Foundations Of Organization Structure Multiple Choice

Table of Content

The grade to which undertakings are subdivided into separate occupations is termed: a. departmentalization.b. decentalisation. c. work specialisation. vitamin D. construction. ( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 452-453 ) 5. In the late fortiess, most fabrication occupations in industrialised states were being done with high:

a. departmentalization.

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b. decentalisation.

c. work specialisation.

d. structuralization.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 453 )
6. For much of the first half of the twentieth century, directors viewed _____ as an ageless beginning of increased productiveness.

a. departmentalization

b. formalisation

c. work specialisation

d. mechanization

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
7. Which one of the undermentioned constituents of organisational construction specifically defines where determinations are made?

a. complexity/simplicity

b. formalization/informalization

c. centralization/decentralization

d. specialization/enlargement

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; Exh 15-1 ; p. 453 )
8. The footing by which occupations are grouped together is termed:

a. departmentalization.

b. bureaucratism.

c. specialisation.

d. centralisation.

( a ; Easy ; Exh. 15-1 ; p. 453 )
9. Grouping occupations on the footing of map, merchandise, geographics, procedure, or client is a signifier of:

a. departmentalization.

b. specialisation.

c. centralisation.

d. bureaucratism.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
10. One of the most popular ways to group activities is by:

a. merchandise.

b. map.

c. geographics.

d. procedure.

( B ; Challenging ; p. 454 )
11. Proctor & A ; Gamble departmentalizes by Tide, Pampers, Charmin, and Pringles. This is an illustration of departmentalization by:

a. map.

b. procedure.

c. geographics.

d. merchandise.

( vitamin D ; Easy ; p. 455 )
12. A works director who organizes the works by dividing technology, accounting, fabrication, forces, and buying into sections is practising _____ departmentalization.

a. mark client

b. merchandise

c. functional

d. geographic

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
13. _____ departmentalization achieves economic systems of graduated table by puting people with common accomplishments and orientations into common units.

a. Functional

B. Procedure

c. Product

d. Geographic

( a ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
14. At an Alcoa aluminium tube works in New York, production is organized into five sections: casting ; imperativeness ; tubing ; coating ; and inspecting ; wadding ; and transportation. This is

a. functional departmentalization.

b. procedure departmentalization.

c. merchandise departmentalization.

d. none of the above.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 455 )
15. The unbroken line of authorization that extends from the top of the organisation to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom is termed:

a. concatenation of bid.

b. authorization.

c. span of control.

d. integrity of bid.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
16. The right inherent in a managerial place to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is termed:

a. concatenation of bid.

b. authorization.

c. power.

d. integrity of bid.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
17. The _____ rule helps continue the construct of an unbroken line of authorization.

a. span of control

b. concatenation of bid

c. integrity of bid

d. centralisation

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
18. The _____ rule provinces that a individual should hold one and merely one higher-up to whom he or she is straight responsible.

a. span of control

b. concatenation of bid

c. integrity of bid

d. authorization

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
19. The _____ refers to the figure of subsidiaries a director can expeditiously and efficaciously direct.

a. span of control

b. integrity of bid

c. concatenation of bid

d. decentalisation rule

( a ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
20. Which of the followers is a drawback of a narrow span of control?

a. It reduces effectivity.

B. It is more efficient.

c. It encourages excessively tight supervising and discourages employee liberty.

d. It empowers employees.

( degree Celsius ; Challenging ; p. 457 )
21. Which of the followers is non a drawback of a narrow span of control?

It is expensive.

It makes perpendicular communicating in the organisation more complex.

Supervisors may free control of their employees.

It encourages excessively tight supervising.

( degree Celsius ; Challenging ; p. 457 )
22. The tendency in recent old ages has been toward:

narrower spans of control.

wider spans of control.

a span of control of four.

an ideal span of control of six to eight.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 457 )
23. If you have a narrow span of control, you have a ( N ) _____ organisation.





( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 457 )
24. _____ are consistent with recent attempts by companies to cut down costs, cut operating expense, rush up determination devising, addition flexibleness, acquire closer to clients, and empower employees.

Wider spans of control

Narrower spans of control

Matrix constructions

Simple constructions

( a ; Moderate ; p. 457 )
25. The best definition for centralisation is:

determination devising is pushed down to take down degree employees.

determination devising is concentrated at a individual point in the organisation.

determination doing depends on the state of affairs.

determination devising is done in each section and so sent to the president for the concluding determination.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
26. In an organisation that has high centralisation:

a. the corporate central office is located centrally to subdivision offices.

b. all top degree functionaries are located within the same geographic country.

c. top directors make all the determinations and lower degree directors simply carry out waies.

d. action can be taken more rapidly to work out jobs.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 457-458 )
27. The more that lower-level forces provide input or are really given the discretion to do determinations, the more _____ there is.

a. centralisation

b. decentalisation

c. work specialisation

d. departmentalization

( B ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
28. If a occupation is extremely formalized, it would non include which of the followers?

a. clearly defined processs on work procedures

b. expressed occupation description

c. high employee occupation discretion

d. a big figure of organisational regulations

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
29. Explicit occupation descriptions, tonss of regulations, and clearly defined processs refering work procedures are consistent with:

a. high formalisation.

b. high specialisation.

c. high centralisation.

d. bureaucratism.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
30. Employee discretion is reciprocally related to:

a. complexness.

b. standardisation.

c. specialisation.

d. departmentalization.

