About Me Essay Examples Page 27
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Essay Examples
Baking Hobby Turns Into Business
My Hobby
Since I was a kid, I was intrigued by the thought of getting my own of sweet biscuits or a delicious dish. Still, my parents forbade me to take any baking utensils or still put walk into the room (mostly possible because of my teenage and the fact that I look to break everything I…
My Opinion About How To Fulfill My Future Goals And Improve My Knowledge
Future Goals
Higher Education
I have been raised in a family where knowledge is not for just acquiring education. My parents taught me it is a lifelong voyage of curiosity. When I was an adolescence, I was spellbound by seeing the household electrical appliances work, as we can’t visualize electric current, as a consequence many times I wondered how…
Appeal to My Dear Grandchildren
Who Am I
My dear grandchildren I know you have asked me may times how I received the scars on my face and why your mother and I forbid you from going to the old mental hospital. Many times I have put you off by saying I would tell you later. As I am now old and in…
Nursing: The One Who Got Away
Future Goals
Sometimes in life it just takes the influence of one person to help you see life in a way you didn’t see possible before. For me that person is a Nurse Practitioner working the local hospital when my grandfather passed away. It was as if she knew exactly what to say and when to say…
Heroes From the Movie the Incredibles 2
My Hero
In the movie Incredibles 2 the issue of illegalized heroes and supers is discussed and contended, but the answer is simply this; heroes vanquish villains and reduce damages that are made by both villains and criminals. They lessen crimes and solve problems that the public, or the police, cannot. Creating sponsors for causes, jobs for…
Inspired by the Instructor’s Story
Inspired Me
As a graduate from The High School of Fashion industries, I was inspired to start a career in the beauty industry. During my senior year of high school I met with Mary Alice Stephenson, a producer, fashion and beauty expert. Ms. Stephenson is the founder of Glam4Good, a non-profit organization and movement that shares heart…
My Childhood, My Future
My Childhood
When I was seven years old, I had my first encounter with explosions in Baghdad. Soldiers would often come to every house to search for weapons. As I grew up, the war had a negative impact on me. Realizing the great danger that the city presented, my parents decided to move our entire family to…
Uniform of Great American Heroes
American Culture
American History
My Hero
The uniform of the U.S Army is a symbol that represents honor and tradition. The honor that is carried through this uniform is the very honor that many men and many women before us have held. The blood, sweat, and tears, the sacrifice. The brave men and women who sacrificed their life in this uniform…
Self-Identification of an Interior Designer in Childhood
High School
High School Experience
Interior design
My Childhood
When I was about 9 years old I remembered saving shoe boxes and collecting them so that I could use them to create room designs. I had stacks of them in my bedroom closet. I would collect anything around the house to use as furniture, I even had a collection of bottle caps to use…
My Lovely Friend
My Best Friends
True Friend
I absolutely believe that everyone in the world has a best friend. Most people has been through multiple best friends within their lifetime. A best friend is your closest friend. Someone to talk to, the first person you think about when you will to do something. Someone to help you with things and they are…