Leadership Style: Stalin, Mussolini, Trump

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Leadership and the various styles employed by leaders.


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Leaders possess unique personalities and belief systems that guide them on their path to success. Leadership qualities and traits vary among individuals, influenced by various factors. By examining these qualities and traits, we can gain a better understanding of their leadership style. This report explores the leadership styles of three leaders, including 1. Donald Trump.

2. Joseph Stalin

3. Benito Mussolini

Donald Trump

Donald Trump, born on June 14, 1946, is the son of Fred Trump, a prosperous businessman in New York City. Instead of pursuing a career in Hollywood after graduating from a Military Academy, Donald Trump chose to join his father’s real estate business.

Trump experienced significant success in the real estate sector, specifically with endeavors such as Grand Hyatt and Wollman Rink. However, his luck turned during the 1989 recession when his casino ventures, supported by high-risk junk bonds, resulted in an immense amount of debt. By engaging in discussions with creditors, Trump managed to settle all outstanding debts by 1994.

Donald Trump experienced a successful comeback starting in 1997, achieving significant financial gains in the real estate industry in both the USA and Canada. Forbes estimated his wealth to be around US$2.7 billion by March 2011. Trump is widely recognized for his charismatic presence on and off screen in the business and television sectors. His reality show “The Apprentice” has gained immense popularity in America, largely thanks to his captivating one-liners and aura.

Donald Trump was a big thinker and had an intuitive mindset. He believed in making large-scale deals and investments in the real estate industry by recognizing their potential. Despite facing financial debts, Trump managed to make an even more powerful comeback. Consequently, he gained recognition in the business world and also became a prominent figure in the TV industry. Donald Trump is known for his energetic and enthusiastic nature.

According to Donald Trump, energy is the key to passion and accomplishing the impossible. He is a devoted leader with ambitious goals, motivating his followers and subordinates to surpass obstacles. Despite experiencing bankruptcy, he remains self-assured and serves as a model of resilience.

Failure is an inherent aspect of life, and the greater the difficulty in your downfall, the more robust your comeback should be. Donald Trump illustrates this by persevering through tough situations, venturing beyond familiar territory, and making a lasting impact on the journey towards achievement.

Donald Trump once expressed his enjoyment of contemplating grand ideas. According to him, when it comes to engaging in any form of thought, aiming for ambitious thinking is the best approach.

Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin, born on December 18, 1878 as Ioseb Besorionis dze Jugashvilli, faced challenges from a young age. He had smallpox and a deformed right hand. Unfair treatment fueled his ambition for power, honor, and respect. Stalin was the de facto leader of the Soviet Union from the 1920s until his death in 1953. He introduced “Sotsializma v Odnoy Strane,” which means “Socialism in One Country.”

He transformed the Leninian policies practiced until 1920 into a centralized command policy. This led to a period of industrialization and collectivism, which transformed the USSR from an agrarian society into an industrial power. However, these economic changes were not supported by communist parties like Leon Trotsky, the Bolsheviks, and various Red Army Leaders. Stalin faced criticism for the Soviet Famine of 1932-33 but remained steadfast in addressing these Soviet issues, even while deeply involved in World Wars.

Joseph Stalin, a skilled and adept politician, showcased his leadership prowess in effectively implementing policies such as decreasing high tax rates and reducing prices for commonly used goods. He successfully maintained inflation at 2.3% in the USSR, compared to the United States of America where it rose to 3.5%. This poses the query: can Joseph Stalin be considered a triumphant leader?

When evaluating Stalin’s leadership, the question arises whether he was a worse leader than Hitler, despite his victory in World War II. Despite criticism for his ruthlessness and arrogance, Stalin’s dynamic and somewhat cold-blooded leadership style is evident in the Great Purge. Personally, I have observed distinct and motivational traits in Joseph Stalin.

During a turbulent era characterized by Lenin’s downfall and the economic decline of the USSR, Stalin emerged as a dominant figure. Despite grappling with physical disabilities and personal hardships, he successfully positioned himself as a leader in various social, economic, and mass movements within the Soviet Union. His unwavering determination and hunger for power were apparent from an early age as he aimed to break free from his humble upbringing and attain recognition and admiration. Stalin’s strong sense of pride played a crucial role in shaping his personality, which he maintained until his demise.