( B ; Challenging ; p. 458-459 )
Common Organizational Designs

31. Which of the followers is non a common organisational design?

simple construction


centralised construction

matrix construction

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 459 )
32. The _____ is characterized by a low grade of departmentalization, broad spans of control, authorization centralized in a individual individual, and small formalisation.

a. bureaucratism

b. matrix organisation

c. simple construction

d. squad construction

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
33. Which one of the followers is consistent with a simple construction?

a. high centralisation

b. high horizontal distinction

c. high employee discretion

d. standardisation

( a ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
34. The ____ is a level organisation.


centralised construction

matrix construction

none of the above

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
35. Simple constructions are characterized by:

a. shared authorization.

b. a narrow span of control.

c. standardisation.

d. a low grade of departmentalization.

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
36. This is most widely practiced in little concerns.

simple construction


centralised construction

span of control

( a ; Easy ; p. 460 )
37. The bureaucratism is characterized by all of the undermentioned except:

a. extremely everyday operating undertakings.

b. formalized regulations and ordinances.

c. undertakings that are grouped into functional sections.

d. decentralized determination devising.

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 461 )
38. The cardinal underlying all bureaucratisms is:

a. flexibleness.

b. standardisation.

c. double lines of authorization.

d. broad span of control.

( B ; Easy ; p. 460 )
39. The ____ is characterized by extremely everyday operating undertakings achieved through specialisation.

simple construction


centralised construction

matrix construction

( B ; Moderate ; p. 461 )
40. The strength of the simple construction lies in its:




span of control.

( B ; Easy ; p. 460 )
41. Which of the followers is non a failing of the simple construction?

It is hazardous.

information overload

There is small integrity of bid.

slower determination devising

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
42. The construction that creates double lines of authorization and combines functional and merchandise departmentalization is the:

a. organisational construction.

b. bureaucratism.

c. matrix construction.

d. practical organisation.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 462 )
43. The matrix construction combines which two signifiers of departmentalization?

a. procedure and functional

b. functional and merchandise

c. merchandise and procedure

d. none of the above

( B ; Challenging ; p. 462 )
44. The _____ violates the integrity of bid construct.

a. simple construction

b. practical construction

c. matrix construction

d. squad construction

( degree Celsius ; Challenging ; p. 462 )
45. Which one of the undermentioned jobs is most likely to happen in a matrix construction?

a. decreased response to environmental alteration

b. decreased employee motive

c. loss of economic systems of graduated table

d. employees having conflicting directives

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 463 )
46. The strength of the matrix construction is its:

a. ability to ease coordination.

b. economic systems of graduated table.

c. attachment to concatenation of bid.

d. standardisation.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 463 )
47. The major disadvantage of the matrix construction is:

a. the confusion it creates.

b. its leaning to further power battles.

c. the emphasis it places on persons.

d. all of the above

( vitamin D ; Challenging ; p. 463 )
New Design Options

48. The primary features of the _____ construction are that it breaks down departmental barriers and decentralizes determination devising to the degree of the work squad.

a. practical

b. squad

c. boundaryless

d. organisational

( B ; Moderate ; p. 463-464 )
49. In larger organisations, the squad construction complements what is typically a:

practical organisation.


formal construction.

boundaryless organisation.

( B ; Challenging ; p. 464 )
50. A little, core organisation that outsources major concern maps is the _____ organisation.

a. squad

b. practical

c. boundaryless

d. matrix

( B ; Moderate ; p. 464 )
51. The ____ is besides called the web or modular organisation.

practical organisation

squad construction


boundaryless organisation

( a ; Moderate ; p. 464 )
52. The paradigm of the practical construction is today ‘s:

contraption makers.

movie-making organisations.

fast-food eating houses.

package companies.

