Horror Trailer Evaluation

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According to the Uses and gratifications theory? What are the pleasures available to the horror audience? Clue diversion = escape from normal life thrills such as fear identity – you find out about yourself, as an audience member by putting yourself in the shoes of the characters 7. What are the key elements of a film trailer that you incorporated into your own work Non linear structure – flashbacks / random order Fast editing – unsettling the reader Dislocated audio / dialogue

Titles – the writing on screen that helps tell the story Testimonial – such as “Greatest film Ever by the Daily Mirror Key information – such as release date of film / actors / film company Narration / viceroy only if used Use of special effects; such as black and white / cropping / reverse / changing speed/altering exposure 8. Describe any sourced footage you may have used – ii. Clips from other films which you added onto your own. What effect did this create? 9. Give one or two examples – and screen grab them – of where you used the Amerada effectively to create a mood.

Please describe in detail the effect you wanted. You might want to discuss; Camera height, camera distance, camera distance, camera movement, shot composition Help: close up for emotion, extreme close up to create fear, hand held shaky footage to disorientate the viewer, pan for tension, tracking for action 10. Describe at least one interesting edit,. This could be a cross dissolve or a montage or just when you moved from one shot to the next to create impact. Use screen grabs to illustrate this. 11.

Describe and evidence any situations where you used light in an interesting way. Expressive lighting is often used in horror films – This means the use of strong contrasts between black and white. Why do you think this is? Natural lighting for realism 12. Explain any dietetic lighting (that appears to come from something in the scene such as a table lamp or window). 13. Describe and screen grab any of the effects you used in post production 14. Are there any stereotypical characters included in your production such as an evil figure or a victim figure.

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Horror Trailer Evaluation. (2018, Apr 04). Retrieved from


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