Both of my parents have careers in the medical field. However, I do not want to be a healthcare professional solely due to my parents’ experience. Although they have had an impact on my curiosity about this particular career field, the idea of helping people around me undeniably interests me the most. I have a desire to help people, those that are hurting, those in need, or those who just need someone to lift them up. I believe that I will be able to achieve this aspiration by becoming a medical professional.
Although healthcare careers can be immensely stressful because lives are often at stake, the profession is indisputably rewarding. Sure, members of the medical field get paid well, but making a difference in their patients’ lives is the true fortune. There is so much hurting in the modern day world, and the patients need someone who shows unconditional care to mitigate the pain that they are suffering from. I am determined to be that person. At the end of the day, healthcare providers are able to say they actually made a difference in someone’s life by easing their suffering. That is a privilege that most other professions are incapable of offering.
I have taken all advanced classes since I was granted the opportunity, and I do not intend on taking any regular classes throughout my remaining high school years. During my junior and senior years, I plan to take dual credit courses, earning both high school and college credit. By taking these advanced classes, along with studying each night, I plan on graduating at the top of my class. This will aid with my ambition of getting accepted into my dream university, the University of Texas at Austin, to major in nursing.
After college, my goal is to attend Cizik School of Nursing, which is a department under the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. After graduating from nursing school, I plan obtaining a certified registered nurse anesthetist license. I have always known that I wanted to be in the healthcare field, but I first realized that I want to pursue anesthetics when I had a minor foot surgery my freshman year of high school.
The physician administered local anesthesia prior to my operation and within a couple of minutes, my toes were completely numb. He prevented what would have been an excruciating surgery by simply administering two shots on both sides of my toes. Although those shots were probably the most painful shots I have ever received, I would much rather face the pain of two needles than suffer the agony of surgery without any form of anesthesia.
I aspire to be a certified registered nurse anesthetist because I want to help and heal people, in every way I know how. Health has profound lasting effects on patients’ lives, and for this reason I look forward to dedicating myself to a lifelong career in medicine in the near future.
I Want To Be A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
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I Want To Be A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. (2023, Jan 14). Retrieved from