( B ; Challenging ; p. 464 )
53. The major advantage of the practical organisation is its:

a. control.

b. predictability.

c. flexibleness.

d. authorization.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 465 )
54. The _____ organisation stands in crisp contrast to the typical bureaucratism that has many perpendicular degrees of direction and where control is sought through ownership.

a. practical

b. squad

c. limitless

d. matrix

( a ; Moderate ; p. 465 )
55. The boundaryless organisation relies to a great extent on:

information engineering.

functional and merchandise departmentalization.

the simple construction.

none of the above.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 466 )
56. An organisation that seeks to extinguish the concatenation of bid, have illimitable spans of control, and replace sections with sceptered squads is the:

a. practical organisation.

b. boundaryless organisation.

c. matrix organisation.

d. squad construction.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 466 )
57. The one common technological yarn that makes the boundaryless organisation possible is:

a. reengineering.

b. MBA ‘s.

c. networked computing machines.

d. mainframes.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 468 )
Why Do Structures Differ?

58. The _____ is a construction characterized by extended departmentalization, high formalisation, a limited information web, and centralisation.

a. mechanistic theoretical account

b. organic theoretical account

c. traditional theoretical account

d. bureaucratism organisation

( a ; Moderate ; p. 468 )
59. Which of the followers is non a feature of a mechanistic construction?

a. extended departmentalization

b. high formalisation

c. limited information web

d. flexibleness

( vitamin D ; Easy ; p. 468 )
60. If there is low formalisation, a comprehensive information web, and high engagement in determination devising, one would anticipate a ( n ) :

a. simple construction.

b. mechanistic construction.

c. organic construction.

d. stable construction.

( degree Celsius ; Challenging ; p. 468-469 )
61. All of the following are features of the organic theoretical account except:

a. cross-functional squads.

b. cross-departmentalization.

c. cross-hierarchical squads.

d. high engagement.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 468-469 )
62. Which of the followers is non a determiner of an organisation ‘s construction?


organisation size



( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 469-472 )
63. Changes in corporate scheme precede and lead to:

a. alterations in the environment.

b. better communicating.

c. increased productiveness.

d. alterations in an organisation ‘s construction.

( vitamin D ; Challenging ; p. 469 )
64. A scheme that emphasizes the debut of major new merchandises and services is a ( N ) _____ scheme.

a. invention

b. sweetening

c. progressive

d. organic

( a ; Moderate ; p. 469 )
65. The invention scheme is characterized by:

a. irregular constructions.

b. a mixture of loose with tight belongingss.

c. low specialisation and low formalisation.

d. high engineering.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 469 )
66. _____ refers to how an organisation transfers its inputs into end products.





( B ; Challenging ; p. 470 )
67. Which of the followers is non portion of the organisation ‘s environment?

public force per unit area groups




( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 471 )
68. The _____ of an environment refers to the grade to which it can back up growing.

a. capacity

b. makings

c. potency

d. capableness

( a ; Moderate ; p. 472 )
69. _____ refers to the grade of instability of an environment.

a. Instability

B. Volatility

c. Abnormality

d. Capriciousness

( B ; Moderate ; p. 472 )
70. Three cardinal dimensions to any organisation ‘s environment have been found. Which of the followers is non one of these cardinal dimensions?

a. volatility

b. capableness

c. complexness

d. capacity

( B ; Moderate ; p. 472 )
71. The _____ of an environment refers to the grade of heterogeneousness and concentration among environmental elements.

a. denseness

b. simpleness

c. complexness

d. elaborateness

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 472 )
Organization Designs and Employee Behavior

72. Which of the undermentioned generalisations about organisational constructions and employee public presentation and satisfaction is most true?

a. There is reasonably strong grounds associating decentalisation and occupation satisfaction.

B. It is likely safe to state that no grounds supports a relationship between span of control and employee public presentation.

c. The grounds by and large indicates that work specialisation contributes to take down employee productiveness.

d. No 1 wants work that makes minimum rational demands and is everyday.

( B ; Challenging ; p. 474 )
73. There is research grounds to propose that:

a. employees with high self-prides are more satisfied with decentralised organisations.

b. a director ‘s occupation satisfaction additions along with the figure of employees he or she supervises

c. centralized organisations tend to hold more satisfied employees.

d. a director ‘s occupation satisfaction is reciprocally related to the figure of employees he or she supervises

( B ; Challenging ; p. 474 )
74. Organizations have different constructions, but the construction has small bearing on employee attitudes and behaviour.

( False ; Easy ; p. 452 )
What is Organizational Structure?

75. Specialization defines how occupation undertakings are officially defined, grouped, and coordinated.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 452 )
76. Directors need to turn to six cardinal elements when they design their organisation ‘s construction: work specialisation, departmentalization, concatenation of bid, concatenation of control, centralisation and decentalisation, and formalisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 452 )
77. The grade to which undertakings in the organisation are subdivided into separate occupations is termed departmentalization.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 452-453 )
78. Work specialisation and division of labour are the same thing.

( True ; Easy ; p. 452-453 )
79. Work specialisation may ensue in employee ennui, emphasis, and absenteeism.

