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Essay Examples

The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication


Words: 1208 (5 pages)

Ethnic violence in the Middle East between Palestinians and Israelis has been ongoing for years with no expectations of a peaceful cease-fire. Earlier this year, conflict between the two had escalated to unprecedented levels. Tensions still had not ease with the continued military incursions of the Israeli army and the suicide-bombing attacks of Palestinian militants….

Communication Theories Seen in Edward Scissorhands Analysis


Words: 656 (3 pages)

The 1990 film Edward Scissorhands demonstrates many communication theories and concepts. This movie is an excellent example for many interpersonal communication concepts and theories because it focuses on Edward’s interpersonal communication with the other characters. This is interesting because for all of Edward’s life, he has only interacted with one person, leaving him with very…

Writing assignment lord of the flies


Communication Skills

Lord Of The Flies

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Culture

Words: 311 (2 pages)

Communication in the workplace and how it can be incorporated in groups and teams has been of much interest to me since returning to the corporate world. Having had a leadership role I have always been interested in how to effectively communicate with my team. Therefore for my research paper the communication topic that I…

Narrative Argument Argumentative Essay


human communication


Words: 452 (2 pages)

What is your purpose in sharing this experience? What questions will you be answering for your audience? How might your audience be sympathetic and/ or resistant to your story’s argument? What is the social context that your story occurs within? For examples of narrative arguments, see Christofis “On the Ground with a ‘Gap Year”‘ essay…

Riders of the Purple Sage




Human Sexuality



Words: 1983 (8 pages)

Abstract Zane Grey remains one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called Western style of writing. His books readily reflect the realities of the American West, avoiding idealization and excessive romanticism. His most famous Riders of the Purple Sage has created and established the true formula of Western literary opposition, where the unique combination…

A Personal Recount of The Different Views of the Writers in Literature




Words: 754 (4 pages)

My first impression of my own writing is that I am skilled but I definitely need room for improvement, I realized that I’ve mastered the skills I’ve been using since eighth grade, but that this class gave me the opportunity to step it up. My typical writing process is to create and outline of my…

Analysis of Poem “The Sun Also Rises” by Hemmingway



Words: 1037 (5 pages)

Deceitful Love “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime” (Bette). Ernest Hemmingway The Sun Also Rises was published as a modern novel of disillusionment in 1926 while Hemingway lived in Paris. Throughout The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway weaves the theme of the book around the fine line between love…

“Pauls Case” by Willa Cathers



Romeo And Juliet


Words: 768 (4 pages)

The short story “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather introduces us to a young man who fears becoming ordinary and unremarkable like the people and things around him. Paul is driven to escape his dull life due to how others perceive him. He feels stifled by his mundane surroundings and finds comfort in the theater, which…

Factors Affecting Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Words: 312 (2 pages)

Nonverbal Communication Self-Growth states that around 90 percent of communication is nonverbal, which implies that a person’s body language may not always correspond to their spoken words. To effectively communicate with someone, it is crucial to be aware of the proximity between both individuals as standing either too close or too far apart can cause…

Words of My Youth by Joe Mackall Analysis



Words: 716 (3 pages)

In the memoir “Words of My Youth,” the author Joe Mackall recounts a moment in his life as he retells the events he experienced while growing up in the suburbs. Mackall wants the readers to know that there are always repercussions in life for choices that are made. Young children often make disheartening choices in…

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