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Essay Examples

Child Pornography On The Internet



Words: 413 (2 pages)

The Internet has caused an addition in the production and distribution of kid erotica. Child erotica apprehensions have increased 220 % , with most instances affecting the usage of computing machines ( Trebilcock 1 ) . Most child erotica on the Internet has been taken from magazines produced in the 1970ss and early 1880ss, which…

Solution Essay About President Abraham Lincoln

Human Trafficking



Words: 1094 (5 pages)

What if I told you that over a century and a half after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, millions remain in bondage? There are more people in slavery today than the entire 400 years leading up to the civil war. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. Together, we can work to…

4G Fourth Generation, the Wireless Technology Standard




Words: 559 (3 pages)

A 4G primer WhAt is 4G? 4G stands for fourth generation, the wireless technology standard that’s considered the successor to the 3G, or third-generation, high-speed, mobile telecom standard. The key difference is that it’s designed for wireless or mobile data services using spectrum or airwaves more efficiently, enabling speeds of as much as 100 mbps…

How to Get Wi-Fi and Internet on a Budget


Computer network

Computer networking

Digital Media



Words: 878 (4 pages)

A good average cost for a wireless router, would e around $50 dollars. The next component is the computer. The computer is your main source for computing, it connects to your Internet connection and is the component that stores all of your information and handles all of the traffic and routes to the Internet. Now…

Netiquette of Internet Communications



Words: 588 (3 pages)

As computer technology advances, more people rely on computers for communication, especially through email. It is important to follow certain unwritten guidelines when using this form of communication. Email protocol, also known as netiquette, is a collection of generally accepted guidelines. Although not formally documented, these rules are commonly advised by professionals in the business…

Business Realities


Information Technology



World Wide Web

Words: 295 (2 pages)

New Business Realities E-Business Systems: The New Infrastructure E-business uses the global reach of the Internet to connect customers, vendors, suppliers and employees together, and the information they need, to do a better job. It represents a secure, reliable, scalable and manageable framework that builds on existing technology investments to prepare for the future. It…

IPv6 Research Paper

Computer Science

Information Technology


Words: 516 (3 pages)

The development of IPV6 has been prompted by the scarcity of available IPV4 addresses. IPV6 is designed to replace its predecessor, IPV4. According to IPv6 (2013), most internet traffic still relies on IPV4 in 2013, but due to the increasing number of devices connecting to the internet, there is a limited number of available IPV4…

Network Neutrality People Have Equal Access to Internet


Net Neutrality



Words: 632 (3 pages)

Discuss the current state of net neutrality in the United States. Give a summary of FCC rulings during the last two years. Who were the key parties involved in the debate and what are the arguments on both sides of the issue? What did the most recent ruling by the FCC do to change the…

Case Study – Zatswho Llc.

human communication


Mass Media

social institutions

Social Media

Words: 771 (4 pages)

Cooper and Schwinoff are looking for guidance on launching and running a business as family members. To successfully navigate this endeavor, I suggest that they prioritize effective communication, actively listen to one another’s viewpoints, and be open to finding middle ground. It is crucial for Schwinoff to assert herself while respectfully sharing her opinions without…

Internet friends real or fake



Words: 1093 (5 pages)

In today’s world, it is crucial to define what constitutes a genuine friendship, especially considering the prevalence of online connections and social media platforms like Facebook. While these platforms provide opportunities for people to stay in touch with old friends or acquaintances and keep up with their lives, they cannot fully replace the physical presence…

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