DeafCommunity Definition of “d/Deaf”

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The terms deaf-mute, deaf and dumb are no longer considered acceptable. Many individuals who are deaf have the ability to speak but choose not to because learning speech is challenging for them as they cannot hear sound and feel uncomfortable speaking. When defining “deaf”, it is important to establish the parameters of the definition. The audiological definition considers the cause and severity of hearing loss and the ability to use hearing for communication, which can be utilized in this context. Generally, “deaf” refers to those who cannot rely on their hearing for information processing. An alternative approach involves a cultural definition. In their book Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture (1988), Carol Padden and Tom Humphries explain that “deaf” is used when referring to the audiological condition of not hearing, while “Deaf” specifically denotes a group that shares American Sign Language (ASL) and a distinct culture. This particular group primarily uses ASL as their means of communication and holds specific beliefs about themselves and their relationship with society. They differ from individuals losing their hearing due to illness, trauma, or aging who do not have access to the knowledge, beliefs, practices that constitute Deaf culture despite sharing an inability to hear.
A culture is usually identified as distinct when it has its own distinctive language, values, behavioral norms, arts, educational institutions, political and social structures, organizations, and other associated aspects (su).

Deafness can vary in severity and affect both the volume of sound and its processing. It can be present from birth or develop due to various factors such as illness, trauma, environmental influences (such as loud music or machinery), or natural aging. Our goal is not to give Deaf individuals a voice but rather to ensure that their existing voice is heard. This can be achieved by teaching hearing individuals how to listen.

Works Cited

  • DEAF CULTURE VS. MEDICALIZATION, (2002) Retrieved on 05-24-2003
  • Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture by Carol Padden and Tom Humphries, 1988
  • The Deaf Community and the Culture of Deaf People by Carol Padden, 1980.
  • Deaf Culture and Deafness: What Real timers Should Know by Tess Crowder, 1999 Retrieved on 05-24-2003

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DeafCommunity Definition of “d/Deaf”. (2018, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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