During his rule as the leader of the USSR, Stalin encountered significant challenges such as the loss of dear companions, spouses, and uprisings. Despite these hardships, he stayed watchful and cautious and focused on enhancing Russia’s declining economy. When compelled to enter the Second World War, Stalin strictly adhered to a non-aggression pact and was the most revered figure in devising strategies and proposals, ultimately leading to his victorious outcome in the war.

Joseph Stalin, known for his public speeches and debates, possessed an enigmatic vigor that could motivate and drive crowds of people to follow his beliefs and actions. Despite the challenges faced by the USSR, such as mass deaths and violent rebellions against Stalinism, Stalin maintained a strong governance and control through his impressive vocal abilities. This showcases his situational leadership as well.

Throughout his life, Stalin successfully navigated various situations and crises. One notable event was his involvement in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Despite just returning from exile, Stalin actively opposed the war and used his platform in the newspaper, Pravda, to encourage citizens and soldiers to openly express their opposition to the war by using slogans such as “down with the war.”

Stalin’s brutal actions during the Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1919 showcased his aggressive approach in quelling resistance from counter-revolutionaries. He disregarded Trotsky’s decisions and was responsible for eliminating numerous terrorist organizations in the USSR. Stalin’s handling of crises and revolutions was characterized by a mix of docility and ruthlessness. Looking back, it becomes evident that despite facing rebellions and opposition, Joseph Stalin successfully steered Russia out of a severe national economic crisis.

“I have faith in the strength of the human will,”
– Joseph Stalin

Benito Mussolini

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, an Italian politician and journalist, was the leader of the National Fascist Party. He developed his academic skills in his youth while working in his father’s smithy and later became a professor at an elementary high school. His studies on Socialism, Syndicalism, and Marxism influenced his initial political ideologies. In the early 1900s, Mussolini worked as a stone mason in Bern, Geneva, and Fribourg.

In 1909, Mussolini started his career as a journalist in Trento and embraced socialist ideology. By 1911, he had gained prominence in Italy’s socialist movement and joined the Italian Socialist Party. Nonetheless, upon the outbreak of World War I, Mussolini left the party due to his belief that the Allies would defend Italy’s Austria-Hungary Territory, contradicting the party’s position. He held the position of Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943.

Benito Mussolini ruled Italy as a constitutional state until 1925. In that year, he proclaimed himself a dictator and earned the title “The leader” or “Duce.” Mussolini was affiliated with the Italian Socialist Party and became Italy’s youngest Prime Minister after the March on Rome in 1922. Initially, he made efforts to prevent war in Europe. Nonetheless, Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 ignited World War II. The crucial inquiry persists: Was Benito Mussolini an effective leader?

Mussolini’s dictatorial rule, which lasted from 1922 to 1943, is often considered Adolf Hitler’s inept ally who was abandoned by his own people. However, it is interesting to observe his style of fascist leadership, now referred to as economic fascism, which shares some surprising similarities to Barrack Obama’s. One notable similarity is their autocratic or authoritarian approach, as Mussolini assumed personal control over decision-making and planning after 1925, limiting input from his subordinates.

He possessed his own set of beliefs and guided his choices accordingly. To demonstrate his power, he utilized exploitation, coercion, and intimidation. Mussolini had a penchant for prompt decision-making and swift actions. Moreover, he assumed accountability for the consequences of his actions. Mussolini displayed adeptness in decision-making and established a centralized system of bureaucracies to delegate tasks.

According to historian Mack Smith, Mussolini’s office was constantly filled with officials who received orders from him and carried them out diligently. During his time in power in Italy, Mussolini had the opportunity to meet world leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, and George Bernard Shaw. All three leaders publicly acknowledged and praised Mussolini as an extraordinary statesman of their era, supporting his socialist beliefs and advocating for their acceptance and continuation.

With his charm and mysterious personality, Mussolini directed Italian power towards achieving multiple national economic objectives and maintaining control over the Austria-Hungary Territory. Mussolini possessed a keen intuition and geniality, always seeking new opportunities and finding innovative ways to enhance Italy’s influence in Europe.

Many historians have noted that Mussolini was affable and genial. He was also clever and adept in critical situations, with an eager ear. Mussolini learned to sharpen his intuition skills as well. Times Reporter Anne O’Hare McCormick quoted that “Mussolini was sometimes Julius Caesar, sometimes Napoleon, he was artful and masterful.”

Benito Mussolini famously proclaimed, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

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Leadership Style: Stalin, Mussolini, Trump. (2016, Jun 08). Retrieved from


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