Herbert Mullins- a Case Study of a Serial Murderer

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SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Herbert William Mullin was born on April 18, 1947, in Salinas California (Newton, 2000). Dr. Lunde and Morgan describe Salinas as a farming community in Monterey County South of Santa Cruz (1980). Herbert is the younger of two children his sister Patricia being the elder, born to Jean and Martin William Mullin. Jean, a devout catholic, and Martin, a military veteran; raised their children in what some would say a “nurturing, stable but perhaps strict Roman Catholic household” (Vronsky, 2004 p. 149). He was a gentle natured child and very bright.

He played little league baseball and was a Boy Scout (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herb attended parochial school so he was separated from neighboring peers that attended the local public school. As a result, Herbert failed to make close bonds which led to loneliness and alienation (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). When Herbert was halfway through high school, the Mullin family relocated to Felton in 1963. He finished his second year at Riordan High school, a Catholic Boys School. However, in Felton he attended the local public high school. Even though, the move was at a vulnerable time in his life, Herb seemed to have adjusted well.

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His sister Patricia stayed in San Francisco to finish college (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). In High School, Herbert was of slight stature, his height was 5’7 and he weighed 120 lbs. Regardless of his size he participated in high school athletics (Newton, 2000). He was part of a group of athletes called the ‘Zeros’ (Douglas, Burgess, Burgess, and Ressler, 1992). He played basketball, baseball and football. He played offensive guard on the football team (Vronsky, 2004). Herbert was the happiest he had ever been. His grades even improved from the previous school.

By fall of 1964, Herbert had been the first string guard on the varsity football team (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992) and had a steady girlfriend Loretta Ricketts. He was popular and likeable and made many friends (Scott, n. d. ). Herbert possessed the same qualities and identified closely with his best friend Dean Richardson, handsome, athletic, made good grades and was self assured (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herb received the class vote of confidence as “most likely to succeed” (Newton, 2000, p. 163). Herbert Mullin attended San Lorenzo Valley High and was an honor roll student (Jones, 2006).

He was always very polite, well mannered and had excellent grades. In his senior year, Herbert was the vice president of the Varsity Club, a member of the Honorary Key Club and elected chairman of his 12th grade “Sneak Day” (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert Mullin graduated 43rd in his class of 134 in 1965. He took a job at a service station the following summer (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). However, in August of 1965, one month before the start of the fall semester at Cabrillo College, Herbert lost his closest friend Dean Richardson in an either an auto accident (Lunde, Morgan, 1980) or motor cycle accident (Douglas, et al. 992). This is believed to mark the beginning his mental deterioration (Douglas et al. 1992), the starting point of a sudden and stark change in his personality (Newton 2000) and the inception of his unusual and bizarre behavior. Herb’s personality went through a series of transformations. These transformations were the sort typical of one suffering from paranoid schizophrenia (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). The onset of this dreadful disease usually appears at this age (Vronsky, 2004). For instance, Herbert transformed his bedroom into a shrine, arranging his furniture and candles around Dean’s photo (Douglas et al. 992). Herbert began to hear distant voices, this is a frequent symptom of schizophrenia (Vronsky, 2004) and; it appeared Herbert was desolate and felt betrayed, he experienced his first loss of a loved one. Herbert rejected the notion that it was God’s Will (Lunde, Morgan, 1980, p. 221). His family believed that the tragic event affected Herb deeply and claimed that he cried for weeks (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Through the shifting of his personality and deep mourning over the death of his close friend, Herbert Mullin enrolled in Cabrillo College with a scholarship and studied highway engineering (Jones, 2006, n. . ). On the surface things seemed to be going well for Herbert. In College, he remained involved with high school friends that were once close to Dean, which included James Gianera. Jim argued against the war; informing Herb of other options, such as becoming a Conscientious Objector. The spring and summer of 1966, Herbert experiences the hippie lifestyle, experimenting with other drugs as well such as acid. He dropped his relationship with his long time high school sweetheart. He grows his hair long, wears beads and tattoos. People who knew him are amazed at his total shift.

Fall 1966, he cut his hair and put on a suit resembling a business man (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). He worked hard at a service station and in school. The spring of 1967, Herbert rekindles his relationship and soon gets engaged. His circle of friends have widened, and involved individuals associated from the drug culture of the late 60’s to 70’s. Herbert began obsessing over Eastern Religions, especially the concept of reincarnation. He was obsessed with his friend’s death and continued to search for answers. He graduated with his Associates Degree in Science and Highway Engineering.

