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Essay Examples

My Thoughts About Important Part Of Declaration Of Independence: The Preservation Of Life, And Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Declaration of Independence

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Words: 1433 (6 pages)

We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness; …(Declaring Independence). Liberty is the state of being free within society and from…

Music: A Frequency Above Discrimination

Civil Rights

Words: 2126 (9 pages)

“We Shall Overcome”, a song sung by many in history, but none quite as loud as those who fought to be seen and heard throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Music was a driving force during this time for African-Americans as they needed something to inspire and help them in their time of need. Since even…

Violence for Freedom: The Civil Activists’ Dilemma

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Words: 572 (3 pages)

Opposite Forces: Freedom for Violence versus Violence for Freedom In the public statement “A Call to Unity”, the Alabama clergymen criticize the civil activists’ goals to stop segregation and racial superiority because the organization is disobeying the protocols that are enforced in Alabama, Birmingham. Specifically, the clergymen target Martin Luther King Jr. as he is…

Comparison of “Civil Disobedience” and “A Loaf of Bread”

Civil Disobedience

Words: 1110 (5 pages)

In “Civil Disobedience,” Henry David Thoreau indicates that justice will come with a price in order to be achieved. He argues, “a people, as well as an individual, must do justice, cost what it may” (3). Henry Thoreau believed that the government is the best when it doesn’t govern at all. Thoreau advocates that in…

Taking Back Our Power

Black Power Movement

Words: 1839 (8 pages)

For as long as I can remember when it came to black political movements, women were always depicted either on the side lines, in the shadows of their male counterparts or seen as sexual objects of desire. Unlike the suffragist movement where we see kick-ass white women demanding their power and having control of their…

Comparison between the Ideas of Edwards and Paine


Thomas Paine

Words: 1226 (5 pages)

There is no arguing that the two ideas of Jonathan Edwards and Thomas Paine were different in many ways yet they shared similar characteristics. Edwards message on one hand was to utilize pathos in his everyday beliefs, Paine’s message emphasized in ethos to convey his message that the soldiers needed to fight in the Revolutionary…

Civil War Current Event Assignment

Harriet Tubman

Words: 509 (3 pages)

Kanye West is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur and fashion designer. I was confused when I found out that he wanted to meet Donald Trump. I also heard that he supported Trump’s choices and actions. Then he said he said “slavery was a choice.” To me, Donald Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great…

Lessons about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King



Words: 667 (3 pages)

When I was in elementary school, we had lessons about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. It was always a cool topic to discuss: a peaceful movement putting one of America’s most shameful periods to rest– and King is such an inspirational person to learn about. However, I was a bit…

Freedom of Speech by Gender

Freedom of Speech

Words: 1484 (6 pages)

What if you were not allowed to have a voice and share what you think just because of your gender? How would that make you feel? Well, this is a common thing that happens in our country and across the world. That is why I am focusing on Women’s Rights as my Exhibition topic. I…

Muammar Al-Gaddafi


International Relations


Words: 1147 (5 pages)

            Dictatorship is an act of forcing your will against the will of others and this can either be official or unofficial.  In other cases, there might pressure from the military without there having direct involvement but most forms of dictatorships result after the ruling government is overthrown.  Whether directly or not, Muammar Al Gaddafi…

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