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The outbreak of the coronavirus also known as COVID-19 has affected millions and millions of people around the world and continues to do so. There’s been many false accusations surrounding the virus and lot of questions the public has, some people still don’t understand the concept of it or how to react. So, what exactly is the Coronavirus?? The coronavirus is an illness cause by a new virus which can disperse very easily causing it to spread person to person. Once it has reach to a patient, he or she can risk having a severe case of it or a mild case of it to the point where it can possibly be overcome. (source#1) What make this virus different is how it has caused a global epidemic yet there’s no vaccination to be made. Some people would assume that now we have newer technology scientist would be able to whip up a quick formula to find a cure for the virus instead it’s more complicated than that. First, they would have to find out the “how” of the problem, How did it started? What we do know for sure is that it originated from Wuhan, China. The U.S intelligence said it to be caused by an animal source from bats to humans. (source #2) However, there has been other assumptions made by the people saying the Government leaked the outbreak on purpose or how the virus wasn’t made by a “natural transmission” but instead a laboratory mistake.

Today, now that we do have better equipment to help us out, finding a vaccine will still take time. It is said in the article, it would take roughly around twelve to eighteen months maybe even more. (source #3) What the U.S had decided to do in order help with efficiency of time is to skip the animal testing phases and jump right into humans. Meaning the U.S is currently trailing participants, which will consist of three phases to ensure the safety and assurance of the vaccine. They call it the “Moderna trial”, it would start with a small amount of people then larger group of people would be tested and finally, the last phase would take up a lot of evaluation making sure the consistency of the vaccine is working. Though, It would later have to be finalized through the organization to approve of its license. Personally, I feel that the virus wasn’t taken seriously to begin with until it was promoted to a “global epidemic”, even when Trump was told by his House advisor beforehand about the possible damage it could potentially cause to millions of people he didn’t really took serious action till later. President Trump not only seem to overlook the situation or “downplays” at first but then starts to create a controversy around the circumstance. (source #4) He does this by giving out false accusations and offensive statements towards the media and reporters. For example, Trump refers the virus as the “Chinese” virus which has been made known to offend the Chinese reporters. Dr Anthony Fauci, the main face and lead of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease admits to Trump’s untruthful statements but doesn’t seem to correct him on stage but rather tell reporters how he wouldn’t want to “embarrass” the president.(Source #5) President Trump carry a great amount of responsibility and power within the states so every thing he has to say is important to the people. Therefore, he should be able to talk about the virus with care and assurance because his words hold a lot of power. Though there still a lot we don’t know about the depths of the virus what we do know is how to prevent from being a victim to it and who’s more likely to get it. The best way to avoid being expose would be staying home or at least six feet from others as well as washing your hands frequently (Source #1) Though the coronavirus is said it’s more likely to affect people with a weaker immune system meaning people of older age. It’s still very important to always take the extra safety measures whether you’re young or not. There was a case in Kentucky where a couple of young adults decided to go against the safety precautions which was told to take. Instead they threw a party where one of the individuals end up being infected with the virus. (Source #6) People have to remember that the virus isn’t just for the elderly, it makes me upset that most people in the mid-twenties and late thirties are being ignorant and ignoring the what’s recommended and said to do.(source #11) It’s situations like these that make it easy for the deadly virus to emerge. Typically, older people or someone who’s had or still respiratory conditions such lung dieses, heart dieses or even diabetes are in higher risk (source #9)

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The media and official had made it known that the younger people were to be less in risk because of the stronger immunity but recent news reports has been made that begs to differ. A report from the Center of Dieses Control and prevention stated that more younger people are slowly getting the virus as well, currently half of those that are younger than the age of 50 had been held in intensive care specifically the people towards down south of the U.S.(Source #8) Why? The southern area has more younger people affected than the north, mostly because the younger people take up more than a quarter of the population.(source #7) Dr Fauci had once said that, :the virus isn’t a mathematical formula”, which I strongly agree. People that are consider “young” get the wrong idea sometimes thinking that they have some sort of “protection” preventing them to be affected. I’ll be brutally honest; I was once had the same mindset but after lots of research I’ve definitely have a change of perspective. Yes, most younger people are healthier than the old but the fact that we are healthier can matter of fact make situations worse. Meaning if one we’re to get it, he or she can possibly have a severe symptom. (source #12) How do we expect to get better from this whole circumstance if some people are not taking it seriously, even now the Governor has reopen stores. Dr Fauci had admitted to saying how the countries possibly won’t ever be the same on how it was before. Firstly, because we don’t have any treatments and secondly, the chances of still getting the virus will always be there. It will possibly take many years till we even try to get back to how it was. (source #10)The governor still advises everyone to stay at home if they’re work is not considered “essential” but some people can’t afford to stay at home even if they’re offered checks. Statics has shown that specifically Latinos and blacks are more “vulnerable” based on their choice of work and social inequality. Most Latinos are low income and can’t work from home, meaning they’re forced to work around this time.(Source #13) Researchers also shows that most Latinos can’t afford healthcare or reach out to one, seeing that some hospitals and emergency rooms are closing due to a lack of workers.(Source #14) As said , African-American are much as vulnerable too with considering the 72% deaths out of the 30% of blacks in Detroit as an example.(source #15)

The real heroes throughout this whole time being are the nurses, doctors and medical profession that risk their lives every day to help others. Unfortunately, they can only do so much before resources starts to run out. About 76 million adults’ lives in an area that risk running out of intensive care bed and 17 million for hospital beds. It has come to the point where even Jeremy Kahn whose job is to keep track of all the U.S Hospital resources doesn’t know the definitive answer but instead uses the data that was three years ago. (Source #17) Considering all this given information, how is the Federal Government playing its part? Trump has made the choice to let every governor decide on their own what’s best for their own state but obviously supervision would be required by the government and president. Trump main goal is to ensure that everyone has enough supplies and resources that’s necessary such as mask and ventilators. He made a plan for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to search for the number of supplies that’s needed within the cities, though Trump is claiming how some of the local leaders are getting more supplies than what’s actually needed.(Source #18)Trump had approve of the Coronavirus relief bill that’s been passed by the senate. The bill is meant to help the American citizen during this crisis. Implying that there would be a direct payment to Americans consisting of $1,200 and $500more if he/she has a child. The bill also supports the unemployment aid by choosing to increase the amount of money per week. The relief bill not only help with people who wouldn’t usually be eligible for unemployment but as well as people with loans related their mortgage, housing, etc. Some business had decided to “forgive” some loans depending on the use of it. (Source #19) My thoughts relating to how Trump’s are handling this is indecisive. I didn’t really like the fact that the Coronavirus was brought to his attention way earlier yet kept seeming as if it wasn’t going to be significant. Though, the decision of the bill by the Government is one task I do support as well as giving the available resources to hospitals. Concerning on the lockdowns, I don’t agree that reopening some stores to boost the economy was the best idea.

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COVID-19. (2022, Jul 22). Retrieved from

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