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Essays on Cold War

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Essay Examples

The Post Cold War Arms Trade

Cold War


Words: 1520 (7 pages)

Arms and weapons are a substantial element in the globe’s economy. This paper will trace a few effects of the ending of the Cold War between 1990-1993 on weapons sales. It will deal with a few major authors in the field, and seek to underscore certain trends in that distasteful part of global trade. Specifically,…

Public Schools Vs. Post-cold War Military Spending

Cold War



Words: 912 (4 pages)

The government’s military spending today is comparable to the levels observed during the Cold War despite the absence of a Soviet Union threat. This excessive expenditure amounts to 86% of what was spent during that time, which seems unnecessary given the lack of an arms race. Although Americans acknowledge the importance of a strong military,…

Cold war containment

Cold War

Words: 903 (4 pages)

 One of the most comprehensive American policies in dealing with the Cold War was a policy developed by George Keenan, who set up the American Embassy in Moscow after World War II. In 1947, Keenan published an article in the magazine Foreign Affairs detailing what he called the containment policy. It would be America’s approach…

The Cold War and U. S. Diplomacy: the Truman Doctrine

Cold War


Words: 1884 (8 pages)

The Cold War and U. S. Diplomacy: The Truman Doctrine Ardell Simmons Professor Muhammad Sohna Politics 300 Friday, December 2, 2011 The Truman Doctrine: Contain the Expansion of Communism, Presumably Everywhere Summarize a situation that required U. S. diplomatic efforts during the president’s time in office. According to Woolsey (2008), “WWII had bled the British…

When and Why Did the Cold War End?

Cold War

Words: 2923 (12 pages)

Introduction Cold war was the struggle for power and influence that began at the end of World War II between the Communist nations led by the Soviet Union (the East) and the Western allies headed by the United States (the West). Cold War tensions began to moderate in the 1960’s, and a “thaw” was said…

Decline of cold war certainties

Cold War

Words: 1219 (5 pages)

One very important event that took place in global history was the Berlin airlift, which lasted from 1948 to 1949. After World War II, Germany was split into four individually controlled sections. The western half Of Germany was controlled by the United States, Great Britain and France, which were the western powers. The eastern half…

How the Cold War Began

Cold War

Words: 2337 (10 pages)

The Cold War began after World War II. The main enemies were the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States and the Soviet Union were the only two superpowers following the Second World War. The fact that, by the 1950s, each possessed nuclear weapons and the means of delivering such weapons on their…

Cold War Fears DBQ

Cold War

Words: 1209 (5 pages)

A new president has stepped up to the plate, President Dwight D. Eisenhower. However, Eisenhower needs to pick up where Truman had left off. He has to keep the country stable and deal with foreign policies. But, Eisenhower needs to face another issue at hand. With the Cold War going on, Americans are starting to…

Decolonization of Guinea

Cold War


International Relations

Words: 688 (3 pages)

In the span of time after World War II, during the explosive increase of new nations, one nation’s strive for independence sticks out to me and that is the nation of Guinea. This nation in particular emulates our classes definition, as well as most definitions, of the word globalization for many reasons including the ways…

Truman And The Cold War

Cold War

Words: 1667 (7 pages)

Since 1940, this industrious, peace loving country has suffered invasion, four years of cruel enemy occupation, and bitter internal strife. Read paragraphs 10-16. 2. What type Of revolutionary group was leading the challenge to democracy in Greece? Without help, Greece would fall to Communism. Nearby Turkey, he added, was in a similar situation. The Greek…

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