In fall 1967, Herb enrolls into San Jose State but dropped after six weeks. He gets a dishwashing job and consumes himself with the study of Hinduism, reincarnation and yoga. He agonized at the thought of him being a homosexual. Herb’s religious beliefs were a mixture of Catholicism, Hinduism, giving special though to reincarnation and perfection of yoga (Lunde, Morgan , 1980). Herbert began to think war is immoral and became active in anti-war demonstrations. This most likely created many problems with his military bred father.

In January 1968, he decided to become a Conscientious Objector, upsetting his father. He also had his first homosexual encounter with a friend he met from the counter culture of Santa Cruz (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Concerning his bi-sexuality, Herb had alternating feelings of acceptance and self-loathing, which stems most likely from his moral beliefs embedded from his up bringing and social environment (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herb’s erratic behaviors not only continued but worsened. Once he stood up during mass and began shouting, “this is not proper Christianity! ” (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992).

Herbert and Loretta broke off engagement and he ended up in jail. His father posted bond and he received probation. In June 1968, he began a manager trainee program at Goodwill Industries. In July 1968, Herb relocated to a small apartment in San Luis Obispo, where he was transferred to be a manager of a thrift store there (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). In October of 1968 Herb was granted Conscientious Objector status (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). During a family gathering in March 28, 1969, Herbert’s behavior became frightening. Herbert mimicked every move of his brother in law, every gesture and every word.

This went on for hours then at other times Herbert sat motionless, speechless and just glared at his family members (Vronsky, 2004). This is referred to as echopraxia, and echolalia. Echopraxia is the involuntary imitation of movement of another and it is a common symptom of schizophrenia and other neurological disorders (National Institute of Mental Health, 2008). Echolalia is the involuntary repetition of a phrase or word just spoken by another and it is also a common feature of schizophrenia and other neurological disorders (National Institute of Mental Health 2008).

Something was happening to Herbert, and he nor his family or anyone else knew what was really going on. He checks himself into Mendocino State and is diagnosed with Schizophrenia. After six weeks Herb insisted on his discharge and received his prognosis as grave. Herbert along with another released patient from the hospital drifted to Lake Tahoe from May 9, 1969 until August 1969 then returned home to Felton. In August of 1969, Herb sat in a trance like state in Henry Cowell Redwoods State park, when he was approached by a forest ranger. Herb remained motionless, after a few minutes, Herb slowly reached for a knife.

The forest ranger grabbed him and he was taken to the county jail, he was not booked and he was released (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert or his family could not grasp the idea that Herb was mentally disturbed and that he suffered from a severe neurological disorder. Instead Herbert as well as his family believed his erratic behavior and severe deteriorating mental condition to be the result of his drug use (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). In September 1969 he began treatment for drug abuse but associated with friends who used frequently. In October, Herb and Ed Lawrence visited his sister.

Herb inhaled a whole joint in one puff, then he and his friend removed their clothing, sat with their legs crossed, pounded their chest in synchronize rhythm until exhaustion consumed them and fell asleep (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert was so deluded he believed that Ed was a magician and Keller a guru. They thought Herb was strange but allowed and even enjoyed Herb’s frivolous behavior (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Later same month, Herbert traveled to San Luis Obispo, took up residence with a friend and applied for welfare. His friend became troubled by Herb’s outlandish hallucinations and bizarre behavior.

Herb revealed to his friend about the voices and how they commanded him to do things (Lunde, Morgan, 1980, p. 227) and that he dutifully obeyed (Fox, Levin, 2005, p. 49). He disclosed to his perturbed friend that the voices instructed him to shave his head and burn his penis, which he did with a cigarette. Then he made forceful homosexual advances to his friend; he called his uncle for help because his uncle was doctor. His friend and his friend’s uncle with the help of a few sheriff deputies have him committed to San Luis Obispo County Hospital, Psychiatric Ward.

Herb would write to prominent individual who did not him and explain his beliefs. He would the sign the letters, “A Human Sacrifice, Herb Mullin” (Fox, Levin, p. 49). The psychiatrist was not impressed because Herb’s condition ‘only slightly’ improved with the use of anti-psychotic medications, and Herb insisted on his release. Herbert moved back to Felton with his parents and the next day, began treatment as an outpatient at Santa Cruz Mental Health Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Mullin had little control of Herb’s actions and their efforts were often met with hostility.

