Future Goals Self Reflection

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This self-reflection paper explores different assessment findings that provide insight into my development as a leader. I also incorporate my personal perspectives on the results of these assessments, which include Myers-Briggs (MBTI), Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), Power at Work, and the Five Levels of Leadership (5LL).

People have differences in regards to their personality, interpersonal relations, vocational interests, values, orientations, motivations, and perceptions. These individual differences variables all have an impact on behavior within the organization (Pynes pg. 199).

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Out of the five leadership practice assessments, my highest score was in inspired a shared vision, while my lowest score was a tie between challenge the process and enable a shared vision. When it comes to having an inspired vision, I consistently see myself as a catalyst for change and work towards making a positive impact. Developing both short and long term goals allows me to effectively plan for success. I always consider the future vision and devise strategies to accomplish projects or ideas. Additionally, I enjoy sharing my aspirations and mapping out the necessary steps to achieve them.

Challenging the process and enabling others to act is currently a struggle for me. I recently joined a new work team where most members have been in their roles for over 10 years. I have been questioning ideas and processes that don’t make sense. The response I receive is either that we have always done things this way, or that my ideas have been tried before and deemed unsuccessful. I enjoy experimenting and taking risks to improve effectiveness and efficiency, but as a newcomer, it seems like nobody understands my intentions. It’s difficult to empower others within a team that struggles to cultivate collaboration. Despite this, I will continue to envision the future and explore potential possibilities. Moving forward, I plan to speak up more and actively influence change.

Political Skills at work, I scored higher than average. Success in any work environment, whether individual or organizational, relies on political skills. The qualities of a politically skilled individual include the ability to network, listen, motivate, influence, and celebrate wins.

Leaders employ political skills to inspire and convince others to take action and obtain crucial resources for their teams. Despite the common belief that being political is negative, using political skills correctly also establishes leaders as trustworthy and reputable among their teams and organizations. Therefore, when employed together, these political skill practices enable leaders to exert more influence over others and assist their teams in improving efficiency and productivity (Ferris et al.2005).

Leaders who exhibit political skill in their organizations possess the capability to alter their teams’ perceptions and foster successful teamwork. In my workplace, we encounter challenges related to collaboration and a tendency to shift blame. It is crucial for all team members to be able to depend on one another. While my team comprises experienced individuals accustomed to certain practices, a neighboring team consists of innovative newcomers unaffected by established norms. They generate alternative methods for enhancing effectiveness and efficiency. To distinguish myself as a leader, I must unite both teams so that we can mutually learn from each other.

Leadership actively endeavors to cultivate interpersonal relationships between the teams through measures such as arranging time spent side by side and organizing extracurricular team-building activities. Additionally, they are streamlining the process of delivering feedback and recognition to each team. I proposed weekly joint huddles for both teams to leadership as a means of achieving departmental goals while boosting revenue for the organization.

According to Ferris et al. (2005), it is crucial to develop political skill in order to enhance leadership effectiveness. Leaders who possess the ability to adapt their behavior and utilize all four political skill practices, or to apply political skill selectively to different stakeholders, will excel in maximizing and leveraging their professional relationships. When used effectively, political skill can contribute to a positive perception within the organization and drive individual, team, and overall performance (Braddy and Campbell Article).

On the Myers-Briggs personality type test, my highest score was Judgement. I am a well-structured person; I plan almost everything. My parents were always structured, and I believe that’s how I picked up the habit. I think a lot about possible outcomes when working on a project or planning a trip. I feel more organized and comfortable when decisions are made. I try to set up future goals and plan extensively before acting to manage my life, and use past experiences to plan for the present and future. I set up daily and weekly goals at work to stay motivated and accomplish projects before the assigned deadline; this helps me avoid stress or failures. On this personality type test, I also scored high in Sincerity, being able to be open, honest, and authentic describes what my peers have told me. I constantly invest in myself, whether it’s career or personal development. I have taken numerous training courses that will help me fulfill my goals. In the future, the challenge will be to develop or invest in a team. Leading a team with different personality types will be challenging. Through this course, I will learn tools that will enhance my leadership skills and help me use correct judgment while juggling my personal life, teams, and the organization’s needs.

On my final assessment, I took the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) which measured various factors. My score was moderate on the findings. I am in agreement with the results as I enjoy influencing and inspiring others, motivating them, being creative and innovative, considering others’ perspectives, and recognizing team members’ achievements. I also enjoy coaching and mentoring individuals and building trust. However, I face difficulties when it comes to handling crises and taking on responsibilities that require intense scrutiny and could potentially result in losses.


From the assessments, I have learned that in order to create a strong team, it is necessary for me to focus on my personal skills and identify specific relationship needs. It is crucial for me to view each team member as an individual rather than just their role. As a leader, it is important for me to comprehend and address any interpersonal issues that may arise while also accepting individuals for who they are. I now understand the value of withholding my own opinions within the team as they can greatly influence my ability to sway others in the future. Maintaining a positive attitude, respecting others’ opinions, trusting my team members, and actively seeking and accepting feedback can significantly impact the overall success of the team.

In the team, I can effortlessly select and decide whom to approach for assistance. To become an effective leader, I need to establish relationships with each team member. Building strong relationships by showing appreciation and respect to everyone can significantly impact the team dynamics.

My future goal is to become a leader who empowers and leads through example. I will take risks by assigning challenging tasks to my team, motivating them to enhance their abilities. Furthermore, I will allocate time to mentor upcoming leaders in the community and leverage my influencing skills to drive positive transformations. Additionally, I will actively seek opportunities for personal growth within and beyond the organization. In today’s rapid-paced world, it is crucial for individuals to evolve, adjust, and acquire fresh outlooks.

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Future Goals Self Reflection. (2022, Aug 29). Retrieved from


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