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Essays on Vacation Page 2

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Essay Examples

Long Summer Vacation



Summer Vacation


Words: 740 (3 pages)

Long stretch of summer vacation is one of the arguments that some parents and educators are arguing about. They say that the school year should be changed so that there wouldn’t be a 1 a-week summer break. But for me the school year should not be changed. Students should still have 10-week summer break. Students…

A Family Trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia

Summer Vacation



Words: 993 (4 pages)

A family trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Georgia is the most memorable vacation that I’ve taken with my family. Although we have visited many places in the United States including Austin, Boston, and Denver, this trip brought new experiences and fresh perspectives. We planned the trip weeks in advance and my children Adam…

The Best Time of Year: Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation



Words: 302 (2 pages)

Summer vacation is one of the most exciting times of the year. Every year we go to the island of Surf City in North Carolina. Surf City is a cool place and there are so many things that you can do. Maybe the reason why I like it so much is because of the change…

Descriptive- Family Vacation Narrative Essay



Words: 1107 (5 pages)

Ideal Vacation My family had always looked forward to leaving the valley during the torrid summer months. You see I never really had an actual vacation, since my father had been gone for eight long, dreadful years. He was sent away to a prison thousands of miles away, In Florida, when I was only six…

The Costa Rica Freshman Field Trip

Field Trip




Words: 289 (2 pages)

The Costa Rica freshman field trip would be a great opportunity to observe a different country’s culture and help me with understanding foreign landscape to improve my future career as a landscape architect. Costa Rica is naturally a beautiful country and being able to visit there would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for…

One Dream Vacation to Relax and to Explore


Summer Vacation



Words: 426 (2 pages)

I believe all of us has that one dream vacation to relax and to explore whether it’s just a weekend getaway or a short summer break. I have always wanted to go for a vacation for a very long time to escape from the stressful busy life. A dream vacation would be my husband by my…

New Vacation Policy Guidelines



Words: 384 (2 pages)

            In implementing the new guidelines for vacations, it will be essential to plan out how it can be communicated to all employees in the most effective manner. This is because the company covers employees from different backgrounds. This diversity, though it may be interesting, can also give difficulty to the situation. However, proper management…

Vacation in Paradise: the Hawaiian Islands



Words: 671 (3 pages)

Vacation in Paradise: The Hawaiian Islands One favorite vacation spot is the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiian Islands offer a rich and varied environment with many marvelous and amazing features. One may see pristine beaches bordered by clear blue waters, snow capped mountains, volcanoes and their lava flows, tropical forests and beautiful waterfalls. It is the…

It Is the Time for the Holidays to Enjoy It With Pleasure

Summer Vacation


Words: 1068 (5 pages)

It is the time for the holidays to enjoy it with pleasure. There is no homework, no work to be done, simply two months of pure fun. Mostly the kids’ visit special places to spend their holidays, but some kids gets bored in their home. For them there is a world of sports to explore…

Spending My Vacation with Family



Words: 651 (3 pages)

There are different ways how to spend your vacation. Many young people prefer to spend their vacation with friends. They are tired to see their parents every day. The idea is that parents rest without children and children do the same thing without their parents. However, there are families that like spending their vacation together….

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