In March 1970 moved to a cheap hotel near the beach. He studied various mysterious religions, numerology and astrology (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Ed Lawrence introduced Herb to a commune. Herbert expressed a desire to live among them but his eerie conduct impelled the inhabitants to become hesitant. He made a peculiar suggestion to a Japanese woman. Herb thought they should have a bi-racial child together and she declined him. He became hostile and smashed a hatchet against a fire place (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert approached women he never met on the street or at a party and would ask them to marry him.

They rejected him, he would approach gay men he never met and proposition them (Vronsky, 2004,). Herbert met one individual, Pat Brown in the commune who was oblivious of his erratic and peculiar mannerism. She was described as a woman in her forties who suffers from diminished mental health and a drug addiction (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). She was like a small child. Pat persuaded Herbert to move to Hawaii with her, which he did. Herbert ended up institutionalized in Hawaii (Vronsky, 2004). He traveled to Hawaii with her to further his Eastern studies but ended up in an institution in June 1970 (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992).

The reports detailed his behavior there, which include bizarre events such as wandering in search of a job while wearing a hospital gown, asking for drugs, stealing and ingesting any drugs and preaching yoga and nonviolence. Here, the psychiatrist diagnosed Herb as Schizophrenic schizo-affective type and his diagnosis when Herb was discharged Herb as Schizophrenic schizo-affective type and his diagnosis when Herb was discharged was Schizophrenic chronic undifferentiated type (Lunde, Morgan, 1980, p. 230). Herb notified Mr. and Mrs. Mullin and they paid for his flight home. While in the car he frightened them.

His psychotic ranting caused them to pull off the road and call the police (Scott, n. p. ). Again on July 30, 1970 while out on the street preaching yoga, Herb’s erratic conduct led to him getting arrested for being under the influence and possession of drugs (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). In court he roars demands to the judge to legalize acid and marijuana, he was committed as an emergency case at the psychiatric ward of the county hospital, the charges were dropped (Scott, n. p. ). He grows a goatee and shaved his head. He began a macrobiotic diet and he looked very unhealthy and thin.

In March of 1971, Herb spent 10 days in jail for public intoxication. In May 1971, Herb quit his job and moved to San Francisco, lived on welfare and drifted from cheap room to cheap room (Lunde, Morgan, 1980,). He would engage in heated arguments with God and punch the floors. Herb’s hallucinations were his reality and he began a coding system to explain his unique birthday, Einstein’s death and earthquakes. Herb’s new friend Allen Hanson reaffirmed his beliefs with his talk of reincarnation. Herb moves in with Hanson for about a month in either September or October of 1971 (Lunde, Morgan, 1980).

He continued his research on reincarnation, the occult, astrology and became captivated with the works of Leonardo Di Vinci. In the fall season of 1971, Herb experienced escalating resentment towards his father. Herb believes his father has been withholding vital information. Herb resents his father for concealing certain truths such as telepathy, reincarnation and homosexuality. Herb wants to prove that he could make something of himself in a man’s world so he decides to win a boxing championship. In September 1971 Herb showed up at a gymnasium, holding a bible, wearing a sombrero, and faking a Mexican accent (Vronsky, 2004).

Herb trained for seven months (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert fought in the Golden Gloves but lost by a few points in March 6, 1972. After the loss, Herb discontinued his training. Herbert then decided to enroll in Catholic studies to become a priest (Vronsky, 2004, p. 150). He indulged in his delusions of grandeur, relating his birth date to earthquakes and other disasters and to the death of Einstein. Herbert purchased his 1957 station wagon in March 1972. In May of 1972, after three months of residence, The Oregon hotel evicts Mullin for punching a drunk who approached him in the lobby.

May 4, 1972 – July 4, 1972, Herb takes up residence at Elwood and purchases a tennis racket which he never used. Herbert’s negative sentiments for his parents ease and he writes pleasant letters. Herbert tried to move in to a hippie art collective, a rooming house three blocks down on Greary Street but was rejected. Michael Roberts recalls that Herbert had already been accepted, already made repairs and painted the designated room but when the owner asked for help which he did, she found him to be too eerie and bizarre. Michael Roberts states that “Herbert left the human race that day” (Vronsky, 2004, p. 51). Herbert was inept with fitting in; he was incapable of attaining acceptance by anyone anywhere professionally and sexually (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). Herb lived in his car, and donated a substantial amount of money to three different charities says Rick Barton, a friend of Herbert’s (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert developed a crush on a local sheriff deputy in Santa Cruz. He kept turning up in his office, this continued up until the time he was arrested (Vronsky, 2004). Herb’s conversations were ambiguous. The disembodied voices were those of his parents and began instructing him to kill.

