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Essay Examples
The Lies You Tell
Essays Database
Dear unconventional, yet conventional journal, Today was a pretty messed up day. Do you want to know why? Well of course you do ‘cause you’re literally just a blank paged book that I write in to release my stream of consciousness. Anywho, today was a mess of a day for a number of reasons, and…
Proactiv Solution Skin-Care Line
Proactiv in 1995, Dr. Kathy Fields and Dr. Katie Rodan launched the Proactiv Solution skin-care line. Proactiv is an acne system that sells products to cleanse the skin. Proactiv is an over-the-counter treatment that contains the active ingredient, benzoyl peroxide. The purpose of this analysis on Proactiv is to explain why this advertisement is persuasive….
Case Study – Zatswho Llc.
human communication
Mass Media
social institutions
Social Media
Cooper and Schwinoff are looking for guidance on launching and running a business as family members. To successfully navigate this endeavor, I suggest that they prioritize effective communication, actively listen to one another’s viewpoints, and be open to finding middle ground. It is crucial for Schwinoff to assert herself while respectfully sharing her opinions without…
Demonstrative Communication This Is a Special Form of Knowledge
Abstract Demonstrative communication is a way of expressing a message without using words. It is conveyed through nonverbal and unwritten communication, which can include body language, facial expressions, and other forms of communication not expressed verbally. Body language is one strong example of nonverbal communication often used in demonstrative communication. Evaluating someone’s body language can…
What Do You Think When You Hear the Word “Orbit”?
The word orbit we hear it really frequently, whenever the infinite bird launched or it meets up ISS ( International Space Station ) or when a projectile launches a warhead, we ever come across the word ‘orbit ‘. But what really the orbit is? An orbit is a specific way on which an artificial orbiter…
Hurtful Words or Not? The Effects of Microaggressions
Essays Database
My whole life I have heard people say “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” Is that completely true? In today’s society when we hear the word microaggressions what comes to mind? What does it mean? “The term microaggression originated in the 1970s and referred to subtle, often unconscious…
Self Disclosure as Form of Communication
Self-disclosure is a form of communication in which individuals reveal their concealed selves to others, as described by Matthew McKay, Ph.D., Martha Davis, Ph.D., and Patrick Fanning. It encompasses four elements: Open Self, Blind Self, Hidden Self, and Unknown Self. By engaging in self-disclosure, people can expose their hidden selves and impart previously undisclosed information…
The Picture pf Dorian Grey – Textual analysis
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The chosen extract is from Chapter 2 of “The Picture of Dorian Grey” by Oscar Wilde. It starts with the sentence “Suddenly the painter appeared at the door of the studio” and ends with the sentence “I would give my soul for that!” This chapter is significant because it introduces readers to Dorian Grey and…
School Uniforms – Uniforms Provide a Mindset
School Uniforms
The campaign for individualism has never been stronger. The youth, most especially, are keen on finding their voices and identities. One’s views and opinions can be expressed in almost everything a person doesin one’s actions, manner of speaking, and in the way a person dresses. For as long as there have been schools that require…
Writing an Essay with a Plan
human communication
Pick a topic. Descriptive essays generally focus on a person, a place, an event, or a thing. Writers convey an idea about their topic by describing the topic for the reader in a ‘show, not tell’ manner. Showing and not telling means that you paint a picture for your reader. For example, instead of saying,…