Different Benefits of Microsoft Word

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Microsoft Word is a word processor, which has the ability to add, delete, move, and copy individual characters, sentences, or even entire paragraphs within a document. In this way, changes in text can be made without retyping a whole page. When the final draft of a document is ready, the computer is activated to operate the printer. Most printers can execute more than 1,000 words per minute. It is said by Dille and Kunkel (1999) Microsoft Word contains many features specifically designed to improve the way you interact with the program, and the way you collaborate with one another in preparing documents.

By using a package based software such as Microsoft Word can prove to be effective and efficient in a business environment. As using such a software package has its advantages over manual based systems such as a typewriter. Here are some of those advantages.

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The ability to store typed documents in the computer: This can prove to be both effective and efficient in a business environment as it can save storage space. It also means that document has a less chance of being accidentally misplaced or lost.

The ability to correct mistakes: Mistakes are easily made and if you are using a typewriter or writing by hand correcting mistakes can be very time consuming especially in a busy business environment. This also reduces stress on employees as work can get done faster and they do not have to worry so much about deadlines if they do make mistakes.

The ability to check grammar and spelling: If you are unsure about a spelling you can always use a dictionary however you may not always be aware if you have made a mistake in your spelling or grammar. This is why a word processor such as Microsoft Word has a spell and grammar checker, which automatically lets you know if it finds a word, which is not in the English dictionary. This facility is very useful especially if you are dyslexic. You can also add your own words to the dictionary such as your name and address which are not in the English dictionary.

The ability to insert graphics and pictures: Microsoft word enables you to insert graphics and pictures onto your document. This makes your document look more professional, interesting and effective.

The ability to import and export text and graphics: Importing and exporting text and graphics in documents is very simple using Microsoft word. For example you can import text and graphics from one document onto another this saves you having to re-type it. Again another facility that can save you time.

The ability to incorporate other text without having to re type it: For example a standard form or letter can be re-used again and again.

The ability to e-mail: Straight away after typing a document you can e-mail it to a colleague or member of staff. This saves you having to post the document and it will be sent to the recipient straight away.

The print preview facility: This allows you to see what the document will look like once it has been printed. This allows the user to see if any more changes are need to be made before printing the document such as adjusting margins.

The above points are just some of the advantages that a packaged based software has over manual methods and how they can contribute to greater effectiveness and efficiency in a business. A word processor such as Microsoft Word and Word Perfect also has a number of ancillary programs, which can be used in conjunction with word processing documents to enhance standard facilities. Which is said by French 1996. An example of such an ancillary program is Mail Merge. The mail merge facility can bring great benefits to small business environment.

This facility allows the user to produce a standard letter into which the name and address (as well as other details) of customers or staff are merged into the document and a series of individual letters can be printed. This is one of the facilities, which I have explained about in my tutorial.

Its benefits include: In can save you time: It does this as it saves having to re-type the whole letter each time which you would have to do if you were using a typewriter or writing by hand. By using this facility you also don’t have change the address or name, as you would do if you were using a word processor, which did not have this facility.

You can store all customer and staff details: Using mail merge allows you to store all the details about your customers and staff. This saves you having to search through a files of names and addresses, it also prevents you from making spelling mistakes. There is also less chance of information being lost which could easily happen if the information was being stored in a file or cabinet.

Up date any changes: Updating information if a customer or member of staff changes their name or address is easy to change. Rather than crossing it out on paper which looks untidy and will be difficult to understand.

Viewing Records: Microsoft Word mail merge facility allows you to view specific records so that if for example you only wanted to send one letter to a customer you just have to type the number of that customer record and all the details will appear on the screen. You can specify if you want to view for example just the first 10 records.

Setting Conditions: Using Microsoft Words mail merge facility you can also set conditions. As I have shown in my tutorial you can set a condition so that a field changes depending on whom you are sending the letter to. This saves you from having to write two or more separate letters as the information automatically changes for you. You can also set a flag, which is simply field that you put a value in to indicate some condition or event, which is said by Heathcote (1998).

You can set a flag in customers records to indicate if they have been sent a letter by putting a suitable value such as y for yes and n for no. This is a very useful facility as it prevents you from sending the same letter to the customer, which also saves on paper and time. As well as postage costs. The above points are some of the advantages which mail merge can bring to a small business environment.

Another facility, which I have talked about in my tutorial, is Macros. A macro is described in the Encarta Encyclopaedia (1997) as a set of keystrokes, actions, or instructions recorded and accessed under a simpler keystroke, or instruction. A macro is another example of a Microsoft Word facility, which can bring efficiency and effectiveness into a business environment. The benefits it can bring into a business environment are:

It can eliminates frequent retyping, minimizes inadvertent typing errors, and enables users who are unfamiliar with a program to play back sets of instructions prerecorded by someone more knowledge with the application. It allows you to get tasks done faster, for example you can record a macro so that it adjusts the documents margins and borders and view layout so that you do not have to do this each time which can save you a great deal of time.

You can even write macros to automatically calculate calculations for this can be done by using the visual basic editor. This prevents you from making mistakes while calculating for example the total cost in invoices. This has a great deal of advantages, as there is less chance of making mistakes. By using visual basic you can create a font end or a user interface by creating buttons, which open specific documents to make your business have a more professional look. Also it saves a lot more money than if you were to get a professional business to design one for you!

Another topic that I talked about in my tutorial is Business Cards. If you get your business cards done by a professional you will find that it can be quite expensive especially if you are running a small business. Using Microsoft Word you can easily create your own business cards without the expense. Therefore saving money also it does not take a long time while if you had a professional business create these cards for you may have to wait for about a week or more to get them done. This way it will also save you time.

Many people who have a Microsoft Office Assistant do not know how to benefit from it as a lot of people find this feature annoying as it can disturb them from their work. This is why in my tutorial I have explained how a user can benefit from using the Microsoft Assistant, as they may be able to find an answer to their problems that they are occurring. Some business that are having problems using Microsoft Word may decide to call the technical help line, which is very expensive. However they may be able to find the solution to their problem simply by using the Microsoft office assistant. I have also shown how to hide the Microsoft office until you need to use it.

As you can see from the above points that I have given how using a package based software such as Microsoft Word can contribute to the greater efficiency and effectiveness to a small business environment.

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Different Benefits of Microsoft Word. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from


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