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Essay Examples

Statistical Data in Relation to Online Social Media


Customer relationship management



Social Media

Target market


Words: 2890 (12 pages)

This report incorporated recent statistical data in relation to online social media, arioso journal articles and books obtained online. Research for the target market indicates that the seekers comprise of mainly businesses of a variety of sizes that are familiar with the practice of crowd- sourcing. In regards to the solvers, findings suggest that university…

Is the Internet a Useful Tool for High School Students? Sample

High School



Words: 458 (2 pages)

There are positive facets every bit good as negative on which the Internet is utile or non. but what I believe is that the Internet is a utile tool for high school pupils. A few grounds why is that the Internet is more convenient. it’s an easier beginning. and it’s a batch faster. The Internet…

Recommendation Report to Mr. Gerard M. Gallagher




Words: 697 (3 pages)

            As the company found out that they are in some kind of an uncomfortable and troubling situation, we rather decide to make a thorough investigation of the case which initiated by Mr. Gerard M. Gallagher, Senior Vice President of Business Affairs, General Counsel and Secretary himself.  This report intends to locate the problems…

Internet And Economy



Words: 556 (3 pages)

The internet, the world wide data connection that has caught on like a wild fire sweeping through a parched California forest, has wide ranging implications on our world economy. Locally, we have witnessed staggering swings of fortune in more dot-com firms than any other form of business in American history. The old adage of that…

How Science and Technology Has Affected Weapons and How He Military Conducts War?




National Security

Words: 2335 (10 pages)

Technology has made a tremendous impact on modern warfare in the military. Science technology has provided the military with some amazing tools to use for combat. The rocket propelled grenade is one of those amazing tools as well as improvised explosive devices which come in three different forms. Science technology has also provided the military…

Dear junior admin

Computer Science

Information Technology


Words: 752 (4 pages)

Dear Junior Admit: After reading the problem you are having, I too have run into a similar situation in the pass and from my experience this is the advice I can give you and what to do to figure out what might be the cause and how to solve the issue at hand. A DDCD…

Jeff Bezos- Winnner Essay

Business Process


Mass Media

Words: 320 (2 pages)

In 1994, a 29-year-old financial analyst and fund manager named Jeff Bezos became intrigued by the rapid growth of the Internet. Looking for a way to capitalize on this hot new marketing tool, he made a list of 20 products that might sell well on the Internet. After some intense analysis, he determined that books…

The Next Five Years in Viet Nam

Employee retention



Organizational Behavior


Words: 1674 (7 pages)

It’s argued that the greatest challenge facing human resource managers in Viet Nam in the next 5 years will be to attract and retain the quality staff for their organization. I agree with statement because at present Vietnam has to meet the risk of skilled labor shortage although we have abundant labor force. The rate…

Adolescent Internet Usage in Taiwan: Exploring Gender Differences



Words: 1122 (5 pages)

The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in adolescent Internet access, reasons for use, and online activities in Taiwan. A survey was conducted with 629 participants from fifth and sixth grades. Previous research has consistently found that males typically have a positive attitude towards using the Internet, whereas females commonly express negative…

Valuation of Airthread Connections




Words: 3125 (13 pages)

In early December 2007, Robert Zimmerman, senior vice president of business development for American Cable Communications (ACC), was in his office sifting through a number of investment banking proposals related to potential acquisition targets when he paused to consider the recent presentation made by Rubinstein & Ross (R&R). Rubinstein & Ross was a boutique investment…

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