done by the house ‘s direction. Some of the facets of the house that may be added include the engagement of intermediate directors in the house ‘s operations in the international markets to supervise the activities in those markets. This may besides be accompanied by remotion of some facets such as backdown of the offices that were built in cost uneffective topographic points. Harmonizing to Lewin ‘s Force-field Theory, this type of organisational alteration would ensue to organisational effectivity towards the accomplishment of its ends ( Warner, 2010 ) .

Short-run solutions

It is the function of the house ‘s direction to do its house an extraordinary one in the mark international market instead that comparing it with native houses in the international market. This can be through a thorough SWOT analysis of the house. Through this, the company is able to pull off its failings and menaces, and maximise on its strengths and chances, an attempt that would function to put the house most competitory border in the international legal markets and therefore pull international attorneies ( Daft & A ; Willmott, 2010 ) .

In add-on, the house ‘s direction should see making new and finding the available chances in the international markets. This would assist it cleaving on them instead than trusting on the confederations that it had build with the fiscal establishments to spread out. This is a certain manner that it will be able range as many international legal markets as possible and therefore actuate international attorneies to fall in the house ( Daft & A ; Willmott, 2010 ) .

Furthermore, it would be helpful if all attorneies were considered as equal and that supervising was used to guarantee that junior attorneies worked. Therefore, the direction should encompass good deputation procedure to the attorneies irrespective of their civilization and ethnicity who would so presume duty while the direction assumes the necessary answerability ( Robert & A ; John, 2008 ) . This is because the beurocratic policies that ensured that others supervised attorneies would be linked with demotivation of the attorneies who were considered as junior attorneies and therefore would non be willing to work with Clifford Chance, a factor that would be against the vision of the house.


From Clifford Chance ‘s instance survey, it is clear that the house ‘s direction was accidentally involved in several patterns that were non in line with accomplishment of its ends. One of these ends that were non favored by these patterns was guaranting that the local attorneies would organize 75 to 80 per centum of all attorneies in their international offices. However, by 1993, this was non realized because 80 per centum of the attorneies were Britons. This was to the full or partly because of several grounds that may be explained utilizing organisational human behaviours, organisational theories and theories and constructs of human resource direction, solution of which would do in rectifying the jobs and ease the accomplishment of house ends and aims.

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