How I Came About Pursuing a Business Degree

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As a senior in college, I have been faced with numerous decisions in the process of choosing a career path. Both financially and professionally, I realized I would be faced with challenges while pursuing my degree. The knowledge I have gained has eased my financial worries. At the same time, the opportunities I have been met with have allowed my career aspirations to develop over the course of my collegiate journey. Until my freshman year at IUPUI, I had always dreamed of pursuing a career in the medical field.

I believed I would be working directly with patients as a medical provider However, after I entered my first year of college, I realized that I wanted to be able to have more versatility in my professional career. It was after I took my first business class my freshman year of college that I knew that I belonged in the business industry. For me, a business degree offered the most diverse and versatile opportunities within a multitude of industries.

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Initially, however, I did not realize business was where I needed to be and I declared my major in Health Services Management. By the end of my freshman year, I realized I was still limiting myself and I decided to transition to a business degree with a major in Finance and a minor in Economics. I wanted to ensure that I had the opportunity to explore a wide range of industries during my years in college and a degree in business allowed me to fulfill this desire. Prior to my team project experience in I-Core during my junior year, I had only declared my Finance major.

During my first supply chain class, I found interest in the Supply Chain Management topics and I decided to pursue a double major and a career path in Supply Chain Management. Previously, I had held a position handling logistics on a smaller scale in a retail store and, prior to my I-Core classes, I was unaware that there was an opportunity to pursue a degree and career path that would allow me to work in the supply chain industry full-time.

From the moment I decided to more towards a degree in business, I have had more flexibility to explore an array of industries through part-time jobs, internships, and leadership experiences. Throughout college, my experiences have ranged from eventful days in retail as a supervisor, the standard practices of banking and, currently, the extensive field of health care. This degree allows me to discover industries that I enjoy while learning and growing from all my experiences, both negative and positive.

At the same time, every opportunity has given me more than just experience. One of my biggest concerns I had as I started pursuing my degree was my ability to fund my education while simultaneously trying to keep up with my everyday living expenses. Between the generosity I have been met with between scholarships, job and internships, I have been able to fund my education along the way. At the same time, I have had the opportunity to gain leadership and workforce experience that will allow for a more seamless transition to a full-time job after graduation.

While the future is still wide open with opportunity, I am grateful for my collegiate experiences that have allowed me to excel professionally and financially. My current internship position in healthcare has solidified my passion for logistics and operations. This internship had been a professional stepping stone to greater opportunities within my company and beyond. The greatest lesson I have learned from my educational and professional journey is to be open minded to what my future may hold and to never turn down an opportunity. Every opportunity has been a chance to gain knowledge and create a future for myself that I did not realize was possible.

Through the years, I have gained knowledge in every experience, good and bad, and I have narrowed my focus to pursue business operations opportunities. As I gain more connections and more experience, I want to be able to guide others on a path towards more career opportunity and alleviate the fears of those who may feel college is not affordable. I was afraid of failing professional and financially before I began pursuing my degree. I want other students to be able to recognize the opportunities that are available so they can pursue their degree without worry.

Overall, my career path and my college degree have set me up for an endless amount of opportunity. As I gain more experience, I will be able to work towards fulfilling my dreams and helping others reach their dreams as well.

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How I Came About Pursuing a Business Degree. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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