Love: My Personal Experience

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When it comes to life, everyone has different experiences, including the feeling of first love. Love is a strong emotion that can be felt in various ways and degrees. Personally, my experience with first love was more romantic and emotionally uplifting than any other I had ever encountered.

Both the adoration and the feeling were mutual, captivating yet painful. Our journey commenced on a sunny November day, with oak tree leaves falling like raindrops as I ventured down the winding road towards our ordinary high school.

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On a Tuesday, I caught sight of Janice Marie Calloway. She donned a pink sweater with a touch of purple, and her jeans hugged her every curve. Her caramel brown eyes had an enchanting effect on me.

I was amazed by the stunning sight before me. Her skin had a beautiful cocoa hue, and she emitted a delightful fruity scent that filled every room. Additionally, she had jet black hair adorned with lovely tight curls.

Janice possessed a smile capable of crumbling any man. Her walk was fierce and threatening, with the potential to cause great harm if encountered too closely. The initial encounter between us is permanently etched into my memory.

I can still hear the loud throb of my heart in my chest as her gaze met mine in the cramped room. Our eyes locked as she approached me, and a smile materialized on her lips, solidifying that instant. It took me a whole year to initiate a conversation with her. Eventually, we developed a deep bond as best friends, and nothing further.

Accepting the truth that I loved someone who considered me just a friend proved to be challenging. I embraced her experiences and ideas as my own, unintentionally adopting her perspective. It felt like an unbalanced dynamic, with only myself harboring authentic emotions.

Despite her lack of awareness of my responses to her interactions with others, everyone believed that there was a strong bond between us. She found amusement in causing me jealousy, which made me realize how possessive she had turned me into. However, my world was shattered when she revealed her plans to leave and the uncertainty of ever coming back.

My mouth and heart sank, leaving me numb from head to toe as if my blood had stopped flowing. A multitude of thoughts flooded my mind.

Feeling lost and betrayed, I consider the possibility of navigating life without her. The reasons for her actions remain uncertain, causing me to ponder on what I may have done to push her away. My mood sinks into sadness. However, just as I begin to lift my head, she surprises me with a hug and whispers, “I’ll miss you, my friend.” As I look up, I catch a fleeting glimpse of her departing, forever etching that moment in my memory.

From that moment on, I realized that a major change awaited me. She vanished from my life and as time passed, we drifted apart. I found myself alone, dedicating hours to contemplating her absence and reflecting upon countless unanswered inquiries.

Although she has returned, the love of my life is no longer present. My emotions almost vanished when she departed, but remnants of our past feelings continue to plague me. Now that she’s back, it is her who craves my kisses after our intense initial embrace. It is her heart that breaks apart. I promise myself not to shed tears again.

Despite my desire for her to disappear from my life once more, she persists in staying. Each time she returns, I am unable to resist falling into her arms and regressing into the vulnerable child I once was. This continuous cycle of her presence is causing immense emotional turmoil, leaving me feeling utterly broken. Disappointment permeates every facet of my existence.

Now that you witness the transformation of a beautiful sensation into a collection of emotional calamities, do you comprehend the power of love over an individual? It is possible that you grasp its impact, or perhaps you do not. Each person undergoes the experience of love in diverse manners, and there may exist differing opinions regarding this matter.

In the end, it is irrelevant if your type of love conforms to a specific classification. Love is an individual experience that resides deep within. The crucial factor is that it brings about feelings of joy and contentment. When two people love one another, animosity ceases to exist.

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Love: My Personal Experience. (2017, May 09). Retrieved from

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