( True ; Easy ; p. 454 )
80. For much of the first half of this century, directors viewed departmentalization as an ageless beginning of increased productiveness.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
81. The strength of functional departmentalization is seting similar specializers together.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
82. Merely one signifier of departmentalization can efficaciously be implemented in an organisation at a clip.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 455 )
83. The built-in right in a managerial place to give orders and expect the orders to be obeyed is termed power.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
84. Departmentalization replies inquiries for employee such as “ To whom make I travel if I have a job? ”

( False ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
85. The unbroken line of authorization that extends from the top of the organisation to the lowest echelon is termed the bid line of authorization.

( False ; Easy ; p. 456 )
86. The rule of integrity of bid suggests that directors should back up one another.

( False ; Easy ; p. 456 )
87. The tendency in recent old ages has been toward wider spans of control.

( True ; Easy ; p. 457 )
88. Span of bid determines the figure of degrees and directors an organisation has.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
89. All things being equal, the wider or larger the span, the more profitable the organisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 456 )
90. Flat organisational constructions result from narrow spans of control.

( False ; Challenging ; Exh. 15-3 ; p. 457 )
91. Narrow spans of control can ensue in deficiency of supervising, doing public presentation to endure.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 457 )
92. Having excessively many people report to you can sabotage your effectivity.

( True ; Easy ; p. 457 )
93. The more that lower-level forces provide input or are really given the discretion to do determinations, the more decentralized the organisation.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
94. A decentralised organisation is more likely to ensue in a feeling of disaffection by employees than a centralised organisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 458 )
95. There has been a pronounced tendency toward centralised determination devising.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
96. Addition in the figure of regulations and ordinances consequences in increased formalisation.

( True ; Easy ; p. 458-459 )
97. The greater the formalisation, the more input an employee has into how his or her work is done.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 458 )
98. Autonomy and formalisation are positively related.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 458 )
Common Organizational Designs

99. The simple construction is flexible and cheap to keep, but the concatenation of bid is frequently equivocal.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
100. The strength of the bureaucratism lies in its ability to execute standardised activities.

( True ; Challenging ; p. 461 )
101. A major strength of the simple construction is that it easy adapts to any size organisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 460 )
102. The simple construction is hazardous.

( True ; Challenging ; p. 460 )
103. Standardization is the key that underlies the simple construction.

( False ; Easy ; p. 460 )
104. The matrix construction is characterized by extremely everyday operating undertakings achieved through specialisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 461 )
105. A major failing of the bureaucratism is that it creates sub-unit struggles.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 462 )
106. The bureaucratism is efficient merely every bit long as employees confront jobs that they have antecedently encountered.

( True ; Easy ; p. 462 )
107. A construction that creates double lines of authorization and combines functional and merchandise departmentalization is the matrix construction.

( True ; Easy ; p. 462 )
108. The strength of the bureaucratism is its ability to ease coordination when the organisation has complex and mutualist activities.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 462 )
109. The matrix construction facilitates the allotment of specializers.

( True ; Challenging ; p. 462 )
110. The major disadvantages of the matrix prevarication is that it creates sub-unit struggles and that functional unit ends can overrule the organisational ends.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 463 )
New Design Options

111. The squad construction breaks down section barriers and decentralizes determination devising.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 463-464 )
112. Often the squad construction complements what is typically a bureaucratism.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 464 )
113. The primary features of the practical organisation are that it breaks down section barriers and decentralizes determination.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 463-464 )
114. You have decided to engage a little store to make all your duplicating and printing. This is an illustration of outsourcing.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 465 )
115. The matrix organisation is besides called the web or modular organisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 464 )
116. The major advantage to the practical organisation is its flexibleness.

( True ; Easy ; p. 466 )
117. The practical organisation is effectual in obtaining organisational stableness.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 465-466 )
118. Jack Welch coined the term practical organisation.

( False ; Easy ; p. 466 )
119. An organisation that seeks to extinguish the concatenation of bid is a boundaryless organisation.

( True ; Easy ; p. 466 )
120. Status and rank are minimized in the borderless organisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 466 )
121. Globalization is easier in a borderless organisation.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 466 )
122. The technological yarn that makes the boundaryless organisation possible is networked computing machines.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 468 )
Why Do Structures Differ?

123. The organic construction is characterized by extended departmentalization, high formalisation, a limited information web, and centralisation.

( False ; Easy ; p. 468 )
124. The boundaryless organisation is an illustration of the organic theoretical account of organisational design.

( True ; Easy ; p. 468 )
125. Mechanistic constructions are high in formalisation.

( True ; Easy ; p. 468 )
126. Mechanistic constructions have high engagement in determination devising.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 468 )
127. Scheme does non impact an organisation ‘s construction.

