Leland Stanford – Robber Barron or Captain of Industry

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Robber Baron’s are Captains of Industry who are looked down upon for wining at the disbursal of others and at the disbursal of moral unity.

To firmly attach a label to any given individual or people is hard because the differentiation between a robber baron and a captain of industry surrogates with the point of position from which you hold. Leland Stanford and the Big Four of the Central Pacific Railroad are perfect illustrations of how there are contrasting statements about their proper rubrics in history.Leland Stanford was the president of the Central Pacific Railroad ( CPRR or CP ) with Collis Huntington. Mark Hopkins.

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nd Charles Crocker as his chief co-workers. These four work forces are looked at in history as both dignified captains of industry who chief true the shred to riches narratives of America. and unethical robber barons who stopped at no cost. pecuniary or human.

to achieve their ends. Leland Stanford was born to a household of seven kids. before himself. He himself was non peculiarly bright in his early schooling and worked as a farm male child with really minor concern ventures affecting selling chestnuts in Albany.

He was involved early on in the gold haste but with small success. he changed from mining to concern. He so entered into concern with two of his brothers who had gone to California in 1849 when the gold haste began. He had become sufficiently affluent within four old ages to be regarded as one of the taking citizens of the excavation part.

” With success behind him he moved to California and pursued a political calling which was mostly unsuccessful in footings of winning offices. but winning in distributing his name.He lost the Free Soil Party financial officer place and the governors office early on. However.

inside five old ages he was able to set up a strong relationship with Lincoln and upon his return to Sacramento in 1861. ed the Republican Party and elected governor for a biennial term. A twelvemonth earlier he had been selected the president of the CPRR. ( Emord and Bushong ) Stanford’s engagement in the railway industry.

specifically the CPRR can be attributed to Collis Huntington who recruited both Stanford and Crocker after making his partnership with Hopkins. Huntington was a man of affairs who found himself in San Francisco in 1849.Seven old ages subsequently he and Hopkins who owned a shop together were convinced to set about the work on the first transcontinental railway by Theodore Judah. rich adult male of California.

Hopkins was the financial officer in charge of all economic determinations and known by his co-workers as “one of truest and best work forces that of all time lived” .Crocker was cardinal in finishing the full undertaking seven old ages in front of agenda. ( Emord and Bushong ) The large four became rapidly known as really flush work forces who were the top business people of the West seashore. All four were of backgrounds that did non look to keep promise for their hereafters.

It was by their difficult work and doggedness that they were able to thrive.A speedy glimpse at their intricate history might take one to see that they were all egos made work forces and that there is no ground to believe that their assets were ill-gained. Behind the political mask and beneath the public stock lies grounds. nevertheless.

that points to the ground that Stanford and the remainder of the large four are considered among the worst robber barons of the clip. The CPRR was evidently of import to the state. but the concern patterns imposed during this clip were far from ethical. Bribery was highly common in the concern of the railway.

Huntington went beyond non denying the fact that graft existed. but wrote on the demand for graft to be. “If you have to pay money [ to a politician ] to hold the right thing done. it is merely merely and just to make it… If [ a politician ] has the power to make great immorality and won’t do right unless he is bribed to make it.

I think… it is a man’s responsibility to travel up and bribe” ( DeLong ) About $ 80 million was the capital for the undertaking and it included $ 25 million from the Government and the remainder in bonds.The money was divided $ 50 million to the CP Credit and Finance Corporation ( CPCFC ) and the remainder kind of vanished. largely into pockets of those who controlled the fate of the money. ( DeLong ) Beyond the $ 30 million that was handily unaccounted by the CPCFC was net income that came from the concern that the large four did after they secured involvement in their now successful venture.

“… [ it ] is [ some ] thing to observe about the bend of the century robber barons: even though the base of their lucks was the railway industry. they were for the most portion more operators of finance than builders of new path.Fortune came from the ability to get ownership of a profitable railway and so to capitalise those net incomes by selling securities to the populace. Fortune came from gaining from a shift–either upward or downward–in investors’ perceptual experiences of the railroad’s future net incomes.

” ( DeLong ) This is how the large four was able to do a great trade of their money. They knew more or less the approaching economic tendencies because they controlled how much the company had. or led the populace to believe they had. They could so cognize when to purchase and when to sell.

Aside from the concern of the railwaies. here was a deep homo rights issue that was merely ignored for the interest of acquiring Pullman slumberer autos across the state every bit shortly as possible. The white workers rapidly realized that the backbreaking work of puting a railway was non designed for them but instead a humble occupation for aliens and immigrants. The solution to the rapidly decreasing labour force was the debut of Chinese people to work the tracks.

Both Huntington and Stanford were in understanding that the Chinese. after their old achievement being the Great Wall of China. would be the perfect solution to their labour deficit.Irish workers were universally opposed to sharing their infinite with Chinese people because after all.

the Irish had spent coevalss on coevalss in America while the Chinese were merely fledglings who would poison society. The Chinese proved to be both highly diligent every bit good as disposable. Early in the quest across the Sierra-Nevada mountain scope. they were really knowing about the gunpowder used and they knew good the dangers of it.

However. upon the usage of glyceryl trinitrate. things began go oning much faster and with less cautiousness. This was the beginning of loss of 1000s of Chinese workers’ lives.

The Chinese were treated ill and paid less than the Irish. The conditions were risky and the quality of life was diminished for them. This can easy be pointed to as a ground that the large four might hold been considered unethical for allowing this happen. ( Emord and Bushong ) Its undeniable that the development of the West and the success of the state could non hold happened without the CPRR and the Big Four.

but the Machiavellian inquiry arises. does the terminal justify the agencies? The reply is no. That is non to state that the transcontinental railway was unimportant.The loss of life was in order to travel things along quicker.

The disbursal was non at all justified by the reaching of the line seven old ages early. The dirty concern patterns of the large four was non done in the best involvement of the company. In fact all stockholders. the largest individual one being the United States authorities.

lost out because of the hapless direction of money in the company. Stanford and the remainder all died with more money than they could pass. Leland Stanford. Collis Huntington.

Mark Hopkins and Charles Crocker were at their overall best among the greatest robber barons of the nineteenth century.Reference( 1 ) DeLong. J. Bradford.

“Robber Barons” University of California at Berkeley. and NBER( 2 ) Folsom. Burton W. .

The Myth of the Robber Barons( 3 ) Bailey. Thomas A. . Kennedy.

David M. . Cohen. Lizabeth.

The American Pageant. Eleventh erectile dysfunction. Houghton Mifflin Company: New York. © 1998

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