Herbert Mullin seeks employment without success and moves back in with his parents in September of 1972. Witnesses say that he studied his bible (Vronsky, 2004). His mental disorder became extremely severe at this time. Herb came to believe that the Vietnam War supplied the American lives needed so that a cataclysmic earthquake would not hit. The Vietnam War was coming to an end; to keep a natural disaster from destroying California, Herbert’s father began telepathically ordering him to sacrifice human beings (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992).

Herb continues his research for the truth regarding telepathy, reincarnation, the relationship between his birth date and Einstein’s death. Herbert concludes that his parents kept the truths hidden from him because they feared the amount of power he would have in the next life and because they are Killjoy Sadists. Herbert has finally attained the knowledge he has been seeking for his life’s purpose, he must sacrifice human lives but he has not yet figured how to do it (Lunde, 1980, p. 235). Herbert expressed to his parents that he needs to make something out of himself and fills out applications for the military.

In September of 1972, Herbert returns to Felton to once again reside with his parents. He broods over his failures in life and tries to figure who is responsible. He cannot understand that his ambivalent track record and deteriorating mental health condition retard his success of finding himself or finding sufficient employment. Herb became convinced that his parents (Lunde, Morgan, 1980), the drugs (Newton, 2000) and the flower children played tricks with his mind (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). He finds employment as a dishwasher and in Oct 1972 he applies for the Coast Guards and Army Corps, he is rejected.

In Nov- Dec 1972, he applies for the Marine Corps and is persistent. He gets accepted as long as he signs his criminal record but Herbert refuses (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Some accounts claim that he was able to finish basic training then is rejected (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). The disembodied voices continue. Herb is enraged and frustrated and blames his parents. By mid- to late January 1973, Herb moves out but continues to visit his parents often. He moves into Pacific View Apartments. Herb runs into a middle aged neighbor Alfred Payne and has dinner in his room on January 24, 1972.

After talk about a church the old man has gotten involved with, Herb claims that he must retire early (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). His hallucinations and delusions are concentrated on the recent failures. His anger is directed at the drugs and the hippies who confused him. He blames drugs, hippies and his parents for his life, his failures and his confusion. February 4, 1973 Herb attended the bible study at Saints Stephen’s Lutheran Church, he declares that Satan can enter anyone and cause them to do his will but he had the power to cast out demons (Lunde, Morgan, 1980).

On February 13, 1973, Herbert was heading to the home of his parents to drop off firewood. Herb was preoccupied by voices or delusions to notice a patrol car behind him. Officer Sean Upton pulled Herbert over. In his station wagon, a . 22 rifle and a RG-14 revolver was found (Douglas et. al. 1992,). When Herbert was apprehended, he remained docile and quiet (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). Herbert did not attempt to flee, resist, nor talk (Lunde, Morgan). FAMILY BACKGROUND Herbert Mullin grew up in a strict Catholic environment.

His mother was a devout Catholic, and even his father considered the environment to be religiously oppressive (Newton, 2000). Herb’s father Martin William Mullin grew up in Portland Oregon, graduated from Oregon State College and enlisted in the Marines. His enlistment was partly due to the fact that he did not get along with his step father and wanted to break away from the family (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Jean and her sister Bernice were the only daughters born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Baker (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). They lived in San Francisco when Jean met Martin William Mullin.

Jean had gone to college for one year. Bill married Jean in 1940. Jean worked sometimes as a translator for the blind (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Bill Mullin’s greatest achievement in his military career was to serve as an army captain. After he was discharged, he was turned down from many positions he applied for and more often then not, it was due to his height (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Their oldest daughter Patricia was born in 1942. In 1945 he was discharged as a captain. After his military career he had unexciting jobs. He worked for a small furniture company in Salinas.

Herbert William Mullin was born in 1947. In 1952, the Mullin family moved to San Francisco. He traveled with his job and was on the road Monday through Thursday. During this time in San Francisco, Herbert suffered from loneliness and alienation. He did not want to move there because he wasn’t going to be able to ride the school bus to school (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). He expressed to his sister that he felt his peers rejected him. He was intelligent but a loner. It doesn’t seem like he could talk to anyone, he was raised to be a devout Catholic.

