Forensic Accounting Research Proposal

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The research aims to provide the Accountant General’s Department (AG) with information on how to train public sector accountants to have expertise in forensic accounting. The department can also strengthen its Internal Audit Division by collaborating with other government agencies that deal with commercial crimes and fraud. The research combines independent variables such as working experience and additional skills with the dependent variable, which is the number of cases forensic accountants can solve in a specific period. The study aligns with the government’s goal of producing highly skilled individuals to improve the public delivery system.

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The main objective is Accountant General’s Department (AG) can use all the information gather from this research in grooming and training public sector accountants to be well equipped with the required skills in the forensic accounting. At the same time AG can enhance and broaden the function of its Internal Audit Division to the extent that they can cooperate with other government departments or agencies which engaged in enforcement and investigation in the field of commercial crimes and fraud like Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) and Royal Malaysia Police Force.

This is also in line with the government’s aim in producing and enhancing human capital to the excellent level so that public delivery system can also be improved. Research Outline In brief, this research combines 2 variables namely independent and dependent variables. A variable, as opposed to a constant, is simply anything that can vary. If we were to study the effects of working experience, knowledge from other fields and additional skills on forensic accountants performance, we might look at the number of cases that the forensic accountants have succeeded in solving it in some specific time.

So, the working experience, knowledge from other fields and additional skills that ones forensic accountant poses are considered independent variables. Whereas dependent variable (DV), or outcome variable, is dependent on our independent variable or what we start with. In this study, the number of cases that the forensic accountants have succeeded solving in some specific time, would be our dependent variable because it is dependent on working experience, knowledge from other fields and additional skills that ones forensic accountant poses.

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Forensic Accounting Research Proposal. (2018, Jun 15). Retrieved from

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