In Psychology 1300 this semester, we were instructed to take three career assessment tests that would analyze our personalities, interests, and skills which could help guide us towards the career path that would best suit us. Before I took those three tests on My Plan (2018), I had an interest in working in the medical industry and working with children, so I was hoping for results that would prove that I was made for pediatric nursing. Surprisingly, the desired results I was hoping for showed up on the skills test.
The first career assessment test I took was the personality test which claims that I am an ESFJ or an Extroverted, Sensor, Feeler, and a Judger. I am an 87% extrovert which means I am friendly, outgoing, talkative, and fun. Some strengths of extroverts are that we work well in groups, we can be persuasive and convincing, and people enjoy being around us. Some weaknesses include having a hard time concentrating and may depend too much on group interactions. The test also states that I am a 67% sensor which means I am patient, careful, diligent, and practical. My strengths as a sensor are that I work diligently, I excel in hands-on activities, and I possess great attention for details. A weakness of mine as a sensor is that I forget to see the bigger picture. According to the test, I am a 67% feeler and people might use words like caring, considerate, emotional, and compassionate. I tend to look at all points of views, I am moral, and I seek consensus and agreement. On the other hand, I might be “soft” in tough situations and I overextend myself to meet the needs of others. I am also a 87% judger which implies that organized, decisive, sensible, and strict. When considering strengths I can make an excellent manager, I bring issues to closure, and I make my deadlines. Contrarily, I can be a “control freak”, I can rush to judgements, and I may not adjust quickly to sudden changes. This test described my personality so perfectly that every strength and weakness listed about me I had no choice but to agree with.
The next two tests that I took were the interests and skills test and the results to the interest test were not shocking at all. There are six clusters that you could possibly make up your interests and the two that were distinguished were artistic and social. Being artistic means I am creative, romantic, independent, sensitive, and imaginative. I go dancing or clubbing, draw and sketch, listen to music and go to concerts, and cook in my spare time. Social change, style, and emotions are all important to me. Being social means I am kind, caring, patient, generous, and responsible. In my spare time, I talk to my friends, read, spend time with my family, and go to the gym in my free time. Things that are important to me because I am social are relationships, trust, communication, family, and friendship. My skills test lists several departments that I can excel in and my desired one, healthcare practitioners and technicians comes at #3. The test says that there is a 66% chance that I might end up in a career that involves healthcare practitioners and technicians.
When I saw that healthcare was one of the suggested career paths by my skills test, I was convinced that I am meant to become a registered pediatric nurse. I have a strong interest in the medical field and I also enjoy taking care of children, but I wouldn’t want to be in school for a long period of time so I chose pediatric nursing. In order to become a registered pediatric nurse I first decided to complete my prerequisites and core classes at Wharton County Junior College. I would then complete an associate’s degree to become a registered nurse at WCJC. I do want a bachelor’s degree in nursing, so I will transfer for one year to University of Houston’s College of Nursing for my BSN. If I do not be accepted in the associate’s degree program at WCJC, I will apply to go to UThealth or TWU College of nursing for my BSN. My final step would be to take the NCLEX-RN exam, pass it, and then apply to get a job in the pediatric department of the Texas Children’s Hospital because that is my dream hospital to work in. RNs can work in surgical centers, doctor’s offices, clinics, or hospitals. Pediatric nurses make about $52,000 to $88,850 a year and experienced pediatric nurses can earn an estimate of $100,000 a year. Their job description includes taking blood, taking urine samples, giving vaccinations, and ordering diagnostic tests. Some vaccines that nurses administer are smallpox, chickenpox, measles, influenza, and many more. According the Nurse Journal, the employment rate for pediatric nurses will increase by 20% by the year 2020. Pediatric Nurses can also work is primary schools or with a doctor that specializes in pediatrics as well. RNs tend to treat common colds, broken bones, and other smaller health problems. Pediatric Nurses attend to babies, children, and teenagers. Working with children can be tricky because they have a mind of their own and you have to really love children if you want to pursue this career.
The three career assessment tests I took for this class helped me understand the things I am interested in, my personality traits, and what career paths would be appropriate for me. In that process, I gained confidence for my decision to go for pediatric nursing because my friendly and caring personality is ideal for children. I also have great social skills according to the interests test and the skills test stated that I have a high chance to be able to enter the healthcare industry. I initially considering to go into the Education field but I feel I have a strong calling for the medical industry. I was really satisfied with the results of the three tests and I now know more than ever than I want to be a registered pediatric nurse.
- “How to Become a Pediatric Nurse | Training | Education | Salary.”,,
- “Pediatric Nurse.”, Liaison International,
-, 2018 |. “Pediatric Nursing Careers, Salary & Jobs Outlook.” 2018, 18 Sept. 2015,
- My (2018). Retrieved October 2018, from