Principles or Rules that People Use to Decide What is Right or Wrong

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“The virtuous person develops a sense of right and wrong.” The cultural code of a company is responsible for its DNA. If a company has a permissive cultural code that neglects the importance of customers, it risks losing the trust of investors, workers, and customers. If managers seem to approve of fraudulent accounting or insider trading, why would anyone choose to invest in that particular fund or company?

Why would someone choose to endorse a casino with inferior odds in comparison to others on the same gambling strip, unless it is the sole available option? If provided with a selection, why would one opt to be employed by or make purchases from a company renowned for its unfair treatment of employees? Children and adolescents frequently unintentionally cause harm to those they attempt to assist, either due to their lack of knowledge regarding securing benefits or their limited and often erroneous understanding of what is beneficial and detrimental. Although such ignorance is generally acceptable in young children and frequently in adolescents, it is typically deemed culpable when exhibited by adults.

Adults are responsible when they disrupt things by being inconsiderate, insensitive, careless, impulsive, myopic, and assuming that what is good for them will be good for everyone without considering other perspectives. They are also accountable if they misunderstand what is advantageous and damaging. Having practical wisdom means knowing how to achieve genuine benefits efficiently; individuals with practical wisdom do not hide the painful truth from those who truly need to know it, believing that it is beneficial for them.


  1. http://www. character-ethics. org/articles/absolutesandrelativisim.
  2. http://www. allaboutphilosophy. org/ethical-relativism-faq.
  3. http://uk. answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20090910042540AAAOwSO
  4. http://atheism. about. com/od/ethicalsystems/a/Deontological.
  5. http://www. allaboutphilosophy. org/ethical-relativism-faq.
  6. http://www. csrnyc. com/philosophicalbaseofcsr/fourtypesofethics. html
  7. http://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/decision/ethicalrelativism. html
  8. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/ethics-virtue/
  9. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Virtue_ethics

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Principles or Rules that People Use to Decide What is Right or Wrong. (2019, May 01). Retrieved from

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