Novel Essay Examples Page 27
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Essay Examples
The Guilt of the Protagnoist in ‘Cal’ by Bernard Maclaverty Analysis
Catholic Church
Set during the sixties and using the Troubles in Northern Ireland as a suitably depressing backdrop, “Cal” by Bernard MacLaverty is the tale of a tragic love affair and the hopelessness of life during the Troubles. Cal’s struggle for normality within the chaos which was life in Northern Ireland, has enabled MacLaverty to create a…
Role and Concept of Sleary’s Circus in Hard Times
Charles Dickens
‘Hard Times’ is a Charles Dickens novel set in the social backdrop of the Victorian era during the Industrial Revolution that took place during the 1850s. The ill effects of Victorian Utilitarianism are upheld in this moralistic vision of the writer. Unlike most of his novels, ‘Hard Times’ is not based in London but in…
Tom Jones Comic Epic
Enjoying the freedom of an artist, Fielding in his ‘Tom Jones’ bursts on the literary scene giving thousands of hours for a kind of writing, which is in his own words, “I do not remember to have seen hitherto attempted in our language”. His immediate inspiration was the Spanish Classic, ‘Don Quixote’. However in discussing…
Uglies Novel Grade 9
Group Essay on Uglies By Claire, Tara, Tarah, Genevieve, and Soojin Introduction: “A perfection of means, and confusion of aims seems to be our main problem” (Einstein). As humans, we try to achieve perfection, and fail often. We know how to achieve what we want, but when it comes to what we want to achieve,…
John Steinbeck’s “The pearl” Irony in the novel
John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck The Pearl is a tale of a poor Indian family who stumbles upon the greatest pearl in the world. Headed by a man named Kink and his supporting wife Juan, they both are determined to live a wealthy life no matter what the cost. Although the story is fictional, it is based on…
Feed by M. T. Anderson Analysis
Feed, a satirical novel written by M. T. Anderson, portrays a future where technology is constantly present within our minds. In this world, the majority of Americans possess a Feed, which is a brain implant enabling instant access to information, entertainment, shopping, messaging, and other activities typically carried out with laptops and cell phones (preferably…
Abuse of Power in Heart of Darkness and in Frankenstein
Heart Of Darkness
Victor Frankenstein
How is the abuse of power shown in the two works that you have studied? The works I have studied and will be exploring in this essay are Mary Shelly’s ‘Frankenstein’ and Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’. In ‘Frankenstein’ the abuse of power is most clearly exhibited by the protagonist of the story Frankenstein himself,…
The analysis of the extract from “Ragtime”
“Ragtime” is an E. L. Doctorow’s novel that was published in 1975 and later won the National Book Critics Circle Award. E. L Doctorow himself is a famous American writer who is widely known for his unique works of historical fiction. The novel itself belongs to the epic kind of literature. It’s a contemporary realistic…
Critical analysis on “The Wars” by Timothy Findley Sample
All Quiet On The Western Front
The Wars. written by Timothy Findley. is a narrative about World War I. and consists of many flooring images passed over to the reader. Findley accomplishes to draw the reader into the narrative itself. so that the reader manages to experience an impact upon him/her-self about what is read. If it was non for this…
Comparing Maus and Night
Nazi Germany
“For god’s sake, where is god”-“where he is? This is where hanging here from this gallows…” that was the truth, austerely (plainly) handed down to every Jew and prisoner who was detained and imprisoned in Auschwitz, whether in Night or Maus the notion was the same. The Holocaust was a traumatic event that most people…