agreeable sexualadvancement, requests for sexual favor, sexual comments or any form ofverbal / physical sexual activity that hurts the personality or integrityis called sexual harassment.
Society and its men and women are responsible but men and the society areto be accused more. Women are projected as subject and property; means tohumiliate society or individual, woman of that society is raped. Rapingwomen of defeated county is reward to winning army. To pay back for noncooperation or resistance; is to rape her. This sort of mentality isdeveloped in most communities resulting sexual harassment and violence.
Social structure is such that woman has to remain behind the curtain. Forwoman don’t sit there, walk there, talk there etc; lack of understanding ofwoman’s role in nature prevents woman from equality with men. The more weconceal the more awful feeling moves up in the mind to commit offences.
Lack in educational systems and Unequal rights from society; resultshumiliations. Men are considered as super most so even in working placewomen have to face discrimination. Men can not stand women overpoweringtheir ego so such incidences take place.In modern world even women’sconduct (dresses, sexy look, sexy talk, nearness approach etc ;), sometimes provokes men to go out of control. Psychologically women are moreconscious of their look can spend many hours to look sexy, is incitement tomen to advance. When the advancement is in consent of women it is ok, butif opposite, is the sexual harassment. Most important is the geneticcharacter of the individual that leads to controlled or uncontrolledbehavior. Reasons of sexual harassment and violence as I feel are:Genetic character/ Environment: Genes are the information plan codes ofour entity comprises negative / positive – behavior, character, dominant/submissive, taste,figure,health,lifeexpectancy,introversion/extroversion, anger/calm, violent/ peaceful, patience/impatience etc. Thequality of genes decides the fate, behavior and shape of a person thatdifferentiates from one individual to another. Most are acquired hereditarycharacters of both mother and father and some as own identity (characterdiffer from parents in many cases). During travel to egg of a woman, spermscompete, block, organize and fight each other. Best and strongest of allreach egg to fertile, indicates individual gene has its own individuality,apart from inherited qualities. Prominent genes react to the identicalenvironment to express own personality to the external world. Genes areabove of all our body tools, even above the brain as are made by genesonly. Genes are indirectly attracted to external environment through brainand modifies for future purpose. Therefore, environment and genes togetherplay important role for individual’s behavior. Genes as formula and codesare essential for functioning of human computer. It establishes what issuitable and fit for maintaining the individuality. So for procreation; thefirst step is transfer of the genes through sexual contact.
Jealousy: Not normal but true, in most cases jealousy causes sexualharassment or violence. In office or home many incidences occur when manhates his dream girl or girl friend / wife’s association in any form withother man. High competition/ politics for seeking favor in the workingplace results to jealousy. Jealousy can be in any form would lead todeteriorated relationship between man and woman becomessubjecttoharassment.
Marriage sex and Harassment/violence: Wife wants make-up material, households for house, time to listen to her gossips, sometimes sex, and lot ofdresses. Husband wants sex appeal and sex. He wants her to be prepared forhim all the times. His desperation and her resistance together form a senseof sexual harassment. Begins when there is misunderstanding and mistrust inthe partners or when he wants her to pose for sexual act which is painfulor objectionable. Painful act some times she has to bear as punishment orrevenge of husband/ boyfriend for non cooperation. Ill-treatment is theresult of bad relation. Ego, domination, intoxication, external maritalaffairs, suspicion, sexual dissatisfaction, arguments, missing respect andnon cooperation are among the reasons.For more about violence andharassment click the link below: