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Proposal Essay Examples

We found 77 free papers on Proposal

Sample Research Proposal on Teenage Pregnancy


Words: 1167 (5 pages)

Introduction This research proposal implies on teenage pregnancy and its effect on academic progression. There will be association between teenage pregnancy and academic progression places evidence that education should put weight on reality adhering to teenage pregnancy. Understanding teenage pregnancy within UK context is adamant to the purpose of study. Thus, the expectation that teenage…

Project Proposal for Online Shopping System Research Proposal

Online Shopping

Words: 2013 (9 pages)

In the 21st century, such a great variety of things exist on the Internet. You can do almost everything here: visiting courses, seminars, travelling, studying, buying food, clothes and other stuff for a living. Talking about online shopping system, we can say that this business is spread in the best way because web sites you…

A Sample Group Counseling Project Proposal



Words: 4188 (17 pages)

A group Counseling Project Proposal – sample INTRODUCTION What is Group Counseling? Purpose of the group counseling varies from group to group. It can be therapeutic, educational, or helping people to make fundamental changes in their way of thinking, feeling and behaving (Corey, 2004, p. 7). Group counseling/therapy has the advantage of being more effective…

Research Proposal on the Effects of Motivation on Employee Productivity



Words: 2429 (10 pages)

Introduction This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, research questions, hypothesis, objectives of the study, the scope of the study, significance of the study and the conceptual framework. Background of the Study Work related stress has a vital role to play in organizations globally, nationally…

An Assignment on a Marketing Research Proposal


Marketing Research

Words: 933 (4 pages)

Executive Summary I have prepared this study proposal on an air hose company called Oman Air. In this study you will happen a compact profile on Oman Air. In this study I am considered as the market research worker of Sirius Marketing and Social Research Ltd. Here Oman Air has assigned me as their market…

Stem Cell Research Proposal

Stem Cell

Words: 296 (2 pages)

The side against human embryonic stem cell research says that a human being is a human being at any rate or stage of maturity it is in. As a society we should always make sure to protect all human life no matter what. The side for human embryonic Stem cell research says that there is…

Research Proposal on Nurse Retention & Motivation



Words: 3363 (14 pages)

The rising shortage of nurses and the increasing difficulty to recruit and retain nurses in the workforce of any health facility are widely known as two of the most alarming problems that hospitals around the globe are faced with today. One of the glaring indicators of this shortage crisis is the rising number of vacancies…

A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis

A Modest Proposal

Jonathan Swift

Words: 965 (4 pages)

Jonathan Swift uses satire in A Modest Proposal to critique his audience and convey his main point indirectly. Through the creation of a seemingly sympathetic character who aligns himself with both the poor and the upper class of Ireland, Swift undermines the reader’s trust in the speaker. This trust is shattered when the speaker unveils…

Online Shopping Marketing Research Proposal


Marketing Research

Online Shopping

Words: 2660 (11 pages)

INTRODUCTION Online purchasing is not entirely a new concept in the market. It has been persistent in the background ever since the Internet was commercially available to the public. Many companies have utilized the Internet as a channel for fashion retail marketing (Murphy, 1998). The significance for retailers to having a web site is that…

Science Investigatory Project Proposal


Vitamin C

Words: 4064 (17 pages)

Baldness was found as a typical problem now a day. Baldness or Alopecia Androgenetica is a hair loss condition considered an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system, which is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, the tiny cup-shaped structures from which hairs…

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What is a Proposal Essay?

A proposal essay does exactly what it says on the tin: it suggests a concept and backs it up with facts to persuade the reader that the idea is good or bad.

Although proposals are commonly associated with business and economic transactions, they are not exclusive to those two fields. Proposals can be written for any educational course, scientific discipline, personal or professional endeavor.

This post will explain how to write a strong proposal essay and present a sample that has been submitted and implemented.

Structure for writing an essay proposal

The outline plays a vital role in the interaction of readers, and essay ideas must be eye-catching. As if the essay proposal is not adequately organized, the reader will participate.

In order to gratify the reader, shape acts as the initial impression. The layout makes it easy to read your article, and the reader will be able to discern many components easily.

  • Introduction
  • Proposal
  • Plan of action
  • Desired outcomes
  • Resources needed
  • Conclusion

The main parts of the proposal essay are given below:

1. Introduction:

Starting with a hook, you can create an introduction to pique the reader’s curiosity. A good way to capture the reader’s attention is to ask a question. Then you might submit your suggestions in order to explain the answer.

2. Proposal:

Only address your real plan in this section, which should be described simply. If the proposal is short, this part can be as short as a few phrases. Don’t include any details regarding how you’ll carry out the proposal in this part.

3. Plan of Action:

To make your plan of action accessible to the readers, write a plan of action that explains how the entire effort is required to solve the problem.

You must ensure that your plan of action includes answers to these issues, such as how you will conquer your proposal, what you will do to show an audience that you are prepared for the solution, and how the solution will solve the problem efficiently.

You can go into more depth on how the idea will be executed on the ground in this area.

Convince the reader:

Present the facts and evidence to demonstrate that your solution is more efficient than the current one. You must persuade your audience that you are the right person for the task, not because the strategy you are about to implement is fantastic. Emphasize your qualifications and demonstrate why you are a good fit for the plan.

Provide a complete step by step plan Details.

Provide detailed step-by-step instructions that will help your readers grasp the process.

Your Anticipation for the plan.

You must ensure that you have thoroughly considered the entire implementation and that you will be completing the procedure ahead of time, including any additional processes and complications that may arise.

Will the Proposed plan work.

Concentrate on why the proposal will work in this region. You can use examples from the past to demonstrate how ideas will work in the same way they have in the past. If you have no prior experience, you may concentrate on what your target audience wants to hear.


The conclusion of the essay proposal should include all of the important information for getting things done. It is critical to briefly mention the information’s overall purpose. Don’t repeat the introduction’s motif.

If your essay requires a historical reference, you can include it in the essay proposal. The references in this section are selected because they are likely to be useful in persuading the reader of the proposal’s goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What should I write my proposal essay on?
Education. Health. Student lifestyle. Environment. Technology. Sports. Culture. Business.
What is an example of a proposal argument?
Perhaps adequate parking is a problem on a college campus. The writer will state the problem and a thesis--an arguable proposal that will solve the problem. The writer will establish the problem with solid numbers. Perhaps the school gives out 1,000 parking permits, but there are only 700 parking spaces on campus.
How do you write a proposal essay?
Write a catchy title. Think of something that will grab the reader's attention and keep them interested. Write the introduction. Provide a resource review. Explain the implementation of your methods. Predict your results. Discuss the potential impact of your results.

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