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Essay Examples


God and Satan: The Cult of Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda


Words: 785 (4 pages)

Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is a Puerto Rican leader referring to himself as both the Christ and the Antichrist (Growing in Grace).  He has a large number of followers, publicizes his faith fervently, and yet he is known among the religious folk as essentially a crackpot.  “Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is a 60-year-old…

Fallacy Summary and Application


Common sense





Words: 1273 (6 pages)

            One would thin that as we become more sophisticated in our technology, we would also become more sophisticated in our thinking. This is not really the case, and our everyday life reflects this fact, in looking at critical thinking and arguments in daily life.             In this essay we will examine three fallacies that…

Storm God vs. Dragon-like Creature


Words: 1369 (6 pages)

Storm God vs. Dragon-like Creature The Babylonian, Enuma Elish, and the Canaanite group of poems, Baal Cycle, are both mythological works in which a storm god battles a dragon-like monster. This war between storm gods and dragon-like monsters show readers similarities from one culture to the next. The classification in each work illustrates a specific…

Heaven and God in Hard Times

Existence of God

Words: 580 (3 pages)

How do I keep my faith alive? In this essay I will talk about how my family keeps my faith alive. All families are different with their faith and how they keep it alive. My family keeps our faith going by going to church at least once a month. During Christmas we have a little…

Worldview of a Christian


Words: 837 (4 pages)

PART I A worldview is the way we approach or think about the world. “Our own personal philosophy.” The worldview of a Christian or whatever is a personal evaluation about meaning and reality. A simplistic biblical worldview would be to have the mind of Jesus Christ. Genesis 1:1 is the first verse of the bible…

The theatre version of Lord of the Flies is a must-see


Words: 393 (2 pages)

The theatre version of Lord of the Flies based on the novel by WilliamGolding and adapted by Nigel Williams are now being presented in the LyricTheatre Hammersmith, London. Tickets cost about 7.00. This review is comparingthe book and how Nigel Williams adapted it. The theatre version of Lord ofthe Flies is very good. Interesting and…

Lust Will Not Do You Good

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

The Crucible

Words: 876 (4 pages)

Puritans were a group of protesters who sought to purify the Church of England. In The Crucible, the Salem Witch Trials took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1692 to 1693, where the afflicted girls accused innocent people and resulted in numerous deaths. In the “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,’ Edwards…

Reflection Paper: God and Prayer


Words: 920 (4 pages)

Introduction For many people, prayer is an abstract experience or an escape valve. They pray – however they don’t see any answers. Why? Because they pray doubting their prayer will ever be heard by God. Despite the many times God has said in the Bible to ask, pray, call on Him and he will answer…

Caryl Churchill’s “Top girls”


Words: 1013 (5 pages)

In these days, there are many women who play important role in society and it has been increasing since modern civilization has been formed. Many of literary works express the social aspect. Many plays are like a mirror of society because playwrights consider the ambience of society and put their thoughts and values into the…

Response Paper “The Language of God” by Francis Collins



Words: 931 (4 pages)

In the book “The Language of God” Francis Collins presents his original views and beliefs in theism. The entire book is devoted to proving the existence of God, supporting Christian worldview and accepting the anthropic principle. Interestingly, despite Collins supports anthropic principle, he rejects the origin of life as input of the God. In particular,…

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What are the key elements of a Religion essay

A religion essay should include an introduction that provides background information on the chosen religion. The body of the essay should explore the key beliefs and practices of the religion, and the conclusion should offer a thoughtful reflection on the overall significance of the religion.

How to start essay on Religion

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the particular religion essay you are writing and what your specific focus will be. However, some tips on how to start a religion essay include:- introducing the religion you will be discussing in your essay- providing a brief overview of the history and/or beliefs of the religion- discussing why you are interested in the religion and what you hope to learn through your essay- outlining the main points you will be discussing in your

General Essay Structure for this Topic

  1. Religion As A Source Of Comfort And Strength
  2. Religion As A Source Of Community
  3. Religion As A Source Of Guidance
  4. Religion As A Source Of Hope
  5. Religion As A Source Of Inspiration
  6. Religion As A Source Of Strength In Times Of Difficulty
  7. Religion As A Source Of Comfort In Times Of Sorrow
  8. Religion As A Source Of Hope In Times Of Despair
  9. Religion As A Source Of Guidance In Times Of Confusion
  10. Religion As A Source Of Light In Times Of Darkness

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