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Essay Examples

Kitty Genovese’ Case

Clinical Psychology



Words: 436 (2 pages)

In 1964, Kitty Genovese was murdered in New York City; for over half an hour she put up a desperate fight against her assailant, and 38 neighbors later reported hearing her ongoing screams for help. But no one helped – not one witness even so much as called the police. Instead of being remembered for…

Theory of Four Temparements

Clinical Psychology



Words: 535 (3 pages)

Theory of Four Temperaments This article is about the modern psychological theory of temperament that is popularly called the ‘Four Temperaments’ . This theory finds its origin from the ‘Four Humours’ in Greco-Romanian medicine and was systemized and developed into a medical theory by the Greek physician Hippocrates. The Four Temperament types: SANGUINE: The Sanguine…

Disabled or Different?

Clinical Psychology


Learning Disability

Words: 1298 (6 pages)

A learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects how one’s brain is able to receive, process, store, and respond to information. Although their brains process information differently those who have learning disabilities have a normal or above average IQ. Now that there is more knowledge regarding LD’s, children are typically diagnosed early on in…

Famous Person – Alfred Binet

Clinical Psychology



Words: 1166 (5 pages)

This essay provides a brief biography of Psychologist Alfred Binet and explores a modern application based on the theory behind Binet’s Intelligence test. Alfred Binet, born in Nice, France on July 11th, had a mother who was an artist and a father who was a physician. He later became one of the prominent psychologists in…

Sepsis and its Clinical Treatment

Clinical Psychology

Words: 883 (4 pages)

INTRODUCTION Sepsis is a clinical disorder caused by excessive activity of innate immune system. Clinical sepsis is characterized by hypotension, acidosis, inability to react to pressor agents, activation of complements and finally death. Experimental evidences prove the involvement of TNFα, NO, macrophages and LPS. Many attempts were made to study the underlying pathology and discover…

Clinical Psychology – Scientists and Their Theories

Clinical Psychology

Words: 631 (3 pages)

Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology is described as “a general practice and health service provider specialty in professional psychology (“Archival Description of Clinical Psychology,” 2004).”  Psychologists practicing clinical psychology are required to make assessments, diagnoses, and predictions in order to prevent as well as treat psychopathology in addition to mental disorders.  They may also be required…

Therapeutic alliance

Clinical Psychology

Health Care


Words: 1522 (7 pages)

            Therapeutic alliance pertains to the mutual relationship between a counsellor and patient seeking psychotherapy from the health professional (Botella et al., 2008).  This type of interaction has been determined to be as an essential feature of psychotherapy in the 1970’s and it is generally based on a number of features.  Firstly, a therapeutic alliance…

Psychoanalytic Critique of Alfred Hitcock’s ‘the Birds’ Analysis

Clinical Psychology



Words: 1234 (5 pages)

Psychoanalytic Critique of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds In the late nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud developed the first framework for psychoanalytic theory expressing that our unconscious mind is truly responsible for our thoughts, desires, and overall emotions. His theory establishes that childhood experiences are crucial in individual development and sexual or aggressive drives shape all of…

Clinical Trial of Drug Companies

Clinical Psychology

Words: 717 (3 pages)

No, drug companies hat test experimental drugs in foreign countries are not acting ethically. These companies are taking advantage of the inferior educational and socio-economic situations that exist in these developing nations. In the article by Nail Nett, an advisor on health care issues for Penman, Malaysia is quoted as saying, “Relaxed or nonexistent regulatory…

Compare and Contrast the two following studies by Erving Goffman ‘Asylums’ and ‘Stigma’

Clinical Psychology

Mental Disorder


Words: 2255 (10 pages)

INTRODUCTION Erving Goffman (1922-1982) was a Canadian sociologist and a writer. As a sociologist he gained immense fame. This was because he was able to analyze the face-to-face human interaction and hence draw inferences from them. Being a sociologist he stressed the fact that “society always comes first”. As a writer he wrote a number…

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