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Essay Examples

Embarrassing Experience in My Childhood

My Childhood

Words: 404 (2 pages)

We normally do not forget what we experience in childhood especially the embarrassing and the roughest ones. With an elder brother for a sibling I have had my share of embarrassing as well as rough moments. I had only an elder brother to look up to. No sisters and no cousins. It was just me…

My College Experience Paper



My College

Words: 301 (2 pages)

The most interesting information I’ve gained within this chapter is how a persons emotions, described as E. I. can directly affect general moods. “Emotional Intelligence” in a positive way can lead us into rewarding performances throughout our lives. This opportunity to learn how to influence my abilities will always benefit in coping with life’s pressures…

Most Teenagers Look Forward to the Experience College Offers

My College

Words: 620 (3 pages)

Most teenagers look forward to the experience college offers and the success such as education will bring after graduation, however, many fail to understand the hard work, determination, and resilience it takes to receive a gift. A college education, in its simplest form, is a gift. For myself, getting into the college of my dreams…

This I Believe: Are Ghosts Real or Not


This I Believe

Words: 507 (3 pages)

As long as human memory relates, people have believed in ghosts. Today, many people believe that they have seen ghosts yet no evidence other than personal anecdote has been collected. Do you believe in ghosts? If so, why? If not, why not? What are people seeing and why? A ghost is usually considered to be…

Wonder Woman: the Iconic American Super-Heroine



Words: 2461 (10 pages)

Approximately three billion women exist on our planet. Many of them show strength and wisdom while simultaneously demonstrating kindness, though some mistake this as weakness. Wonder Woman, superhero and symbolic female liberator, existed simply to contradict the beliefs of the ignorant and to assist in transforming America. She does more than fight fictional foes; she…

Looking Back at My Childhood


My Childhood

Words: 715 (3 pages)

Reflecting on my childhood, I find it difficult to pinpoint a specific experience that fills me with the cherished feeling of warmth and joy. As the oldest child of a hardworking father, there was often a hint of sadness during those early years. My father would arrive home late in the evening after work and…

Shravan Kumar’s Story

Person I Admire


Words: 1003 (5 pages)

Shravan Kumar belonged to the time when King Dashratha ruled Ayodhya. He was born of poor and blind parents, but they had brought him up remarkably well. He was strong healthy and honest, and he had a good character. He bore sincere love and respect for his parents. He was also a great devotee of…

Personal Experince Paper

My Goal

Words: 304 (2 pages)

My deployment, in support of Operation New Dawn (OND), as part of the Ali Al Salem Camp Command Cell, expanded my experience as a leader and facilitated the development of my Soldiers during mobilization and deployment. The mission of the 197th Fires Brigade (FiB) for OND from September 2010 to September 2011 was to manage…

My Autobiography: Who Am I?


Who Am I

Words: 1886 (8 pages)

My Current Perspective The story of my life will pass a great inspirational story. From being nobody to somebody; being at the bottom now striving to reach the top; and from being a loser to a sure winner. This was me. This is me. The story of my life now being revealed, not to boast…

Interview With the Senior


Person I Admire

Words: 659 (3 pages)

I have had an unbelievable chance ; this great chance was run intoing and organizing a bond with Mrs. Evangeline Baviera. ( Vangie for short ) While run intoing with Mrs. Evangeline. I have learned a batch about her. I have learned that she is a phenomenal function theoretical account. a loving female parent and…

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