Feminist Lyrics and Superchic(k)’s “One Girl Revolution

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The song One Girl Revolution by Superchic(k) is an example of feminist lyrics that encourage women to take an active role in defining who they are and how society sees them. The lyrics remind us that women are more than just how they look, and encourages them to be confident in their insecurities. The song’s philosophy is about overcoming being just a girl in a male-centered world and not being overlooked or underestimated. The song has a fun tone, encouraging women to take an equal place in today’s world and reminding them that they can be superheroes too.

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            One Girl Revolution by Superchic(k)

I wear a disguise
I’m just your average Jane
The super doesn’t stand for model
But that doesn’t mean I’m plain
If all you see is how I look
You miss the superchick within
And I christen you Titanic
Underestimate and swim
I’ve got the rifle
Gonna be myself

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I’ll be everything that I want to be
I am confidence in insecurity
I am a voice yet waiting to be heard
I’ll shoot the shot, bang
That you hear ’round the world
I’m a one girl revolution

Some people see the revolution
But most only see the girl
I can loose my hard earned freedom
If my fear defines my world
I declare my independence from the critics and their stones
I can find my revolution
I can learn to stand alone

I’ll be everything that I want to be
I am confidence in insecurity
I am a voice yet waiting to be heard
I’ll shoot the shot, bang
That you hear ’round the world
I’m a one girl revolution

Feminism is often defined as the belief in equality of the sexes, and advocates equal rights for women.  Feminist lyrics refers to any music which suggests, encourages, and inspires women to take an active, aggressive role in defining who they are and how society sees them.  Superchic(k)’s “One Girl Revolution is a great example of feminist lyrics.  In the first verse, it states “If all you see is how I look /You miss the superchick within.”  The lyrics remind us that women are more then just how they look, and if they aren’t, they should be.  The girl in the song goes on say “I’ll be everything that I want to be /I am confidence in insecurity” pressing the issue that women can succeed even if they aren’t perfect and fearless.  The lyrics go on to say “I declare my independence from the critics and their stones /I can find my revolution / I can learn to stand alone.”  The girl in the song sings about her confidence not just in succeeding in the world but being able to stand alone, and be her own person.

            I feel that the lyrics in this song were written to speak directly to the women listening to it.  It describes a single girl’s philosophy of life, and details how she too will overcome being “just a girl” in a male centered world.  She will not be overlooked, or underestimated.  And while she may not be famous now, she is preparing herself to do great things and make a difference in the world.  In the final verse, she promises “I am a voice yet waiting to be heard / I’ll shoot the shot, bang /That you hear ’round the world / I’m a one girl revolution.”  This song has strong statements and a upbeat beautifully fun tone, that it encourages women to take and even steal an equal place in today’s world, and reminds us that woman can be super heroes too.

Works Cited

Superchic(k).  “One Girl Revolution.”  Inpop Records, 2003.

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Feminist Lyrics and Superchic(k)’s “One Girl Revolution. (2017, Jan 16). Retrieved from


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