( False ; Easy ; p. 469 )
128. An invention scheme works good merely for the simple construction.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 469 )
129. An organisation that controls costs, choruss from incurring unneeded invention or selling disbursals, and cuts monetary values in selling a basic merchandise pursues a price-minimization scheme.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 469 )
130. An invention scheme seeks to rapidly travel into new merchandises or new markets after their viability has been proven.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 469 )
131. Size affects construction at a diminishing rate.

( True ; Challenging ; p. 470 )
132. Adding 500 employees to an organisation that has merely 300 members is likely to ensue in a displacement toward a more organic construction.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 470 )
133. Technology refers to how an organisation transfers its inputs into end products.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 470 )
134. The three cardinal dimensions to an organisation ‘s environment have been found to be: capacity, complexness, and engineering.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 472 )
135. The environment of an organisation needs to be assessed in footings of capacity, which is the grade of heterogeneousness and concentration among environmental elements.

( False ; Challenging ; p. 472 )
136. The more scarce, dynamic, and complex the environment, the more organic a construction should be.

( True ; Challenging ; p. 472 )
Organizational Designs and Employee Behavior

137. Research supports the impression that employees prefer an organic construction.

( False ; Moderate ; p. 474 )
138. The grounds by and large indicates that work specialisation contributes positively to productiveness.

( True ; Easy ; p. 473 )
139. A reappraisal of the research indicates that there is no grounds to back up a relationship between span of control and employee public presentation.

( True ; Moderate ; p. 474 )
140. Organizations that are less centralized have a greater sum of participative determination devising.

( True ; Easy ; p. 474 )
Application of: What is Organizational Structure?

Advisers Exceptional has hired you to develop preparation stuffs for their advisers. Your first assignment is to develop a preparation plan that helps their advisers to analyse and understand the organisational construction of the company that they are helping. They believe that in order to adequately measure and understand the company, they need to understand the basic organisational construction. Then they will be able to urge actions and alterations based on that construction.

141. One of the inquiries you tell the trainees to inquire is “ To what grade are undertakings subdivided into separate occupations? ” This inquiry addresses the issue of:

a. formalisation.

b. work specialisation.

c. span of control.

d. concatenation of bid.

( B ; Moderate ; Exh. 15-1 ; p. 453 )
142. _____ is addressed by inquiring the inquiry “ On what footing are occupations grouped together? ”

a. Departmentalization

B. Work specialisation

c. Centralization and decentalisation

d. Formalization

( a ; Challenging ; Exh. 15-1 ; p. 453 )
143. You instruct the trainees to inquire about the grade of regulations and ordinances that direct employees and directors. You want to assist them understand the:

a. concatenation of bid.

b. grade of formalisation.

c. span of control.

d. grade of departmentalization.

( B ; Moderate ; Exh. 15-1 ; p. 453 )
Application of Departmentalization

You have divided the occupations done by your section through work specialisation and are now seeking to make up one’s mind how to outdo group them for efficiency and service to the client. You are sing whether to group activities by map, merchandise, procedure, geographics, or client.

144. You have decided that since you are a novitiate at departmentalization, you will travel with the most popular method. You will likely take:

a. map.

b. merchandise.

c. procedure.

d. client.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 454 )
145. You are forming into southern, midwestern, western, and eastern parts. This is termed ______ departmentalization.

a. country

b. client

c. geographics

d. regional

( degree Celsius ; Easy ; p. 455 )
146. Your market is clearly divided between really different types of clients, with different support and other demands. You will likely take to departmentalize by:

a. demands.

b. clients.

c. support.

d. clients.

( vitamin D ; Easy ; p. 455 )
147. Your merchandises fall into several classs with really different production methods for each group. Because of this, you might see departmentalizing by:

a. merchandise.

b. method.

c. production.

d. procedure.

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 455 )
Application of Span of Control

Matthew is a new divisional director. In reorganising his division, he must do some determinations sing the span of control.

148. The inquiry of span of control determines:

who reports to whom.

the figure of degrees and directors an organisation has.

where determinations are made.

how occupations will be grouped.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 456 )
149. Wider spans are more efficient in footings of cost. At some point:

employee public presentation additions well.

supervisors become more efficient at supplying support.

wider spans cut down effectivity.

the organisation becomes taller.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 457 )
150. By maintaining the span of control to 5 or 6 employees, which of the followers is non a drawback?

It is expensive.

Vertical communicating is more complex.

Decision devising is slowed down.

Upper direction is more available and in-touch.

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 457 )
Application of Common Designs

You are interested in explicating the different types of organisational designs to pupils of basic direction. These pupils need to cognize the advantages and disadvantages of each construction every bit good as the construction ‘s features.

151. You describe a construction that is level, has small formalisation and is fast, flexible, and cheap to keep. This describes the:

a. matrix construction.

b. simple construction.

c. bureaucratism.

d. squad construction.

