My Motivation to Apply to NYU

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What sets NYU apart for me is its focus on maintaining a distinct global atmosphere where students have the freedom to personalize their courses and feel empowered to be themselves. As a student at NYU, I anticipate embarking on unforgettable adventures surrounded by a diverse student community and academic environment.

Psychology and philosophy have been subjects that have fascinated me. The curiosity I have about human perception and its connection to epistemology has driven me to integrate these studies throughout my life. Pursuing an education at NYU will allow me to further explore how bodily perception aligns with accurate truth and belief, as shaped by experiences that are conditioned within one’s own body.

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I am confident in my ability to handle the demanding workload of a double major and know that NYU’s faculty will support me. My goal is to become an Osteopathic Physician and believe that studying at NYU will enable me to take a comprehensive approach to patient care. Understanding the rationale behind different treatment methods will allow me to listen empathetically and provide optimal treatment. I am certain that obtaining an education from NYU will have a significant impact on my long-term career.

Moreover, attending one of NYU’s study away programs presents a fantastic opportunity to delve into a country’s history and culture. It is through these programs that I can shape a fresh outlook and gain profound knowledge about my desired destination, which fuels my passion for traveling. The virtual events organized by NYU allow me to listen to fellow students sharing their experiences of visiting the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, amplifying my desire to explore the same places they have. Among all the countries, Paris stands out as the one I am most eager to visit.

By taking professor Cecile Petit’s classes in Elementary French II and Intermediate French I at the University of Paris, I will have the opportunity to pursue my passion for learning French. Examining the syllabus, I am fascinated by the anticipated outcomes that will enrich my French proficiency. Immersing myself in the Parisian environment, exploring museums, and engaging with fellow international students will undoubtedly improve my French language abilities.

Outside of my academic studies, I aim to stay engaged as an active member of the environmental club. NYU excels at raising environmental consciousness throughout April. By joining NYU’s EarthMatters club, I would eagerly seize volunteer prospects, furthering my environmental awareness journey and organizing activist events. There is no finer institution than NYU to both learn and contribute.

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My Motivation to Apply to NYU. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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