Essays on Anatomy Page 2
We found 11 free papers on Anatomy
Essay Examples
review sheet 10 – appendicular skeleton (2nd part)
14 total number of phalanges in the hand 8 total number of carpals in a wrist scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform name the carpals lateral to medial in proximal row trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate carpals in the distal row (lateral to medial) the scapula does not articulate with the axial skeleton (the clavicle does…
The Metabolic Procedure Supplying Energy
Human Anatomy
Nervous System
Describe the metabolic procedure supplying your energy while you were walking ( at an easy gait ) before the bee stung you. Include which molecules are being consumed. The metabolic procedure supplying my energy while I was walking at an easy gait is aerophilic metamorphosis. During aerophilic metamorphosis. chondriosomes absorb from the environing cytol these…
Uses of Echocardiography
Cardiovascular system
Circulatory system
Human Anatomy
Myocardial infarction
Echocardiography (echo) can be used to evaluate your cardiac performance, the function of your heart valves, the thickness and motion of your heart walls, and the size of your heart chambers. An echo can help diagnose many heart conditions. Cardiac performance An echocardiogram can show how well your heart pumps blood (cardiac performance). To evaluate…
The Process of Cellular Differentiation
Endocrine system
Human Anatomy
Cell distinction is the procedure that takes topographic point inside an embryo that determines which cistrons are expressed and therefore, what type of cell it will fall back. This means that the cell can execute a specific map. There are more than 250 general types of cells in the human organic structure.In workss and animate…
Medical Analysis of Clinical Symptoms
Myocardial infarction
Respiratory system
R.S. is a long-time smoker who developed bronchitic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). He also has a history of coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease. His arterial blood gas (ABG) values are pH = 7.32, PaCO2 = 60 mm Hg, PaO2 = 50 mm Hg, HCO3 – = 30 mEq/L. His hematocrit is 52%…
Scoliosis types and its Treatment
Human Anatomy
Skeletal system
Vertebral column is one of the basic anatomical component of our body structure .It is divided into four parts which include cervical, thoracic, lumber and sacral components of the column. The vertebral column is made up of different types of small bones which are two to six inches in diameter. Many anomalies may affect the…
Pituitary Dwarfism Research Paper The Pituitary
Endocrine system
Human Anatomy
Pituitary Dwarfism Essay, Research Paper The Pituitary Gland is situated at the base of the encephalon and it produces endocrines which control growing. Too big an sum of these endocrines causes gigantism, a status where facial characteristics, custodies, etc. go abnormally big. Too small causes nanism, where the overall stature of a individual is really…
Role of Chromium in Humans
Human Anatomy
It was known by the 1950s that chromium was needed in humans to control blood sugar, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that chromium’s main role in humans was found out. It came accidentally, as a result of a new procedure that had been introduced to nourish hospitalized patients who could not take in food…
Tissue Assignment
Cell biology
Skeletal system
Labeled picture or labeled drawing of your bone doing a typical function (such as bearing weight): Watched Video. Questions What components of real bone tissue did you include in your model? (Hint: See lesson pages 3-4. ) In the video It included the spongy, compact bone, bone marrow and peritoneum. The bone marrow was the…
Comparison Of Apollo From The Portonaccio Temple
Apollo 11
Human Anatomy
Aule MeteleComparison of Apollo from the Portonaccio Temple and Aule MeteleThough the figures are not far from each other is height comparison, they seem to contain a distinct amount of difference in other aspects. First of all, they were made from different materials. While the Apollo statue is terracotta, the Aule Metele is of bronze….