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Essays on Ten Commandments

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Essay Examples

Breaking Traditions

Ten Commandments


Words: 850 (4 pages)

Tradition is an important part of everyone’s life. Others hold tradition above everything else. Adults feel that it is very important to follow these established customs and cannot even imagine rebelling against them although they may be hurtful in some ways. They may not even remember the reason for these customs in the first place….

The Book of Deuteronomy


Ten Commandments

Words: 882 (4 pages)

The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible, or the last book of th Pentateuch. Deuteronomy literally means “Second Law.” This titl conveys its nature and purpose. In other words, this book is a repetition of th law that was given to Moses and his people on Mount Sinai. It is also…

The Ten Commandments Controversy and the Separation of Church and State


Ten Commandments

Words: 2043 (9 pages)

I. Introduction             The state of being independent of church and state of one another is officially authorized. The decision-making or the decisions being made must not be intruded or must not influence by one of them. There are of two ideologies about the division of them: the separation from the religion (secular activities) and…

Monotheism Among the Ancient Israelites


Ten Commandments

Words: 708 (3 pages)

Part A 10-30-99In Hebrew history, there are many instances that show there is only one true God that the Hebrews worship. The worship of only one God is called Monotheism. Judaism is regarded by most to be the founding religion of God. A sign of monotheism is that Jews believed in a single, transcendent God…

The Didache and the Gospel of Matthew


Ten Commandments

Words: 693 (3 pages)

The Didache’s authenticity, since its inception, has been a centre of controversy and debate among religious and philosophical scholars.  This is in large part, brought about by the timelines of authorship among Jewish and Christian literature.  Likewise, more specific examples are contained within recent theories, publications, and journals which connote a connection between the Didache…

Filipino Christian Living


Ten Commandments

Words: 1597 (7 pages)

It discussed about to understand a democratic leadership. perpetualite: a man for others states that “In a democratic community each person is assumed to have equal significance without assuming, precisely, that all members have the same skills and gift. It does mean, however, that each person has unique talent that contribute to the group’s power…

Frequently Asked Questions about Ten Commandments

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Are the Ten Commandments in order of importance?
The first four relate to who to worship and how and the rest are afterthoughts. A first thought is to rank them as written. However, ranking the Ten Commandments in order of importance is like ranking which of your ten children you love the most. Each Commandment carries the same benediction and malediction.
What do the 10 Commandments teach us?
The Ten Commandments teach about respecting God, being honest, honoring our parents, keeping the Sabbath day holy, and being good neighbors. ... When we follow the Lord's commandments, we learn to love and respect God and be kind and loving to those around us.
What is the importance of Ten Commandments?
Since the time of Moses, our basic obligations have been summed up by the famous laws known as The Ten Commandments. God gave us these laws as a guide for the good living of His people and as a check against evil. And they are as valid today as then.
What is the purpose of the Ten Commandments for the Israelites essay?
The ten commandments were the requirements that the Israelites and Christians made with God, and they are the fundamental principles that God sent for them to follow, which governed their nations and the work of their people.

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