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Essays on Marine biology

We found 6 free papers on Marine biology

Essay Examples

Ocean and Resources

Marine biology


Words: 1183 (5 pages)

The importance of seas and oceans cannot be overstated. They play a crucial role in supporting various plants and animals, offering valuable resources and habitats. Furthermore, they are vital for the well-being and economies of nations. Unfortunately, human activities have had a significant negative impact on marine and coastal ecosystems. Despite this, the planet greatly…

Marine Biology Research Paper


Marine biology

Words: 1353 (6 pages)

Marine Biology The field of marine biology, the study of organisms within their environment of an ocean, lake, or river, has a very broad range of occupations. Marine biologists try to discover how organisms grow and develop, how they get food, how their bodies function, and how their life relations correspond to other organisms. They…

Geographic distribution of coral reefs in shallow marine waters


Marine biology

Words: 3697 (15 pages)

            Coral reefs have been in existence for many years and are the most biologically diverse marine ecosystems on the planet. They range in different lengths and sizes and are considered to be the largest geological features that are built by organism. Nevertheless, some of them take years to grow by an inch. They can…

Coral Reefs, Sustainability, and their Impact for the Future


Marine biology

Words: 1853 (8 pages)

            The ideas of ecoconsciousness and sustainability of the Earth’s natural resources have been around, accessibly, for about twenty years, but, within the last five years, the terms have become part of the American vernacular.  Going green is the new thing—even celebrities are promoting their “green” vehicles, their “eco-friendly” homes, and their “organic-only” diets.  Ecoconsciousness…

The Redneck Way of Fishing


Marine biology

Words: 417 (2 pages)

The easiest way to go fishing is by using ten sticks of dynamite and a case of Pabst. In America, blast fishing is often associated with rednecks, but it is still practiced in Southeast Asia and Africa, despite its illegality. There are three areas to consider: the impact on coral reefs and ocean floors, its…

Sharks as Endangered Species

Endangered Species

Marine biology

Words: 2452 (10 pages)

It’s a peaceful day on a crowded beach in Florida. Out in the water, about a hundred yards from the coast, a dorsal fin appears. Since it’s so far out, it’s hard to tell what it is. Could it be a dolphin? No, this dorsal fin is straight, not curved, and the tail fin is…

Frequently Asked Questions about Marine biology

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What are 5 things marine biologist do? says that the duties for marine biologists include, “conducting species inventories, testing and monitoring sea creatures exposed to pollutants, collecting and testing ocean samples, preserving specimens and samples of unknown species and diseases, and mapping the distribution, ranges, or ...
What is marine biology in simple words?
Marine biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviors and interactions with the environment. ... Researchers apply molecular techniques to many environments ranging from coastal marshes to the deep sea and to various organisms such as viruses, plants, and fish.
What is the importance of marine biology?
Marine biologists study the fascinating animal, plant and microscopic life in oceans. An estimated 80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface! Plants and animals act as indicators of the effect of human activities on the planet, including pollution and climate change.
Why do you love marine biology?
Marine biologists study the fascinating animal, plant and microscopic life in oceans. ... Plants and animals act as indicators of the effect of human activities on the planet, including pollution and climate change. Marine biologists play a vital role in studying these effects.

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