( B ; Easy ; p. 460 )
152. You extol the virtuousnesss and benefits of standardisation. You are likely advancing the:

a. matrix construction.

b. simple construction.

c. bureaucratism.

d. squad construction.

( degree Celsius ; Moderate ; p. 460 )
153. The construction that combines functional and merchandise departmentalization is the:

a. matrix construction.

b. simple construction.

c. bureaucratism.

d. squad construction.

( a ; Moderate ; p. 462 )
154. You describe to your pupils a new commission within the university that brings together specializers from all different sections to seek to develop a new interdisciplinary plan. The construction likely best meets the definition of the:

a. matrix construction.

b. expert construction.

c. squad construction.

d. practical construction.

( a ; Challenging ; p. 462 )
Application of New Design Options

You have learned about the traditional and new design options for organisational constructions. You have decided that one of the designs developed during the last decennary or two is likely the most appropriate for your freshly formed organisation.

155. You have decided to engage other organisations to execute many of the basic maps. You have hired an accounting house to maintain your records, a recruiting house to manage human resource maps, a computing machine house to manage all records, and are looking for other countries in which to outsource operations. You have chosen to run your concern as a:

a. matrix organisation.

b. practical organisation.

c. squad construction.

d. boundaryless construction.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 464-465 )
156. Your new organisation is looking for maximal flexibleness. The most appropriate construction is likely the:

a. matrix organisation.

b. practical organisation.

c. squad construction.

d. decentralized construction.

( B ; Moderate ; p. 464-465 )
157. You have eliminated horizontal, perpendicular, and external barriers. You are runing as a:

a. matrix organisation.

b. practical organisation.

c. squad construction.

d. boundaryless organisation.

( vitamin D ; Moderate ; p. 466 )
158. What is organisational construction?

An organisational construction defines how occupation undertakings are officially divided, grouped, and coordinated. The elements that must be addressed are work specialisation, departmentalization, concatenation of bid, span of control, centralisation and decentalisation, and formalisation.
( Page 452 )
159. What is work specialisation?

Work specialisation is besides known as division of labour. It describes the grade to which undertakings in the organisation are subdivided into separate occupations. The kernel of work specialisation is that, instead than an full occupation being done by one person, it is broken down into a figure of stairss, each measure being completed by a separate person. In kernel, persons specialize in making portion of an activity instead than the full activity. ( Pages 452-453 )
160. What is departmentalization?

The footing by which occupations are grouped together is called departmentalization. Undertakings can be grouped by map performed, the type of merchandise the organisation produces, on the footing of geographics or district, procedure used, or by the peculiar type of client the organisation seeks to make. ( Pages 454-455 )
161. What is concatenation of bid?

The concatenation of bid is an unbroken line of authorization that extends from the top of the organisation to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom. It answers inquiries for employees such as “ To whom make I travel if I have a job? ” and “ To whom am I responsible? ” The two complementary constructs are authorization and integrity of bid. Authority refers to the rights inherent in a managerial place to give orders and expect the orders to be obeyed. The integrity of bid rule helps continue the construct of an unbroken line of authorization. It states that a individual should hold one and merely one higher-up to whom he or she is straight responsible. ( Page 456 )
162. What is span of control?

The inquiry of span of control is of import because, to a big grade, it determines the figure of degrees and directors an organisation has. It answers the inquiry “ How many employees can a director expeditiously and efficaciously direct? ” All things being equal, the wider or larger the span of control, the more efficient the organisation. ( Pages 456-457 )
163. What is the difference between centralisation and decentalisation?

The term centralisation refers to the grade to which determination devising is concentrated at a individual point in the organisation. The construct includes merely formal authorization, that is, the rights inherent in one ‘s place. The more that lower-level forces provide input or are really given the discretion to do determinations, the more decentalisation there is. An organisation characterized by centralisation is an inherently different structural animate being from one that is decentralized. In a decentralised organisation, action can be taken more rapidly to work out jobs, more people provide input into determinations, and employees are less likely to experience anomic from those who make the determinations that affect their work lives. ( Page 458 )
164. What is the practical organisation?

The practical organisation is sometimes called the web or modular organisation. Typically, a little, core organisation outsources major concern maps. In structural footings, the practical organisation is extremely centralized, with small or no departmentalization. Why ain when you can lease is the inquiry that captures the kernel of the practical organisation. ( Pages 464-465 )
165. Explain the construct of the “ boundaryless ” organisation.

