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Essays on Parenting styles

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Essay Examples

Interview of Parents Who Have Preschool Children

Parenting styles


Words: 565 (3 pages)

I, interview one of the parents who have two children attending Preschool every day. This interview last 30 minutes and the parents are nervous when I ask them the questions and they take time to answer the questions back. 1. How and why did you choose the child care provider you are currently using? If…

Parenting Styles influence Academic Achievement


Parenting styles

Words: 4093 (17 pages)

Parents are the primary persons who are responsible to teach good values and behavior in children. Parents have different methods on how to transmit their values, skills, behavior, and attitudes to their children. Most parents want their children to do well in school however not all parents are successful in this. When parents have a…

Psychology: Parenting Styles and “Fences” by August Wilson


Parenting styles

Words: 652 (3 pages)

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. In psychology there are for parenting styles. They are Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. I believe that the best parenting style is Authoritative. This parenting is more involved. They explain rules and punishment. They are open to conversations and questions. In“Fences” by August Wilson we…

Big Things Come in Small Packages


Parenting styles


Words: 912 (4 pages)

For some birthday jubilations are compulsory. But for our household. birthdays are rarely celebrated. The 16th twenty-four hours of March 2011. for other people. is merely a typical twenty-four hours. But for me. it was more than what met my eyes and what I have felt during that twenty-four hours. I woke up experiencing lively…

4 Parenting Styles


Parenting styles

Words: 321 (2 pages)

There are 4 parenting styles based on parental responsiveness and demandiveness. These styles are Authoritative, Authoritarian, Indulgent parents, and Indifferent. The Authoritative parents are warm but firm. These parents set standards based on their childs capabilities both mentally and physically and these standards are not set in stone. These parents can be reasoned with. Authoritative…

“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua Analysis


Parenting styles

Words: 1176 (5 pages)

In her book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom,” Amy Chua shares stories from her journey as a parent raising two children, focusing on her experiences with daughters Sophia and Luisa (Lulu). She refers to her parenting approach as the “Chinese mother” style but acknowledges that this term does not represent all Chinese mothers, as…

Effects of Different Parenting Styles


Parenting styles

Words: 1431 (6 pages)

Spankings are frequent and parents usually tend to show rage towards the child (Contracts, 2013, p. 300). Children with authoritarian parents are often unhappy, lack confidence, have weak communication skills, and have less social ability. The results of authoritarian parenting can prevent the child from making their own choices and always needing direction. These children…

Harriet the Spy Parenting Styles


Parenting styles

Words: 364 (2 pages)

These parents have an obedience and status-focused mindset, and they expect their instructions to be followed without question. Little Harriet is in the process of transitioning out of the cognitive development stage known as the “concrete operational stage”. This stage typically starts around age seven and lasts until around age eleven. (Harriet is currently depicted…

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother


Parenting styles

Words: 671 (3 pages)

EnglishArgumentative Essay The topic of which parenting style will result in a successful and stable child is debated. There are four primary types of parenting styles. The first is authoritarian parenting, characterized by strict rules and a lack of emotional nurturing, demanding unquestioning obedience from the child. The second is authoritative parenting, which takes a…

Review of Related Literature


Parenting styles

Words: 577 (3 pages)

This chapter presents the kind of sources from which the researcher mostly gathered. It also explains the significant information about the references on the specific study. It is a summary of all the theories and findings obtained in the review of related literature relating them to the objective of the problem of the study. Foreign…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Parenting styles

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How do you define parenting styles?
Parenting style is defined as a constellation of parents' attitudes and behaviors toward children and an emotional climate in which the parents' behaviors are expressed (Darling and Steinberg, 1993).
What are the 4 types of parenting styles?
The 4 types of parenting. The four main parenting styles — permissive, authoritative, neglectful and authoritarian — used in child psychology today are based on the work of Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist, and Stanford researchers Eleanor Maccoby and John Martin.
What is the best parenting style?
Why experts agree authoritative parenting is the most effective style. Studies have found that authoritative parents are more likely to raise confident kids who achieve academic success, have better social skills and are more capable at problem-solving.
Why are parenting styles so important?
While there are many things that influence a child's development, how you parent plays a big part. Researchers say it's important to ensure your parenting style is supporting healthy growth and development, because the way you interact with your child and how you discipline has a lifelong impact.

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