My Observation on the Good Effects of Online Gaming to Children

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Warren Spector believes that gaming allows individuals to engage with situations and observe the consequences of their decisions. While some argue that online gaming has detrimental effects on children, such as decreased academic performance, eye strain, and wasted time, others recognize its benefits in terms of relaxation, entertainment, and real-world preparation for kids. In my own family, online gaming is generally viewed negatively due to concerns about its impact on academics, excessive game time, and potential eye strain. However, these concerns are valid only when children play games excessively without proper regulation. Instead of solely blaming online games for negative impacts on their children’s lives, parents have a responsibility to address these issues. Rather than focusing solely on the negatives, it would be more beneficial to conduct research regarding the positive effects of online games on children.

Online gaming offers children a beneficial way to unwind and enjoy themselves, providing access to engaging and action-packed games that can help reduce stress. This is particularly valuable for kids who may not feel comfortable opening up about their issues with their families. Moreover, online gaming presents opportunities for children to interact with different situations and learn from the outcomes of their decisions, as emphasized by Warren Spector. Nevertheless, concerns exist regarding potential negative consequences such as lower GPAs, eye strain, and wasted time. Conversely, numerous individuals acknowledge the positive aspects of online gaming including relaxation, entertainment, and the development of problem-solving skills applicable in real-world scenarios.

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Online gaming is often seen as having negative effects, such as a decrease in children’s average GPA, excessive time spent playing virtual games, and potential harm to eyesight. However, these detrimental effects are typically only observed when children play excessively for extended periods of time. Both children and parents share the responsibility of managing the amount of time dedicated to gaming. It is important to note that online games alone should not be solely blamed for negatively impacting kids’ lives; adults must set boundaries by limiting access to gaming stations.

Instead of solely focusing on the disadvantages, it would be beneficial to consider the positive effects that online games can have on children. They provide enjoyment and relaxation after a long day and allow kids to relieve daily stresses through engaging gameplay. Furthermore, participating in these games can enhance self-confidence as players strive for success against game characters. While my uncle has concerns about potential harm to eyesight, addiction among gamers, and wasted money on game disks, my cousin counters his arguments by expressing a desire for excellence in the games accompanied by earning trophies as proof of achievements. He confidently asserts that he can successfully complete missions and invites his dad to witness his accomplishments in video games. He utilizes various skills to defeat opponents and overcome obstacles.Playing video games can be a thrilling experience, as it allows players to conquer various adversaries, including both regular enemies and formidable bosses. Nonetheless, this mindset can pose challenges for children who might develop an exaggerated belief in their own capabilities after just a few rounds of gameplay. Consequently, they become fixated on preserving their ranking and showcasing their power to others. As a result, they end up spending more time playing games and neglecting crucial obligations such as homework or daily activities like meals or spending time with siblings.

The benefits of participating in online gaming include helping players prepare for real-life scenarios and increasing their awareness of the environment. Online games also educate players on how to handle and prevent unfavorable situations outside of their homes. A researcher mentioned on the Parents’ website states that video games can assist children in developing decision-making skills, formulating strategies, anticipating consequences, and expressing their individualities. For example, my friend Kasey demonstrated her combat abilities when faced with a homeless woman who attempted to steal her wallet at an ATM. Despite not having any cash to offer, Kasey quickly reacted by pursuing the woman and apprehending her during a struggle. Throughout the altercation, Kasey defended herself against the woman’s attacks until she subdued her. Reflecting on the incident later, Kasey expressed regret for resorting to violence and wished for a different outcome. If she is not fond of action games, she may lack knowledge about appropriate reactions when confronted with situations requiring assistance. Instead of solely relying on shouting for help like others might do in such circumstances, she should carefully observe her surroundings and be cautious of individuals who may exploit others for personal gain.It is possible that if she neglects to apply the karate techniques she learned from three years of gaming, she might eventually end up losing her wallet.

Online games can provide a unique perspective on encountering difficult situations. They often depict scenarios where gamers’ characters are suddenly attacked by enemies, prompting them to react quickly and employ various strategies such as moving around, fighting back, fleeing, or even sacrificing their characters’ lives. The goal is always to ensure the survival of their in-game character. By repeating these scenes frequently, online games help gamers improve their reflexes and enhance their gameplay skills. As a result, individuals like Kasey who share the gamer mentality are better equipped to defend themselves and seek retribution when something adverse happens to them.She does not want to be harmed or suffer negative consequences. Despite the fact that online gaming has detrimental effects on visual health, time consumption, and students’ academic performance (however), it also has positive effects. It serves as a means of relaxation (as well as entertainment) and even prepares gamers for real-life situations if the game incorporates them. Ultimately (in conclusion), online gaming is not entirely negative. Every question does not necessarily have only one answer. There will always be differing perspectives debating the positive and negative effects of online gaming. We are aware that each category will yield both beneficial and detrimental outcomes.Personally, when I’m feeling down, I find solace in playing online games.It offers a quick and enjoyable way to relieve stress through interactive gameplay.In my opinion, online gaming isn’t inherently negative.Its impact largely depends on our ability to engage responsibly and positively, especially in the realm of “Online Gaming”.

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My Observation on the Good Effects of Online Gaming to Children. (2022, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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