Jack Welch coined the term boundaryless organisation to depict his thought of what he wanted GE to go. He wanted to extinguish perpendicular and horizontal boundaries within GE and interrupt down external barriers between the company and its clients and providers. The boundaryless organisation seeks to extinguish the concatenation of bid, have illimitable spans of control, and replace sections with sceptered squads. Because it relies so to a great extent on information engineering, some have called this construction the T-form or technology-based organisation. By taking perpendicular boundaries, direction flattens the hierarchy. Status and rank are minimized. ( Page 466 )

166. What is the difference between the mechanistic theoretical account and the organic theoretical account?

The mechanistic theoretical account is by and large synonymous with the bureaucratism in that it has extended departmentalization, high formalisation, a limited information web ( largely downward communicating ) , and small engagement by low-level members in determination devising. At the other extreme is the organic theoretical account. This theoretical account looks a batch like the boundaryless organisation. It is level, uses cross-hierarchical and cross-functional squads, has low formalisation, possesses a comprehensive information web and it involves high engagement in determination devising.
( Page 468 )

167. What are five common ways that an organisation can group activities? Give an illustration of each.

One of the most popular ways to group activities is by maps performed. A fabrication director might form his or her works by dividing technology, accounting, fabrication, forces, and supply specializers into common sections. Undertakings can besides be departmentalized by type of merchandise the organisation produces. Procter & A ; Gamble is organized along these lines. Each major merchandise is placed under the authorization of an executive who has complete planetary duty for that merchandise. Another manner to departmentalize is on the footing of geographics or district. The gross revenues map, for case, may hold western, southern, mid-western, and eastern parts.

Each of these parts is, in consequence, a section organized around geographics. Process departmentalization can be used to group sections. At an Alcoa aluminium tube works in upstate New York, production is organized into five sections: casting ; imperativeness ; tubing ; coating ; and inspecting, wadding, and transportation. Each section specializes in one specific stage in the production of aluminium tube. A concluding class is to utilize the peculiar type of client the organisation seeks to make. Microsoft late reorganized around four client markets: consumers, big corporations, package developers, and little concerns.
( Pages 454-455 )

168. Discuss invention scheme, cost-minimization scheme, and imitation scheme.

An invention scheme does non intend a scheme simply for simple or decorative alterations from old offerings but instead one for meaningful and alone inventions. An organisation that is prosecuting a cost-minimization scheme tightly controls costs, choruss from incurring unneeded invention or selling disbursals, and cuts monetary values in selling a basic merchandise. Organizations following an imitation scheme attempt to capitalise on the best of both of the old schemes. They seek to minimise hazard and maximise chance for net income. Their scheme is to travel into new merchandises or new markets merely after viability has been proven by pioneers. ( Page 469 )
169. Discourse the three cardinal dimensions of an organisation ‘s environment: capacity, volatility, and complexness.

An organisation ‘s environment is composed of those establishments or forces that are outside the organisation and potentially impact the organisation ‘s public presentation. These typically include providers, clients, rivals, authorities regulative bureaus, public force per unit area groups, and the similar. The capacity of an environment refers to the grade to which it can back up growing. Rich and turning environments bring forth extra resources, which can buffer the organisation in times of comparative scarceness. Abundant capacity leaves room for an organisation to do errors, while scarce capacity does non.

The grade of instability in an environment is captured in the volatility dimension. Where there is a high grade of unpredictable alteration, the environment is dynamic. This makes it hard for direction to foretell accurately the chances associated with assorted determination options. At the other extreme is a stable environment. Finally, the environment needs to be assessed in footings of complexness ; that is, the grade of heterogeneousness and concentration among environmental elements. Simple environments are homogenous and concentrated. Environments characterized by heterogeneousness and scattering are called complex. Organizations that operate in environments characterized as scarce, dynamic, and complex face the greatest grade of uncertainness. ( Page 472 )

170. Identify and explicate the six cardinal elements that define an organisation ‘s construction. Include the advantages and jobs of each.

An organisational construction defines how occupation undertakings are officially divided, grouped, and coordinated. There are six cardinal elements that directors need to turn to when they design their organisation ‘s construction. These are: work specialisation, departmentalization, concatenation of bid, span of control, centralisation and decentalisation, and formalisation.

The kernel of work specialisation is that, instead than an full occupation being done by one person, it is broken down into a figure of stairss, with each measure being completed by a separate person. In kernel, persons specialize in making portion of an activity instead than the full activity. Management saw this as a agency to do the most efficient usage of its employees ‘ accomplishments. In most organisations, some undertakings require extremely developed accomplishments and others can be performed by untrained workers. If all workers were engaged in each measure of, say, an organisation ‘s fabrication procedure, all would hold to hold the accomplishments necessary to execute both the most demanding and the least demanding occupations.

