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Essay Examples
A Brief Summary of the Mughal Emperors
South Asia
Zahir ud-din Muhammad Babur (23 February 1483 — 5 January 1530) was a Muslim conqueror from Central Asia who, following a series of setbacks, finally succeeded in laying the basis for the Mughal dynasty of South Asia. He was a direct descendant of Timur through his father and a descendant also of Genghis Khan through…
Dashain: National Holiday in Nepal and Bhutan
South Asia
The first twenty-four hours of Dashain is called Ghatasthapana. which literally means pot set uping. On this twenty-four hours the kalash. ( holy H2O vas ) symbolizing goddess Durga frequently with her image embossed on the side is placed in the supplication room. The kalash is filled with holy H2O and covered with cowdung on…
Operation Blue Star
Human rights abuses
Mahatma Gandhi
South Asia
The analysis of Operation Blue Star and its impact on the Gandhi dynasty is seen as a dark period in India’s history. It is considered a stain that is hard to forget. Even now, there are discussions about whether Indihar Gandhi was right in executing Operation Blue Star, which caused significant harm to the Golden…