Is Money a Measure of Happiness

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The measure of happiness through Quantitative data could be money. A Quantity of money a person has, and how satisfied they are with it, it could mean a lot to one. A person can buy anything they want with money and have a luxury life, while some may say only money can’t make one happy, but it does factor in for a happy and a relaxing life. Another quantitative thing that can factor in making one happy are grades and GPA, it can make a student believe in themselves and have a peace of mind about their future. Since not everyone is in school for someone not being in school, something to measure their happiness would be their job status, which could be measured by their rank and their position based on the years worked and the experience. That can make them confident and secure in a way that they feel respected and well known in the society.

Furthermore, other quantitative things that can make one happy, could be the amount of friends one may have or how many social connections a person has. Because it can make them socially strong and that leads to satisfaction and happiness. Also, the amount of hours a person sleeps could be an important thing that leads to happiness. Because it connects to the mood and how well a person feels. Something that can be overlooked is that, how many events a person goes to, which describes how social they are, that plays an important role in making one look forward to more upcoming things and gives them useful information. Qualitative things that make a person happy can be the quality of diet a person consumes which leads to another factor, that is health and it is well connected to happiness. Looks can be another example for someone’s happiness. But, it doesn’t mean that if someone lacks good looks they are not happy, they can maybe be more spiritually happy from different things including, religion, culture and their believes. Also, the quality of relationships a person has is a big factor that is involved in keeping one happy. The quality of conversation a person has connects to happiness as well, that can lead to other important things for keeping one happy which is building a better relationship and having an authentic connection. All of these things can factor in to make one happy.

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Theories that may connect to make one happy and to better understand others can be Attribution theory, which means that people assume or estimate the behavior or others by factors that are external or they may blame internal factors for a person’s behavior. That can have a huge impact on individuals understanding each other and judging the situation better, rather than blaming something they see but not know the main cause of one’s behavior. For example, a car accident, people down the road can assume that one wasn’t paying attention or using the phone which is the internal factor that may blame, but it could an external factor like the weather or something wrong with the proper functioning of tires. That theory associates with individuals better judging the behaviors of each other, in that way they can understand each other better and then it leads to being satisfied and happy.

Another theory Normative influences which means when individuals are concerned about the crowd and what others might say, and because of that they act accordingly and go with the crowd. That can make a person unhappy in a way that they are controlled by them and may have to do things that they might not have done when they were alone. Furthermore, another theory called diffusion of responsibility which means that individuals are less likely to take action in groups or crowds, because they think someone else will. This can make them unhappy about their behavior if something goes wrong and they couldn’t report it or help it thinking that someone else will.

Happiness might be developed based on behaviorist theory that shows how people respond to the environment or interacting with others. An example of behaviorist theory can be students who arrive late will receive detention or kids who completed their homework will earn extra points on their exam. This makes a student know the value for the grades that they are earning and get them more motivated with their school work. Another example can be if a company offers a promotion to the employee that can enhance their position, this will encourage the worker to make more improvement with their work. We face several of experiences in everyday of our life and it shapes us the way we are today. The theory relates to the findings in the article “The happiness—income paradox revisited” in a way that there wasn’t an association of being having a lot of money and being happy just because you are getting rich. Which means that our behaviors which are learned shape up our lives, and can make us happy. That way the happiness can be developed. Which is coming from the behaviorist theory.

Another explanation of how happiness can be developed is through the theory called social learning theory that indicates how people learn from one another. A person has to be a great observer in order to learn about their surroundings, and need to have full attention. People should be able to remember some activities that they have noticed in the past. This will make them happy because they are gaining knowledge, and that helps them be a fast learner. Social learning helps you communicate with others more efficiently, for example, Facebook, it helps you connect with people who have the same interest as you do and can share ideas with each other.

Happiness is a useful predictor of a person’s well-being, because for one to stay healthy and function well, and deal with different situations they have to be happy. Dealing with people may not be very pleasant or effective if one is not happy. The communication could be effected in a bad way if one is not happy. Being happy is a sign of our well-being in a sense that we are more thankful and respectful for what we have, and for every breath we are taking. And one being unhappy could not lead to well-being in a way that they can be unthankful and not respectful for everything they have. Because they may not value things that they have or they may not see them in a positive way. Happiness is important in our life because it gives us the strength to reach our goals. It makes us more creative, energetic and be healthy in all ways emotionally, physically and mentally. In order to be happy, we have to avoid ourselves from the negativity surrounded by us in our daily life. No matter how many conflicts we face, we should take it as a challenge and try to overcome it bravely. When we remain happy, we are looking at everything from a positive side and it makes us stay calm. Also, happiness helps us to improve our ability to learn and strengthens our memory.

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Is Money a Measure of Happiness. (2021, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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