The consequence would be that, except when executing the most skilled or extremely complex undertakings, employees would be working below their accomplishment degrees. And because skilled workers are paid more than unskilled workers and their rewards tend to reflect their highest degree of accomplishment, it represents an inefficient usage of organisational resources to pay extremely skilled workers to make easy undertakings. Directors besides saw other efficiencies that could be achieved through work specialisation. Employee accomplishments at executing a undertaking successfully increase through repeat. Less clip is spent in altering undertakings, in seting off one ‘s tools and equipment from a anterior measure in the work procedure, and in acquiring ready for another. Equally of import, developing for specialisation is more efficient from the organisation ‘s position. It ‘s easier and less dearly-won to happen and develop workers to make specific and insistent undertakings.

The footing by which occupations are grouped together is called departmentalization. One of the most popular ways to group activities is by maps performed. A fabrication director might form his or her works by dividing technology, accounting, fabrication, forces, and supply specializers into common sections. Of class, departmentalization by map can be used in all types of organisations. Merely the maps change to reflect the organisation ‘s aims and activities. The major advantage to this type of grouping is obtaining efficiencies from seting like specializers together.

Functional departmentalization seeks to accomplish economic systems of graduated table by puting people with common accomplishments and orientations into common units. Jobs can besides be departmentalized by the type of merchandise the organisation produces. The major advantage to this type of grouping is increased answerability for merchandise public presentation. If an organisation ‘s activities are service instead than merchandise related, each service would be autonomously grouped. Another manner to departmentalize is on the footing of geographics or district. The gross revenues map, for case, may hold western, southern, midwestern, and eastern parts.

Each of these parts is, in consequence, a section organized around geographics. If an organisation ‘s clients are scattered over a big geographic country and have similar demands based on their location, so this signifier of departmentalization can be valuable. Process departmentalization is when each section specializes in one specific stage in the production of aluminium tube. Process departmentalization can be used for treating clients every bit good as merchandises. A concluding class of departmentalization is to utilize the peculiar type of client the organisation seeks to make. The premise underlying client departmentalization is that clients in each section have a common set of jobs and demands that can outdo be met by holding specializers for each.
( Exh. 15-1 ; Pages 452-459 )

171. Describe the three common organisational designs: simple construction, bureaucratism, and matrix construction.

The simple construction is said to be characterized most by what it is non instead than what it is. The simple construction is non luxuriant. It has a low grade of departmentalization, broad spans of control, authorization centralized in a individual individual, and small formalisation. The simple construction is a “ level ” organisation ; it normally has merely two or three perpendicular degrees, a loose organic structure of employees, and one person in whom the decision-making authorization is centralized.

Standardization is the cardinal construct that underlies the bureaucratism. It is characterized by extremely everyday operating undertakings achieved through specialisation, really formalistic regulations and ordinances, undertakings that are grouped into functional sections, centralized authorization, narrow spans of control, and determination devising that follows the concatenation of bid. The matrix combines two signifiers of departmentalization: functional and merchandise. It breaks the unity-of-command construct. Employees in the matrix have two foremans – their functional section directors and their merchandise directors. Therefore, the matrix has a double concatenation of bid. ( Pages 460-463 )

172. Explain the behavioural deductions of different organisational designs.

A reappraisal of the grounds associating organisational constructions to employee public presentation and satisfaction leads to a reasonably clear decision – you ca n’t generalise. Not everyone prefers the freedom and flexibleness of organic constructions. Individual differences must be addressed. The grounds by and large indicates that work specialisation contributes to higher productiveness but at the monetary value of decreased occupation satisfaction. Work specialisation is non an ageless beginning of higher productiveness. Problems start to come up, and productiveness begins to endure, when the human diseconomies of making insistent and narrow undertakings overtake the economic systems of specialisation.

As the work force has become more extremely educated and wishful of occupations that are per se honoring, the point where productiveness begins to worsen seems to be reached more rapidly than in decennaries past. Negative behavioural results from high specialisation are most likely to come up in professional occupations occupied by persons with high demands for personal growing and diverseness.

A reappraisal of the research indicates that it is likely safe to state there is no grounds to back up a relationship between span of control and employee public presentation. There is some grounds bespeaking that a director ‘s occupation satisfaction additions as the figure of employees he or she supervises additions. Fairly strong grounds has linked centralisation and occupation satisfaction. In general, organisations that are less centralized have a greater sum of participative determination devising. Participative determination devising is positively related to occupation satisfaction. But, once more, single differences surface. The decentralization-satisfaction relationship is strongest with employees who have low self-pride. Because persons with low self-prides have less assurance in their abilities, they place a higher value on shared determination devising, which means that they ‘re non held entirely responsible for determination results.

To maximise employee public presentation and satisfaction, single differences, such as experience, personality, and the work undertakings, should be taken into history. In add-on, national civilization influences penchant for construction so it, excessively, needs to be considered. There is significant grounds that persons are attracted to, selected by, and remain with organisations that suit their personal features. So the consequence of construction on employee behaviour is doubtless reduced where the choice procedure facilitates proper matching of single features with organisational features. ( Pages 473-475 )

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