About Me Essay Examples Page 37
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Essay Examples
The Final Step
Describe Yourself
Standing behind the rusty goal, I heard the cacophony of cheers reverberating through the schoolyard. My heart started racing as today, I was one step closer to the final. I didn’t start playing soccer until grade 10. Despite being a popular sport, soccer isn’t as easy as it sounds. Fatigue and soreness became my close…
Non-Cognitive Skills
Describe Yourself
In exploring the topic of socioeconomic class in the classroom, I have determined that I have a different socioeconomic class than that of my students, however, it is not as drastic of a difference as my students may perceive. Throughout my life, including now, I have been in the lower middle class. My father dropped…
Essay About My Goals and Ways to Achieve Them
Educational Goals
Future Goals
My goals during away rotations are to gain insight as to how life could be as a resident of the program, broaden my clinical skillset, and to discover the type of emergency medicine that best suits my personality. Based on my research of the UCSF-Fresno Emergency Medicine program, and the city itself, I genuinely believe…
My Personal Philosophy Of Learning And My Goals
My Goal
Personal Philosophy
Reflecting on teaching methodology and one’s own learning is the hallmark of a great teacher. One needs to take a step back occasionally and question why and how we educate. The following statement is my own reflection. In writing this, I considered my thoughts about the nature of learning, what makes learning successful, my goals…
Great Thank My Favorite Teacher
Inspired Me
Before meeting you, I disliked school so much. I had a hard time understanding certain things, I struggled with self-confidence, and with life throwing obstacles at me, I just struggled with school. I never thought about my future, because I didn’t believe I was capable of making it. First day of 10th grade, walking into…
The Hot Day After Mr. Pontellier Left
Future Goals
Goals In Life
It was hot, sunny day. The sun was beaming down to the earth, so hot it would be virulent if outside too long. It was the day after Mr. Pontellier left for a business trip. He was a very wealthy man and cared much for his social appearances. He wasn’t a philanthropist, he cared about…
The Annoying Aspects of my Name
Self Introduction
My name is the most annoying part of my childhood. From the ages of 2 to 10 whenever someone would write my name, it would always come out as Lexie or Lexy, but never Lexi. I never found Lexi key chains, mugs, or bike license plates. Alas, I was the one kid sifting through all…
MS Family Nurse Practitioner
Self Introduction
For the past year and seven months, I have been working as a registered nurse on St. Luke’s Progressive Care Unit (PCU). For the most part I work dayshift but have also explored what nightshift life is like! Working in a critical care area has allowed me to strengthen and build upon my basic nursing…
My Future Goals
Future Goals
From the time I was a little kid I was the one who always pretended to play school. Everyone that I forced to be my pretend students could never understand why I always wanted to play this “game” for hours on end. Through figuring out what grade level I wanted to teach to observing multiple…
How Did I Get Here? Where Am I Now? What Do I Expect to Learn?
Who Am I
This paper will essentially cover my Journey to achieving my ideal self. I will first talk about how I arrived at the place I am currently at today, and what life events and motivational forces have brought me here. I will then discuss where I am currently at now in my pursuit of achieving my…