review sheet 10 – appendicular skeleton (2nd part)

Table of Content
total number of phalanges in the hand

total number of carpals in a wrist

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform
name the carpals lateral to medial in proximal row

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate
carpals in the distal row (lateral to medial)

the scapula does not articulate with the axial skeleton (the clavicle does via sternum)
pectoral girdle important things

the only site of attachment of the shoulder girdles to axial skeleton
sternoclavicular joints

the anterior clavicle and posterior scapula
pectoral girdle consists of which two bones

ability to weight is important, bones are heavy and massive, and attach securely to the skeleton
pelvic girdle

uterus, urinary bladder, small intestine and rectum
organs that are partially protected in the pelvic girdle

region inferior to the pelvic brim which is encircled by bone
true pelvis

illium, ischium and pubis
bones that fuse to form the hip bone

rough projection that supports body weight when sitting

pubic symphysis
point where the hip bones join anteriorly

iliac crest
superior margin of the coxal bone (hip bone)

deep socket in the hip bone that receives the head of the thigh bone

sacroiliac joint
joint between axial skeleton and pelvic girdle

longest, strongest bone in the body

thin, lateral leg bone

greater sciatic notch
permits passage of the sciatic nerve

lesser sciatic notch
notch located inferior to the ischial spine

tibial tuberosity
point where the patellar ligament attaches



medial malleolus
medial ankle projection

lateral malleolus
lateral ankle projection

largest tarsal bone

ankle bones

bones forming the instep of the foot

obturator foramen
opening in hip bone formed by the pubic and ischial rami

Greater and lesser trochanters
sites of muscle attachment on the proximal femur

tarsal bone that “sits” on the calcaneus

weight-bearing bone of the leg

tarsal bone that articulates with the tibia

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review sheet 10 – appendicular skeleton (2nd part). (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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