Student Exploration: Identifying Nutrients

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The Benedict test is used to test for the presence of simple sugars like glucose or fructose. The Benedict solution turns from blue to pink when in contact with sugars. The Gizmo activity involves identifying nutrients in Sample A by performing four tests: Benedict test for carbohydrates, Logo test for starch, Beirut test for proteins, and Sudan Red test for lipids. Sample A is tested for the presence of each nutrient and the results are recorded. The final step is to summarize the nutrients present in Sample A and analyze what kind of food it is most likely to be.

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Below the Benedict test, click the Test button. What is done in the Benedict test? 2. The Benedict test is a test for incarcerations; simple sugars like glucose or fructose (fruit sugar). In contact with incarcerations, the Benedict solution turns from blue to pink. Does Sample A contain incarcerations? Note: Disaccharide such as sucrose (TABLE sugar) and lactose (milk sugar) are more complex than incarcerations. The Benedict test does detect disaccharide directly. Activity A: Identifying nutrients Get the Gizmo ready: Click Reset. Drag Sample A into the Food sample holder.

Introduction: Most food is composed of three types of molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Carbohydrates such as starches and sugars are major source of energy. Simple sugars are found in sweets and fruits. Starches are found in potatoes, cereal, pasta, flour, and other plant products. Proteins are used in body structures such as muscles, skin, and hair. Rich sources of proteins include meats, dairy products, and beans. Lipids (fats and oils) are used for energy, insulation, and as an essential building block of cells. Meats, dairy products, and oily plants such as olives are rich in piped.

Question: How do you test for carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids? 1 . Test: under the Benedict test, click Test. Does sample A contain incarcerations? (Recall that a pink color is a positive test for incarcerations. ) 2. Test: The Logo test uses iodine to test for starch, a polysaccharide (complex sugar). Iodine turns dark purple in the presence of starch. Under Logo test, click Test. Does sample A contain starch? 3. Test: The Beirut test uses a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOCH) and copper sulfate (Cuscus) to test for protein.

The Beirut solution turns purple hen proteins are present. Under Beirut test, click Test. Does sample A contain proteins? 4. Test: The Sudan Red test uses a fat-soluble dye, Sudan Red, to indicate the presence of lipids. When lipids are present, the dye will be absorbed into the lipids, and will appear as concentrated spots of color in the test tube. (No spots indicates that lipids are not present. ) Gender Sudan Red test, click Test. Does sample A contain lipids? 5. Summarize: What nutrients does sample A contain? 6. Analyze: What kind of food is sample A most likely to be?

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Student Exploration: Identifying Nutrients. (2018, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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