Herbert’s parents were strict and hardly wavered from the rules they set forth. Herb’s father was a strict disciplinarian who loved his children but provided little affection (Lunde, Morgan, 1980, p. 219). Herbert’s father taught him how to spar, box and shoot a gun when he was a young boy (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). In 1963, the Mullin family relocated to Felton. Bill Mullin took employment at the post office. The first two years of high school, Mullin was attending an all boy school. In the public school, San Lorenzo Valley High, he became popular, athletic and was part of something.

Herb was well liked and well respected. Herbert was always polite, well mannered and handsome (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). Through out his life, Herb’s parents expected strict obedience to their rigid rules (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert’s older sister Patricia married Albert Bocca and they have two children (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). They have a Christmas Tree Farm near Sebastopol. She described Mullin as having erratic behavior after the death of his friend. She described the shrine in his bedroom and said that many candles were around the picture of Dean.

She was confused and didn’t even know that their relationship was that strong (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). She mentioned that growing up, the discussion of sex was never talked about; it was a tense topic in the house (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Her belief along with his parents was that Herbert’s erratic behavior was due to his drug consumption and the culture that was evolving during the late 60’s and early 70’s. PEER – GROUP ASSOCIATIONS AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Herbert Mullin was a good student, very popular among his peers, both genders and always polite to everyone (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992).

He was popular in high school and well liked by teachers and staff (Vronsky, 2004). Herb has been described by some as handsome, docile, quiet even shy. Dr. Ressler (1992) and Dr. Lunde (1980) have both described Herbert to be polite, docile, uncommunicative and very mentally disturbed. Michael Roberts described Herbert as an unmotivated loner and incompetent to care for himself. He stated, “It wasn’t so much what he did, but what he didn’t do” (Lunde, Morgan, 1980, p. 186). Jean Carlisle described him as a sweet tender person, very neat, helpful and proud.

She knew he suffered mentally and that he was most likely delusional (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Ralph Johnson a fifty three year old tenant at the Oregon Hotel described Herbert as quiet unless he talked about art. He thought Herb was articulate and well mannered and well balanced (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Allan Hanson, a former roommate referred to him as John. Hanson described Herbert (John) as an extremely calm, very quiet and shy person (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Vic Grupico and Don Stewart trained Herbert at the gym. Vic recalls Herbert as a tough kid who questioned everything.

Vic liked Herb and felt sorry for him. Don remembers Herb reading the bible a lot. Hermann co-owner remembers Herbert writing long letters when he couldn’t make a training appointment. They all thought he was a little strange (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Irene Conner met Herbert in Feb 1972. She was the cashier at a variety store. She remembers Herbert as very friendly (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Richard Watson, Herb’s cousin stated that Herbert was a bright boy but wanted him to seek help (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). CONTACT WITH DEFINING AGENCIES

On April 21, 1968 Herbert Mullin was arrested by San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Department. He was charged with illegal camping, marijuana possession and possession of drug paraphernalia. He spent six days in jail, his parents posted bail. On May 16, 1967, he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and received probation (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). On March 29, 1969, Herb committed himself voluntarily into Mendocino State Hospital. The archive records from the State Department of Mental Hygiene revealed that Herbert was generally uncooperative with the treatment.

Herb remained in the hospital for six weeks and was released on May 9, 1969. He was diagnosed as Schizophrenic reaction, chronic undifferentiated type; his prognosis was listed as poor. Reports of his stay claim that he was generally uncooperative and would engage other patients in discussions of yoga. When asked about his father, Herb expressed that he disliked the sparring matches when he was a child but now he can outmatch his father (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). After Herb was released he expressed to his sister that she was communicating to him telepathically (Lunde, Morgan, 1980).

In August 1969, Herbert was in a trance like state in Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park in Santa Cruz County. Forest Ranger Lang approached him and he remained motionless. After a few minutes, he reached for his knife without shifting his gaze. Ranger Lang called for back up and took Mullin to the county jail. He was not booked and released. In September of 1969, Herbert and his family felt his condition was due to his drug use so he began treatment as a resident at the community drug abuse prevention center in Santa Cruz (Lunde, Morgan, 1980).

On October 31, 1969, His friend and uncle along with several deputies committed Herbert into the San Luis Obispo County Hospital, Psychiatric Ward. He remained there for eight weeks. He was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenic. He was release on November 23, 1969 and his prognosis was listed as grave. His doctor noted that Herb showed little improvement with anti-psychotic medication. He was to continue his anti-psychotic medication and out patient care. On November 24, 1969, Herbert Mullin reported to the Santa Cruz Mental Clinic and began his out patient care.

