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Essay Examples

The Ethics of Moby-Dick

Moby Dick

Words: 1765 (8 pages)

Ethics is the system of moral principles. Ethics is dealing with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy. Ethics covers what is ‘right’ and “wrong.” Our concepts of ethics come from religions, cultures, traditions, and philosophers. Ethical theories are divided into two parts: normative ethics and meta-ethics. Herman…

Comparison of “Life of Pi” and “Moby Dick”

Life Of Pi

Moby Dick

Words: 569 (3 pages)

In Life of Pi, when Pi was a young boy, he was dared by his brother Ravi to “Run into that church and drink the holy water” (Life of Pi). As he attempts this, a clergy confronts him in a respectful and polite manner asking him if he is thirsty. This interaction abolishes Pi’s preconceived…

The Giver’s Utopian Society of “Sameness”

The Giver

Words: 1056 (5 pages)

In the depths of a hypothetical world, a futuristic society achieves perfection through “sameness”. In this social system, sameness is reflected in the human’s lack of choice and freedom. By eliminating differences among mankind, sameness upholds social structure, keeps order, and emphasizes the ideals of equality over individuality. This world is portrayed in Lois Lowry’s…

Summary of the Story of “Wuthering Heights”

Wuthering Heights

Words: 5305 (22 pages)

Emily Bronti wrote Wuthering Heights, and was born on July 30th, 1818, and was the fifth child to her mother and father. Her older sisters Maria and Elizabeth both died of tuberculosis in 1825, which was the disease Emily herself also died of, many years later. Frequently, Emily was encouraged to work, or learn away…

The Grapes of Wrath: An Argument Paper

The Grapes Of Wrath

Words: 893 (4 pages)

Introduction The Grapes of Wrath is a novel which radically analyzed the exploitation of agricultural workers and the culmination of the racist emphasis on whites as victims in the thirties. It argued that Anglo-Saxon whites were the main subjects who deserved worthy of treatment. The novel attacks the assumptions with respect to class difference and…

Feminist Criticism in Dracula  



Feminist literary criticism

Literary criticism

Words: 965 (4 pages)

Bram Stoker’s Dracula is a very high controversial piece of literature that is to this day analyzed by academia. Stoker’s Dracula touches on many different types of critical theories, this is the prime reason the novel is used so much for analyzing. This section, however, is going to focus on on critical theory called Feminist…

The Great Gatsby: A Marxist View

F.Scott Fitzgerald

Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby Symbolism

Words: 1517 (7 pages)

Struggle in class is a central element in the analysis of social change in western societies; the basis of the perspective is economics. This is known as the Marxist theory. Marxism was created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxism was a philosophy that said that the current government systems of the time (capitalism and…

Feminism in the Book the Handmaid’s Tale


Social Issues

the handmaid's tale

Words: 1014 (5 pages)

In this dystopian book “The Handmaid’s Tale”, by the writer, Margaret Atwood looks for the outcome of the situation in which females have no absolute rights whatsoever All women’s rights in this book are taken away from the women.The ladies in The book “Handmaid’s Tale” are abused in every manageable from, most patyicyulary through of…

Chivalry And Courtly Love Research Paper

Don Quixote


Words: 1150 (5 pages)

Chivalry And Courtly Love Essay, Research Paper Chivalry was the great codification of behavior respected by the knights and heroes during the romantic medieval epoch. Marked by award, courtesy, and generousness, gallantry included military accomplishment, heroism, trueness to both God and the knight’s Godhead, and sympathy towards the sick, oppressed, and widowed. Within the kingdom…

Year of Wonders – Jon Milston the Sexton

Year of Wonders

Words: 482 (2 pages)

The world works in mysterious ways. This class has determines that people must be able to adapt to environmental changes if they are to survive. The inability to adapt has proven to be the collapse of a particular society time and time again. This essay traces the rise of Cahokia and Chaco Canyon and the…

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