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Essay Examples

“A Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Analysis

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King

Words: 1007 (5 pages)

‘A Letter from Birmingham Jail’ by Martin Luther King Jr. was written in the edges of a letter posted by the priests of Alabama right now that started his advantage and keeping in mind that he occupied the prison cell for strutting around without a license. This time permitted him the capacity to react wholeheartedly…

Jim Crow Law Values in Warriors Don’t Cry

Civil Rights

Jim Crow laws

Words: 766 (4 pages)

This is a book that is about a personal journey into one Woman’s experience growing up in Little Rock, Arkansas during the Civil Rights movement as an African American. This book was a memoir, based heavily on Melba’s diary and the notes of her English teacher ‘s mother. It all explains how the then a…

What are Identity politics?

Harriet Tubman

Words: 496 (2 pages)

Identity politics are people that base there identities on social class. For example, a feminist that always votes for female candidates strictly because they are female or African americans believing that police officers are to get them because of their skin color. Another example is women believing men treat them differently because they are female….

Disneyland Is a Place I Would Like to See


I Have a Dream

Walt Disney

Words: 1882 (8 pages)

The happiest place on Earth. Right away, people recognize Disney parks with this well-known catchphrase. Some people consider these magical parks there, “home.” With Disney being the largest entertainment company in the world, it is no surprise that the parks have thousands upon thousands of people visit them each and every day. Guests wearing Mickey…

Semi-automatic Weapon Debate 


Gun Control


Social Issues

United States

Words: 1837 (8 pages)

David Hogg tweeted out about gun control and said, “Imagine saying the only way to stop shark attacks is with more sharks.” Conservative Ben Shapiro then hit David Hogg with a blow tweeting back, “A good way to stop a shark attack is with a gun.” The controversy over gun control in the United States…

Mental Conflict Between Moral Imperatives




Police officer

Words: 529 (3 pages)

Ethical dilemma is a situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. As a police officer you are held to a much higher standard. The public will view you differently because you are now wearing a badge and they will expect you…

The Use of the Three Appeals in Letter from Birmingham Jail, a Letter by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King

Words: 598 (3 pages)

Many people know of Letter from Birmingham Jail, written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but do you know what it was in response to? I, along with many others, did not know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was responding to the 8 clergymen who wrote a document entitled A Call for Unity. The…

Equality: Malala and Rosa Parks


Rosa Parks

Words: 1133 (5 pages)

Equality for me means that every human is equal and deserve to be treated equally. That opportunities, prospects and respect, are evenly distributed amongst each and every one of us. That it matters not where you come from but what your gone accomplish and achieve. For some equality means equal rights between the sexes, for…

Film Is Black Panther

Black Power Movement

Words: 570 (3 pages)

Marvel’s Black Panther received critical acclaim not only because of portrayal of a superhero’s journey but more so about the black cultures journey. Not only was the film a box office hit but it was dubbed as a cultural phenomenon. The movie celebrates the black culture in different mediums. For example, the racial dynamics present…

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speech “I Have a Dream” Analysis

I Have a Dream

Martin Luther King

Words: 722 (3 pages)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a speech on August 28, 1963 in Washington before 250,000 people that helped the civil rights movement so dramatically that it etched his name in history books across the world. Dr. King and his delegates wrote the speech many times over and infamous quote and symbolic words and title…

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