His attendance to therapy sessions was sporadic and he did take his medicine as it was prescribed (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Herbert was admitted to Maui Memorial Hospital on July 10, 1970. He was diagnosed as schizophrenia, schizo-affective type. Upon his arrival, the doctor’s notes describe Herb as passive but impulsive, unable to accept his own hostile feelings. Upon release his diagnosis was schizophrenia, chronic undifferentiated type. Herbert was released on July 23, 1970. July 30, 1970, Herbert was arrested for being under the influence of drugs and possession. He became agitated while he was confined.

In court, his outlandish behavior and demands led to his commitment on July 31, 1970 to the psychiatric ward of the Santa Cruz County Hospital as an emergency case. The law mandates holding for seventy two hours, upon his release, he was diagnosed as schizophrenia chronic undifferentiated type. In August 1970, Herbert resumed his out patient treatment at the Santa Cruz Mental Health Clinic (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). March of 1971, Herbert was arrested for public intoxication and resisting an officer. He spent ten days in jail and the public intoxication charge was dismissed. OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOR

On Friday, October 13, 1972 Lawrence White would be Herbert’s first sacrifice for the safety of California. Herbert Mullin was driving aimlessly (Newton, 2000) on Highway 9 through mountains of California when he spotted White (Vronsky, 2004). Lawrence White was a fifty five year old vagrant drifting along the San Lorenzo River in California. He ran away from Oklahoma when he was a teenager (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Highway 9 roughly follows the San Lorenzo as it winds from the foothills to the bay at Santa Cruz (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Lawrence White was walking down Highway 9 making his way to Santa Cruz only four miles away.

Herb pretended to have engine trouble and asked the vagabond for help in exchange for a ride up to Santa Cruz (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). While the unsuspecting hobo looked under the hood, Herb grabbed his baseball bat and beat the 55 year old drifter on the side of the highway (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). Herbert delivered fatal blows to White’s head, caving in his skull and body with a baseball bat (Vronsky, 2004). Once White was dead, Herb dragged the lifeless body into nearby woods and left it there (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). Herbert arrived at his home before lunch, he went into the garage and tried to clean the bat but a pink stain remained.

He found sand paper and rubbed pink stain until it was gone, then threw the sandpaper and clothe in he trash (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). The body was discovered by John Chilton. Lawrence White had spent his time in and out of jail (Douglas, Ressler, Burgess, 1992) he gave the address of his sister in Chicago but when officials tried to reach his family they found that the street address he gave did not exist (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Lawrence White was buried on October 20, 1972 at Oakwood Memorial Park following a perfunctory, county paid service at the Wessendorf and Holmes chapel.

No one came to the funeral (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). October 24, 1972, Mary Margaret Guilfoyle a twenty two year college student (Douglas, et. al. 1992) other accounts say twenty four year old college student (Lunde, Morgan, 1980) was running late for an interview. Mary shared an apartment with her boyfriend Jeff Towle (Lunde, Morgan, 1980) and attended Cabrillo College. Herbert pulled over on Soquel drive and asked if the girl wearing a red dress needed a ride which she did. Once in the car, Herb stabbed her in the chest, then she lunged forward, he stabbed her two more times in the back.

He dragged her into the woods. He undressed her and then cut open her stomach to exam her organs checking for pollution (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). To inspect better, he sprung her intestines from the branches of the trees (Vronsky, 2004). He left the body and returned home for dinner. He heard his father telepathically notify him that pollution comes from within bodies. Herbert’s parents telepathically commanded him to save California from falling into the Pacific Ocean. Herbert was after all the appointed scapegoat whose sacrifices would save many. Herbert’s mother gave him a book on Michelangelo.

She later explained that she hoped it would have inspired Herbert to release his frustrations through the use of art. He read sections of Irving Stones, “The Agony and Ecstasy” (Vronsky, 2004). November 2 is the Catholic holiday El Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. On this holiday in 1972, Father Henri Tomei would be the next sacrifice. He was internationally known and well liked (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Father Tomei was sixty five years old, a native of Marseilles France. His mother died when he was young and his father was drafted into the military; he too died shortly after.

Henri Tomei grew up in an orphanage and was ordained when he was twenty four years old (Lunde, Morgan, 1980). Father Tomei composed and sung hymns in Roman Catholic churches worldwide. His most famous is “The Virgin of Peace” (Lunde, Morgan, 1980, p. 42). Herbert walked into St Mary’s church in Los Gatos. He walked into a confessional booth and confessed to Father Henri Tomei (Ressler, Shachtman, 1992). Then he beat the 65 year old priest and stabbed him six tim

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