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Essay Examples

Abraham Lincoln and Calamity Jane

Abraham Lincoln

Words: 836 (4 pages)

The purpose of the essays in The Boys Life of Abraham Lincoln by Helen Nicolay and Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane, By Herself is effectively displayed through the use of tone. Nicolay’s tone in The Boys Life of Abraham Lincoln showcases triumph through tragedy, intertwining details about Lincoln’s ancestors and the challenges he faced….

In which area is ronald reagan’s legacy usually considered strongest

Ronald Reagan

Words: 692 (3 pages)

Childhood and Education – Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 191 1, in Tamping, Illinois, to John Edward “Jack” Reagan and Nellie Wilson Reagan. His father nicknamed him “Dutch,” saying he resembled “a fat little Dutchmen. ” During Reggae’s early childhood, his family lived in a series of towns, finally settling in Dixon,…

What Makes A Good Ruler?

Abraham Lincoln

Julius Caesar


Words: 1136 (5 pages)

In history, the chief ground why a state prospers is because of its leader. A adult male named Niccolo Machiavelli stated his sentiments on what makes a good swayer in his book The Qualities of the Prince. I believe that a leader should be intelligent, strong, lovingness and devoted to his people. Although people have…

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama: Back to School Event Speech Analysis

Barack Obama



Words: 1082 (5 pages)

Everyone says that education is the most important thing. Every country wants to have the best schools to have the best society in the future and every Prime Minister or President of a country wants to make that happen. They talk about how important education is and they put a lot of money into making…

Biography of American Statesman J Edgar Hoover

Civil Rights Movement


Criminal Law

Law enforcement

National Security

Richard Nixon


Words: 3208 (13 pages)

In Washington DC Parents Anne Merle and Dickerson Analogy Hoover Sin filed until he was 43 Competed in debate team (against women voting and the abolition of death penalty) Nicknamed speed (stutter) and was applauded by his cool and relentless logic Father suffered from mental illness and was institutionalized “Instead of sympathizing… Wasn’t kind o…

Essay about Life of President Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter

Words: 462 (2 pages)

After serving as a Naval Officer for 7 years, Carter returned to the plains and entered state politics in 1962. Eight years later, he was elected Governor of Georgia, where his focuses were ecology, efficient government, and eliminating racial barriers. In December 1974, Jimmy Carter announced his candidacy for President and began a two-year campaign….

Apush Ch. 27&28 Study Guide Info – Hitchcock


Theodore Roosevelt

Words: 733 (3 pages)

Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan- “Influence of sea power upon history” stated that control of seas leads to world dominance, stimulated the naval race among nations, enhanced american navy. James G. Blaine- secretary of state, wanted to ally American and Latin American, “Big sister” policy, hemispheric relations. wanted to open ports in south america to merican…

Research paper on ronald reagan


Essays Database

Words: 2647 (11 pages)

Americans had been cautious of Soviet communism and are worried about Russian leader Joseph Stalin’s rule of his own country. The Cold War heated up again under President Ronald Reagan. Like many leaders of his generation, Reagan believed that the spread of communism anywhere threatened freedom every. Inhere. As a result, he worked to provide…

President Barack Obama Lifts Cuban Restrictions

Barack Obama


Words: 722 (3 pages)

For many old ages. legal professionals and bookmans in economic sciences argued over the benefits and costs of the trade trade stoppage which was put on Cuba by the U. S. Over the class of old ages. Cuban Americans were non merely deprived of a opportunity to reunite with their households ; they did non…

Bush and Gore make me wanna Ralph

Al Gore




United States Congress

Voter Turnout


Words: 2019 (9 pages)

DISCLAIMER: If you are planning to vote for Al Gore in November, good for you. Don’t let what I’m about to say change your mind because I’ve been told by all the experts that if you do change your mind based on what I’m about to say, George W. Bush might win the election and…

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